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haha mine to hard jabz ;)








yea i'm really sorry. horses are just waaay too hard, and im not gonna go about tracing and start a raging argument and fire up 3 separate topics about it :( im really sorry lion :cry:








I think it would be alrite if you traced, the only reason why that thing happened last time because you didn't declare you traced it right away.








If you do it and say "I jabraulter traced the line art, for this here horse". I think it would be fine. Or just copy a lineart, or trace a line art, but modify it a bit?

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nice works








Male/female: male




Name: lilplaya661




Scene: ranging




Clothes: robon hood hat range boots glory ammy magic short range boots




black draghide armor legend cape








text: 95+ combat, 85+ range 1300+ skills total




animate text if possible :P









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what about mine?








I'd like to request a sig!








a man and a woman standing outside in the snow holding hands.








on background: a huge house with lots of windows and a fancy door, , and a little girl looking out the window smiling. the house should be on the edge of a forest. and it should be snowing. mood is cheerful, you can draw little hearts above the man and woman's heads :D








I'll add the text myself. thx :D

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can u do one for me?




my name is Bakou




the scene should be like an underground rap battle place.




my clothes should be a black hoody lookin thing.




the background should be a building that's on fire.




the modd is dark and evil and scary and stuff like that.




could i be up there rappin or somethin with a mic and cuttin a dudes head off with rune scimi or somethin like that?




my stats are woodcutting 60+, magic 50+, rapping 100+, i know it isnt in the game but its cool and true. im makin a CD. Im goin to the top man and im takin u with me. but plz make this cuz i really want a cool sig.

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well jab personally i think ur gettin alot better from this shop =p ur gettin tons of requests and ur quality has definitly improved :D gunna help u in contests etc. wen u enter for money








gl wit the shop hope u keep gettin better


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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well jab personally i think ur gettin alot better from this shop =p ur gettin tons of requests and ur quality has definitly improved :D gunna help u in contests etc. wen u enter for money








gl wit the shop hope u keep gettin better








thanks man, and yes i agree. this has helped me improve my "skills."

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haha mine to hard jabz ;)








yea i'm really sorry. horses are just waaay too hard, and im not gonna go about tracing and start a raging argument and fire up 3 separate topics about it :( im really sorry lion :cry:








Tis ok man ^_^ Good luck with it all ;)

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This is my ***NEW*** list since i have completed the other one.




















1. Kool and his christmas sig (this is a comp. so not free :( )




2. there's some other '1mil' comp for this one, but he's next
















3. Volture and his chickie baby in the snow ((wo0t))




4. Celeste and her (i think it's a her) celestial angel




5. 01whitec2 and his theiving sig




6. probably neanderslave and his runecrafting one, but i probably wont get to this for a whole.












7. err then probably fixes, i dono. i really dont feel like doing fixes, even though i know i should. only one i can think of is despaxes wants longer hair on his dude and KMD wants a totally new sig. i dont know if i can do the new one, but i can probably fix the hair on yours despaxes, if it still really matters... :roll:








and by the way, i wont get to #3-5 for a few days because i am going to enter 2 '1mil' competitions (as seen above) cuz the requests were cool and i liked em a lot. so, thats my life in a nutshell. drop me a note anytime ;)









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i'm about to start finishing up the other comp sig for flame reece. then ill probably do the ones on the list, but in no particular order, so i may do the last one on the list first or the first one last etc...it all depends on which one gives me a good idea first.








in the meantime, ill be sitting pondering what to do for each of your signatures. :ponder: :ponder: :P

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Knightmare, here's yours. I didn't really do what you said, and this is something new I'm trying. If you don't like, I understand...it is kinda weird. But if you like....hey, score for me :D
























((put IMG tags))








I see that he doesnt like it so i could take it? Just write my name Korp and change fishing level to 70+ and the guy there with zammy robes and santa hat..?

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If possible I'd like a pixel sig with these specs:




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââSome guy Wearing rune with Battle axe Walking Near some lava




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââSome slain people beside him ( No blood or gore)




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââAt night




ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââand holding a mage bow in the other hand.

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