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Horntails Blog o'Range (racing bbq muffing to 100 ranged)

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Ok, alittle bit about me first. My name is Julian, i am 17 and i am a High School senior, i play Runescape in my spare time between homework, and my social life. I play paintball too, i love to play when ever i can. In rs i prefer ranged and defence to attack and strength. I also love to rc and fletch. i hope for my first 99 cape to be ranged, and then defence, and i am currently racing the grilled muffin man to 100 ranged.




UPDATE!!!! After discovering that i need 60 pray to use a stole, which i believe gives +10 pray bonus, i have decided to achieve 60 pray, 10 lvls under my final goal of 70 after i achieve 99 ranged and defece. The sole, combined with the rest of my outfit will let me achieve a


+20 pray bonus for my aviansies trips, extendign my stay by an incredible length of time along with 60 pray. I also plan on getting a guthix claok to up my pray bonus even more.




UPDATE!!! I got 60 Pray, but i think i lost the pics, as my desktop died, and i think my dads computer guy is reformatting the hd! but i got it, and now my +20 pray bonus putfit allows one full pray point to last approximately 5-6 seconds! and 60 pray is nice too.






Bank pic to come soon






Starting stats (at start of blog)


sratingstatsvd2.png yes i edited them to be correct, well the levels at least, not the xp/.


Starting Ranged xp: 1,210,421










Goal bars


















Ranged LVL Up Pics:




76 ranged: None




77 Ranged: None




78 Ranged: 78rangedsc4.png




79 Ranged: 79rangedxh3.png




82 Ranged:






83 ranged






HP LVL Up Pics




75 Hp: None lol




76 Hp: 76hp89cmbce6.png[/hide]




Pray LVL ups








Other random lvl ups:




59 slayer




65 WC








Aviansies Trips at gwd


[hide]Trip 1 (gp from alching rune dagger p++'s)




Trip 2 had to drop clue, it was in the fishing guild gp is from daggers again




Trip 3 (mass of gp from like 44 rune daggers alched)










07mar25095903ce3.png this was great, i dont know why he wanted to stake me, but he did, so i staked him 259k and some rune pieces for his dmed, and i won it was my biggest stake ever.






later in the day, this kid stakes me , i put up 50k, he declines says more, i put up 100k , he puts up 3 whips, full verac and a dmed, i say way to much, so he says stake d med? i think to myself why not? i won it anyway, so i go ahead and stake the dmed i won earlier, and i win again! i did end up restaking it and losing, but i ended up 2mil up for the day yay




yay for longranged? this kid farcasted blitz, which i knew he would, so i just turned on longranged, glad im a tank. its not much, but its still free money














Awsome Drops:




[hide]dstonedropin3.pngsince when do fire giants drop dut dragonstones? not that i can complain, i got a lvl 90 craft friend gonna make me a bracelet when the update comes out.




got a loop halfloophalfrs8.png




lol drop after i got the tooth half! weird no? teethhalfav1.png[/hide]


















MISC. Pics












[hide]None yet[/hide]






















Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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dstonedropin3.png i got this yesterday from the firegiants, i found it an odd drop, seeing as it is supposed to be rarer than a left half from these guys, i feel cheated.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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78rangedsc4.png well i got 78 ranged today, still not seeing much support though. :cry:




got a loop halfloophalfrs8.png




lol drop after i got the tooth half! weird no? teethhalfav1.png


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi! im currently 78 range as well, hate melee tho so my combat stats are a bit lower than you. good luck with your long term goal of 99 range, seem to making good progress :) add me please? ive been training at blues at the ogre enclave lately, nobody to talk to except those bleeping autoers...


32,606th to 99 magic || 15,388th to 99 dungeoneering || 12,647th to 99 farming

14,792nd to 99 range || 24,954th to 99 herblore

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ok, here are a few small stakes from yesterday, the 50k wins are posted because i won them both with incredible comebacks, the first one i was down to 1hp and he had about 45 left, and i managed to win by 2, and the second, i managed to win by 3 hp.




The 100k stake is posted because i like 100k stakes, i dont care if he was lvl 64, he still had compareable stats for a ranged only stake no armour.




the last 50k stake was against a guy with 70 defensse and 90 ranged, so i put that on up because, well that one is cool. :thumbsup:










Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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  • 1 month later...

Goodluck :D




I wish you good luck on behalf of me and my friend jim..who is invisible and cant type. :D - now where is he.... :shock:

Current: "1 like lummy" My Pker


Feel free to add me - pchat is always on :)



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  • 4 months later...

well i am bringing back my blog, hopefully i will get some support this time from the blogscape community.




some recent pics of lvl ups and quests. (in order from oldest to newest)






48 herby (oct. 4th)






a random donation from my clanmate and friend theprospect right before we went to kill bloodvelds together (oct. 7th)






56 agility for regicide (oct 9th)






and finally roving elves done for crystal bow, i apparently forgot to screeny regicide finished (october 10th)




Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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did the clue from my avian trip, got totally pwned rune dagger rune long and axe, and black chaps, i alched the long and dagger for a whopping 24k!


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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Good luck. ::'




I have the same goal as you, and have been at it for a month or two now. If I were to give any advice to you, its that don't rush it that much. Even though you're in a race, remind yourself that it won't be the end of the world if you don't have -insert level here- by -insert date here-.




Keep on shooting :P !


^ Refresh for a new signature ^


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Wurm, i totally understand, keep in mind i started this blog way back in like may lol, but i got no support, so i jsut kinda casually lvled range. but now that i have a few racving partners, i think it will go much faster, but i wont go insane, i hope.


Soulthresher: dont think outside of the box, stay inside. the box is your freind

Clicky for the Blog 'o Range

Race to 100 ranged with BBQ_muffin

DarkDude98: Pfft, Real men use Bow and Arrows to get 99 range

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  • 2 weeks later...

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