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SIG COMPETITION! 1mil PRIZE.. think you got what it takes


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thanx to mercifulls suggestion i am turninig this into a competition!




first prize = 1milgp




second prize = 500k




third prize = 250k
















by the way.. i have a habit of confusing people with my explaining.. so if u are unsure about sumthing just pm me.. lol ill try and explain betta.








this is wot i want the sig to have in it. gud luck people :shock:








right the setting is going to be the wilderness.. but heres the hard part to explain. those of you that watched Lord of the Rings might know, that wen they are in the mines of moria and theres like thousands of orcs surrounding them.. you know how they are in kinda a circle of light and then it fades away into darkness the further out it goes.. like u see the enemies around them but as it goes out further u cant see.. well thats the effect i want.. lol have u confused yet? i think i lost myself in writing that so yea.. i dont want an aerial view either.. i want it coming from one side.. if u understand








right.. so in the ring of light in the middle i wuld like 2 people in addy armour standing back to back (because there are people all around them) they should be wearing addy legs, chain, large, kite and rune scimmys and ruby ammies.. they are to be poised to attack.. but i dont have a preferance how.. so u can surprise me :twisted:








right now for the background.. i want it pure black and then fades into this ring of light that the two people are standing in.. then if its at all possible as it gets closer to fading into the light.. just do silhouettes of people running towards the 2 people.. and then right on the edge of the circle.. do a couple of people wearing woteva u can be bothered making them wear.. lol








right now we are on to text. i no this is a big ask but you culd walk away with up to 1mil plus bragging rights at showing how gud u are at making sigs.








ok text. across the top in centre, or either side (whicheva u think fits best) i wuld like cursed you bros... can be written in any font and any colour.. red wuld be preferable but woteva.. and along the bottom in botton left i wuld like ' LIVE FREE ' and in bottom right ' DIE WELL '








lol bearing in mind this has got to fit within size limits of forums u might have to pm me and tell me sum things cant fit








lol i will probably get flamed for asking so much of sumone.. but i want the perfect sig so i dont care.. thanx for reading. any questions just pm me on forums :P

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yea it will be a mission and a half for any sig maker..




sutton you will get anywhere between 500k-1mil depending on how gud it is. but gud luck.. :P








anyone else wanna try their skills?

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If you want to get ppl to try then offer a really good incentive make this a huge compo.








Offer 1mil to the winner, 500k second prize, 250k for 3rd and use a image rotater. That mean more ppl have a chance of winning and you get to see some great sig entries like in smelly's compo



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I guess I could try this, do u care if the text is animated (one phrase thing comes, then fades away, then next one comes and fades away)


If you have any questions about World of Warcraft or you need an explanation about something, please feel free to pm me.

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thankyou hideo_kojima :o








jabrualter gl in making it. if u have any questions just pm me on forums ok?








shaunri33, i dont mind it being animated.. might even make it look betta :twisted:








snowman, its over my head as well.. thats y im asking sumone else :x








tlst3532, i got no talent as well. we can be no talent buddies :P lol

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well this is what i have so far. yes the guys are massively copied and pasted. anywho, ill be adding guys on the left and right too, and a guy fighting witht the guy on the right. here it is
















and speak up if you dont like. i dont wanna waste me time :D

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its sorta ok. lol. heres wot i wuld like changed.. if u wanna try agen.




make the two addy people alot larger.. not so big that it looks stupid but u no.. coz they are the main part of the sig. also with the people. instead of them lining the back like they are.. make it so they curve around to bottom right and bottom left or sumthing. make it all dark and only start fading into light a little away from the addy pkers. the closest semi circle of people around the pkers, put them in armour ready to att. u dont have to do all the people in the first row.. u can do 3 or 4 and sorta fade the other people out into silhouettes. and the people have got to sorta resemble people from runescape, can be magers, rangers or fighters attacking the two addy people








anyways if u wanna try wot i suggested go ahead, if not then thanks for trying. :)

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Sorry to say, but it's impossible to make a sig with that kind of animation in it that still fits within the forum limits without having horrible quality. Well, unless I draw it up in flash.. maybe. Still doubtful though, the entire thing would have to be drawn in vector, which would take hours of work.. and the idea of textures would be completely out.








Hehe, in a .GIF format sig.. the fading from black alone would be enough to boost it over limits.

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