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How Do you enjoy runescape?


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If I'm training combat I normaly play pest control.


For fun on RuneScape I use to play castle wars almost all the time. (I've got about 350 tickets if you add up the tickets you need for the armour).


Training skills I listen to music, browse forums, go on fansites( training fletching right now).


If you want any cape of achievement or any skill a certain level (like me, I want 99 in a skill and a cape of achievement), get it for something you like doing but thats not gunna make you go broke. I started to try getting 99 firemaking and realised it was gunna make me go broke(I'm 75 firemaking, look me up if you don't believe me). So I went onto to fletching, I'm making willow long(u)s (85 fletching atm).




If you get bored of RuneScape but still wanna play computer/video/console games but you still reely like RuneScape or w/e play a computer game or w/e for a while or go play sport or somethin. Then come back to RuneScape maybe.




If you do something to much and you reely like doing it eventualy you'll stop liking it.


Don't swear DIK-HEAD!!!! :evil:

Omg, Bob is Zaros :P


I will kill all who come within 1 square of me!!
I own you noob!
Where's your fire cape then noob?!?!
You hurt my feelings
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Setting a ridiculous goal for myself, and try to get it.

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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I like to talk to people on msn while skilling etc or training, its keeps me occupied and talking to people makes it a lot more fun for me :D




Also setting goals (don't have to be big ones) and trying to reach them is a fun thing to do.

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while you're training,just talk with friends on MSN,or watch some vids,skin some forums like this one,and just afk at training ,ocassionally looking how you're chars doing.It's not boring at all.


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Like Dalcyte said, start a blog.


That gives you goals and you get lots of friends so you won't get bored.






I had a blog, but I quit on it. I put a lot of work into, I'll try to dig it up somewhere.....


Doing a little bit of everything

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I enjoy it by setting goals in the skill I like and going all out to complete them. Making friends and racing people is also another great way.




There are a lot of ways to enjoy runescape. You've just got to find the one that suits you best :P Minigames, skills, or a combination of both... but whatever one you choose, goal setting is a great aspect of either one.

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i shuffle skills: Thieving, slayer, farming (my favorite at the time), fishing, cooking etc. I don't set high goal like 99 because you most likely will burn out. If you go for cooking get first lvl 70, then take a break from it and train some other skill, go to cwars or pking, then go for lvl 80 in cooking. take a break, repeat. goal to get 99 is ridiculous because of vast amount exp you need to obtain. Chill out, relax and train skill when u want. lvl's will come faster than you think

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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My advice to you:




Run! Run while you still can!






But serioustly, i'm in the same situation. I just have no idea what to do anymore. Whenever I try to find something to do, I end up logging off after 10 minutes or so.




You know, this could be a good time to start a pure/skiller.

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