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My post will most likely be ignored, but ill post my feelings anyway.




I am a No Honor pker, now, im will post my feelings on what classifies me as "no honor"




I do eat when im low health. I dont go into the wilderness with the intention of dieing, i know there is a chance, but i have enough confidence to go out without thinking of dieing. Now "safing" is just a way for people to say "Why arnt you letting me kill you?". People who let their hp get low die alot more than someone like me. (just a note, i dont "safe" as in eat to full hp every time im hit, i just stay over 50 or so)




If you wear armor other than rune or barrows:


1) your not no honor, your an idiot (unless your a pure designed for that level stuff) If i saw a 110+ pking in prosolyte skulled.... Id lie if i didnt say id kill him for his glory (prosolyte top protects over it :twisted: ) but if he had say a strength ammy, I'd just leave him be.


2) if you did get into a fight, with someone in rune or barrows, you would die, outright (once again unless your a pure fighting people at edge, then your in your "zone")




Now then, Protection prayers and NH pking go hand in hand. Why? Dragon daggers and whip high hits. You dont want to go out into the wilderness and get speced a 35 35 spec, NO ONE does. And people do it all the time. If it means dieing and loosing full ahrims, and possibly a whip because i want to keep "honor" then ill loose it.




Farcasting (fun fact for all you newer players, when ancients came out, no one was calling "farcaster!" it was HOW YOU PKED) A spell that hits 30's and freezes for 20 seconds. Your already in armor thats weak to melee attack, even with prayer, you want to stay as far away from your target as possible while still hitting him. For anyone who wants to stay and fight, its not effecient. Your wasting time eating when you could be making him use up his food supply and smiting his prayer out.




Teleporting, ill be the first to say, there is a time and place for teleporting. Death matches on empty worlds, if you both dont agree to have teleports, then dont bring them. But, if your getting tagged, ANYWHERE not just edge, why not teleport. The odds are stacked against you, your not going to kill them, and they will kill you if you stay and fight. It comes down to the same result as protection prayers. Do i want to keep my honor and die with full ahrims and possibly whip? No, ill choose to teleport.




Attacking someone before they pot. Honestly, if you see someone potting, why would you sit back and let them pot if your the only one in the area. If your not, pray and run down and pot when they try to kill you.




Attacking someone without permission. If you want permission to fight someone, go to the duel arena. If someone asks "fight?" and you say no, they still have all right to attack you, and I stand by that.




Returning... blah blah I personally do this to annoying people, but if i do it, they deserved it.




Now then I pk No Honor at varrock dragons. I do it, and i have fun. I go out every day I can, and i get kills, my team fights other teams, we get a few kills, sometimes people die, it happens. Ive died for full ahrims and a whip, ive also pked it a few times. Im not going to say honor is for noobs who want kills, but they have to learn that every fight is not a deathmatch, You cant set rules on the wilderness and expect someone to follow them outright. If i dont want you to escape, ill call a friend to teleblock you and ill barrage you untill you escape or die.




I will ask someone who is closer to your level to tag on to you when i cant attack you anymore due to the fact im to high/low of a level.




I will teleport when im being tagged or im out of food




I will pray melee/range to you and if you value your pixelated life, you will to.




I will Plunder, I will Ravage, I will Ransack










I 100% Agree.

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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Koolasamoose -




You are right, of course, but what you said will go right over many of these people's heads.




Lord knows, I've tried to make the point before in this thread to no avail.




Along the lines of what you are saying, some of these people also want to march out the idea of a "social contract," which, of course, is utter nonsense. I'm not a member of their "society," and have never agreed to any such "social contract." Neither have most players in RS. In any event, these people can't even agree AMONG THEMSELVES what the rules of the supposed contract are.




In the meantime, they throw around big words like "honour" and "respect" so that, if you don't agree with their point of view, they can call you "dishonourable" or "disrespectful." See, they think that sounds bad, so they try to control your behaviour by calling you names.




Of course, as you point out, they never go back and actually bother to define what is meant by "honour" or "respect" except to imply that what they do is "honourable" and deserving of "respect," and what you do isn't.




In their upside down world, my opponent in a fight asks me, with a straight face, to pretend like they are a level 85 mage who has sucessfully teleblocked me - even though they have neither the mage level or the runes to cast the spell - and in their world view somehow asking for this accommodation is deemed "honorable." On the other hand, if I instead throw back the curtain on this fallacy, point out to the world that they really only have 40 mage and aren't even carrying any runes, and tele away, I have behaved "dishonorably." Hey, I've got a "social contract" proposal! Even though you're only a level 40 mage because you've spent all your time training strength, I'll pretend that you've teleblocked me if you let me hit you three times for every one time you hit me. And, by the way, you can't eat. I mean, since we're sliding down the slippery slope to fantasyland, let's just go wild with it.




By the way, Koolasamoose, lest you want to take this further, understand that if you call them on it, and ask them who at JaGeX appointed THEM the rulemakers of RS, and what they are going to do if you violate this non-existent "social contract" or this "code of honour" that doesn't really exist in the first place, they say something like: "We can't alter your behavior but we can certainly slice you up right nice" -- which makes no real sense, but which I interpret to mean: "We acknowledge that we have no authority to make rules and we have no enforcement power over any other player, but if you do something we don't like we're going to insult you in the game."




Well, so what? You know, from the time I started playing RS several years ago to this very night, I have seen people called n00bs in the wildy. Does anyone think, a year from now, this will have stopped? Of course not.




So, I say, if it makes you feel good, go ahead and call other players "n00bs" or "safer n00bs" or "farcaster n00bs" or "pray n00bs" or whatever. Do this till your heart is warm, full and contented. In fact, if this brings you joy, then the upcoming years should be joyful ones for you. Given how RS is growing, there should soon be lots more people around for you to call n00bs.




So, have at it. And remember, every time you call someone a n00b for violating some code of conduct that exists only in some fever dream fantasy world you have created in your own mind, you make a new friend and bring RESPECT and HONOUR to yourself....or do you?

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"Dishonour" is a word invented by noobs who couldn't afford food or use protection prayer, and is used today in many circumstances by pathetic imbeciles who want an easy way to gain money, glory and items. The only way to get these objects of esteemed public admiration is to work hard and earn them, not trying to get idiots to come and lose their barrows while fighting without added support. :evil:

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I stand by my previous post though also agree with Aquashock in many aspects.




One thing I can't comprehend is why people use protect prayers. Aqua you say you'll protect and if they want to live they should too. Ok yea, you're not going to get hit for a 35 by an abbysal whip, but you're not going to hit for a 35 either. Instead you'll be hitting 23's and it will be nearly impossible to get a KO. If they're no honour like you they'll just book it and you won't get a kill. If it's a range fight and both are praying, you just waste mor arrows.




The whole basics behind "Honour" is that it's a fair fight. If I'm fighting another 126 melee we're probably both wearing near the same stuff and neither are praying. Using protect prayers would just be a waste of time. Just because both of us can use the prayers doesn't mean we should. There's no difference between both using it or both not.








I think some things the noobs have grouped into Honour pking are complete BS and should be ignored. Ex. eating above half hp




Running when out of food isn't dishonourable, it's Edge pking.




Basically I agree with the principle of "Honour" pking but I think some of the things morons have grouped into the "Honourable" category are complete bull.

Lazyboy164 - 126 combat - 16 99's - 2215+ Total


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Koolasamoose -




You are right, of course, but what you said will go right over many of these people's heads.




Lord knows, I've tried to make the point before in this thread to no avail.




Along the lines of what you are saying, some of these people also want to march out the idea of a "social contract," which, of course, is utter nonsense. I'm not a member of their "society," and have never agreed to any such "social contract." Neither have most players in RS. In any event, these people can't even agree AMONG THEMSELVES what the rules of the supposed contract are.




In the meantime, they throw around big words like "honour" and "respect" so that, if you don't agree with their point of view, they can call you "dishonourable" or "disrespectful." See, they think that sounds bad, so they try to control your behaviour by calling you names.




Of course, as you point out, they never go back and actually bother to define what is meant by "honour" or "respect" except to imply that what they do is "honourable" and deserving of "respect," and what you do isn't.




Where to begin here? I've already addressed the "social contract" point: The duelists ask you if you would like to duel by a certain set of rules (generally the same in these dueling areas) with a simple question like "DM?" or "No armor?" If you don't, that's fine: just don't attack us and we won't attack you and force our rules down your throat. If you decide to attack us and not adhere by the rules, though, we won't do the same for you. This has nothing to do with "honor" or "honour" or however you want to spell it. It has nothing to do with greed. I could care less about getting some rune or even a partyhat.




All we ask is that our battles be fair and square, not because we want you to die or because we can't beat you otherwise, but because we want you to fight like we do for the sake of making the battle more intense. Is that so difficult to understand?




Yes, some people WILL call you a n00b or something stupid like that for not playing by their rules, but don't judge the rest of us by them. We're not all greedy fools who want to limit you just for the sake of grabbing your pixels.




In their upside down world, my opponent in a fight asks me, with a straight face, to pretend like they are a level 85 mage who has sucessfully teleblocked me - even though they have neither the mage level or the runes to cast the spell - and in their world view somehow asking for this accommodation is deemed "honorable."




Many of us are more than capable, but naturally you like to think that your opponent is incompetent- the same accusation you perceive us as making of you- but the simple truth is that we don't want to waste space and money on runes since the expectation is that neither of us will teleport. That's what's agreed to in a DM. If you never agreed to it, more power to you, but we'll break out OUR runes and other equipment and you can expect a different kind of fight from us then.




By the way, Koolasamoose, lest you want to take this further, understand that if you call them on it, and ask them who at JaGeX appointed THEM the rulemakers of RS, and what they are going to do if you violate this non-existent "social contract" or this "code of honour" that doesn't really exist in the first place, they say something like: "We can't alter your behavior but we can certainly slice you up right nice" -- which makes no real sense, but which I interpret to mean: "We acknowledge that we have no authority to make rules and we have no enforcement power over any other player, but if you do something we don't like we're going to insult you in the game."




If you'd like to come to level one wilderness and break up the order the duelists have created, feel free: We can and we will do our best to kill you by the same rules you're playing against us (none), and if we can't kill you we'll at the very least gain a good amount of experience in trying until you stop attacking us. You'll have wasted our time and money as well as yours. I hope you'll feel proud in having upheld your viewpoint.




Well, so what? You know, from the time I started playing RS several years ago to this very night, I have seen people called n00bs in the wildy. Does anyone think, a year from now, this will have stopped? Of course not.




So, I say, if it makes you feel good, go ahead and call other players "n00bs" or "safer n00bs" or "farcaster n00bs" or "pray n00bs" or whatever. Do this till your heart is warm, full and contented. In fact, if this brings you joy, then the upcoming years should be joyful ones for you. Given how RS is growing, there should soon be lots more people around for you to call n00bs.




Straw man.




So, have at it. And remember, every time you call someone a n00b for violating some code of conduct that exists only in some fever dream fantasy world you have created in your own mind, you make a new friend and bring RESPECT and HONOUR to yourself....or do you?




If I can beat you adhering to my limiting rules when you do not, it certainly reflects on how well I can manage myself in the dueling wild.




In summation: Nobody has a right to insult you for not adhering to their rules. I agree with that. You can and certainly may attack and kill someone in the wilderness by any rules you wish. But as for the duelists' territory, you can certainly TRY, but it won't be long before the tables are turned on you. The competent among us enforce our rules through the sword. If all you understand is strength, we'll do our best to show it to you.




"Dishonour" is a word invented by noobs who couldn't afford food or use protection prayer, and is used today in many circumstances by pathetic imbeciles who want an easy way to gain money, glory and items. The only way to get these objects of esteemed public admiration is to work hard and earn them, not trying to get idiots to come and lose their barrows while fighting without added support.




If I protection prayed against an opponent of my level, mine would more than likely last longer because of my higher level and blessed symbol. Pointless exercise.




If I safed, I would be disadvantaging myself to a degree. I have no problem with my opponent safing because I know that they're only leaving themselves vulnerable to attack. If someone is getting close to killing you and laying down the high hits, then by all means continue to eat until the spree has stopped, but there is NO NEED to eat beyond that when it will do nothing but keep you from attacking and keep your opponent attacking you.




Yes, these words are probably thrown around by people who don't actually know the meaning and expect you to adhere to the rules when you never agreed to them. That's wrong, I agree. But don't mash me and a bunch of other duelists into that group, because we don't belong there. For me and any of the rest of us, it has little to do with money or items: It has to do with wanting the opponent to fight under the same conditions because WE LIKE TO FIGHT AND WHILE ITEMS WOULD BE NICE THEY AREN'T THE SOLE OR EVEN PRIMARY REASON WE'RE OUT THERE TO BEGIN WITH. It's a point I can't stress enough and apparently is lost on the writer of this editorial and many of the posters on this forum.

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Now you would have people believe that before you "deulists" or "honour PKers" attack a person, you go up to them, specifically ask them if they want to be attacked, get their verbal agreement to same, get their agreement to the "rules" that you will fight by, and only then go at it. (Through saying "duel," or whatever.) If they decline, you peacefully walk away.




Of course, almost everyone reading this would agree that, if that were the case, and someone actually understood the rules you were trying to impose upon them, agreed to them, but then turned around and violated them, you would have a right to be mad. However, if you want to throw around the language of informal logic, this one is called a "red herring."




The set of circumstances you posit simply isn't the way things generally happen and isn't the main point of this discussion. So, while your argument has merit within the framework that you have seen fit to devise for yourself, you aren't addressing the larger issue and you continue to miss the point.




It is obvious to anybody reading this that if they walked out in level 1-5 edgy wildy and just stood there, they would get attacked, and not by someone who is apparently as nice as you, who approaches them and first asks for their permission by requesting a duel and accordingly gets their agreement to some "social contract." In that context, where someone hasn't asked for permission and gotten the other person's agreement to fight, if you can't agree that once a person is attacked without provocation or agreement then "anything goes," there is simply no help for you.




See, what happens in reality is that people come up to other players in low level Edgy wildy, attack them without any advance communication, then call them names if they don't fight according to some set of "rules" to which the other person has never agreed. Like I said earlier with respect to the name calling, have at it - I personally don't care except that, first, I think (and per Sausageman's article, I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone) that this kind of behaviour is silly and juvenile, and second this kind of playground name calling only contributes to RS becoming more and more a "kiddie" game.




And just for the record, I'm not assuming that my enemies are incompetent. I KNOW that they are incompetent. I have looked up hundreds of them. You should well know that if you go PKing in Edgy tonight and look up the players around you, only a very, very small percentage of them will have 85 mage. I guess we could make a rule that would say something like: If an enemy actually does have 85 mage, and is wearing gear that one could reasonably would allow such enemy to cast teleblock sucessfully, then teleing away isn't permitted. Otherwise, teleing away is fine. How well do you think this "rule" would be accepted among Edgy PKers?




And yes, I think it is extremely lame and (in your terminology) "dishonorable" for someone who doesn't have 85 mage or who can't be bothered to carry the runes to expect me not to tele when I haven't agreed not to.




Sausageman said it well:




"If you don't want people to teleport, get 85 mage and teleblock them, or stop messing around in low level wild entirely. If you don't want people to pray, Smite them. If you don't want them to run, entangle them. If you don't like them using cheap armour, go down to the Duel Arena and fight with fixed stakes. If you don't want one-itemers to attack you, change worlds.




If you can't kill someone before they get away, it doesn't mean they're a noob or "dishonourable". It means they're craftier than you are and maybe, just maybe, you're just not good enough."

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Now you would have people believe that before you "deulists" or "honour PKers" attack a person, you go up to them, specifically ask them if they want to be attacked, get their verbal agreement to same, get their agreement to the "rules" that you will fight by, and only then go at it. (Through saying "duel," or whatever.) If they decline, you peacefully walk away.




Naturally. It happens all the time, at least where I used to go before I started mining rune (World 3). I know it sounds crazy, but that's been my experience especially among people around my own level (92).




Of course, almost everyone reading this would agree that, if that were the case, and someone actually understood the rules you were trying to impose upon them, agreed to them, but then turned around and violated them, you would have a right to be mad. However, if you want to throw around the language of informal logic, this one is called a "red herring."




Ok. You see, part of what I was picking up from this author was that because "anything goes" in the wilderness they are not even subject to the rules of a DM that they agree to. I thought you yourself agreed to that as well because of your "pretend like I am teleblocked" comment. In a DM, you do "pretend like you are teleblocked/entangled" in a sense.




The set of circumstances you posit simply isn't the way things generally happen and isn't the main point of this discussion. So, while your argument has merit within the framework that you have seen fit to devise for yourself, you aren't addressing the larger issue and you continue to miss the point.




Per my experience most of my opponents seem to have been far more gracious than yours. Yes, I have been called a "safer noob," "def noob," and before I learned that protection prayers made fights lame, a "prayer noob," but these were rare occurences for me.




Again, yes, I did make the mistake of believing you were talking about deathmatches or similar fights.




It is obvious to anybody reading this that if they walked out in level 1-5 edgy wildy and just stood there, they would get attacked, and not by someone who is apparently as nice as you, who approaches them and first asks for their permission by requesting a duel and accordingly gets their agreement to some "social contract." In that context, where someone hasn't asked for permission and gotten the other person's agreement to fight, if you can't agree that once a person is attacked without provocation or agreement then "anything goes," there is simply no help for you.




Yes, people should not force their individual rules down your throat. I can agree with that. The expectation in Edgeville, however, is that you will fight by certain rules as a result of PKing there as opposed to say by the rune rocks. It could be arrogance or greed on their part, but more than likely it is because traditional PKers and other non-duelists like to move out farther instead of sticking to Edgeville where all the "dumb rules" are in place and enforced through the sword. This is not to say that your attacker is justified, but rather to provide a little peek into his thinking. Reason with him, and if he doesn't listen then just leave it be or own him. Onlookers know BS when they see it and I'm sure they won't object to it if you toast whining fools.




I have been attacked sometimes by people without armor who want me to take mine off; when I refuse, they call me a noob, but nobody else calls me on it or attacks me for fighting them because they know I was not the one who started the fight in the first place.




See, what happens in reality is that people come up to other players in low level Edgy wildy, attack them without any advance communication, then call them names if they don't fight according to some set of "rules" to which the other person has never agreed.




Again, assumption by location (crowded market world near Edgeville). Wrong in your case, but tends to be right about 70% of the time- and that's why they do it. If they call you names for no good reason, then it reflects poorly on them, not you. By the same token, don't go to Edgeville and NOT expect to be attacked by such people.




Like I said earlier with respect to the name calling, have at it - I personally don't care except that, first, I think (and per Sausageman's article, I'm pretty sure that I'm not alone) that this kind of behaviour is silly and juvenile, and second this kind of playground name calling only contributes to RS becoming more and more a "kiddie" game.








And just for the record, I'm not assuming that my enemies are incompetent. I KNOW that they are incompetent. I have looked up hundreds of them. You should well know that if you go PKing in Edgy tonight and look up the players around you, only a very, very small percentage of them will have 85 mage.




I guess we could make a rule that would say something like: If an enemy actually does have 85 mage, and is wearing gear that one could reasonably would allow such enemy to cast teleblock sucessfully, then teleing away isn't permitted. Otherwise, teleing away is fine. How well do you think this "rule" would be accepted among Edgy PKers?




Well, first I'd like to ask: What is the combat level of the opponent you would typically fight in Edgeville? A lot of low-level pkers can teleport but can't teleblock, and if they went higher in the wilderness they would be abused by higher-leveled players.




And yes, I think it is extremely lame and (in your terminology) "dishonorable" for someone who doesn't have 85 mage or who can't be bothered to carry the runes to expect me not to tele when I haven't agreed not to.




Well, I don't see why you would need the teleport in an Edgeville situation especially when it's to your detriment (which is why others will think you unskilled when you use it), but you can if that's what floats your boat. I really don't think it comes so much from expecting you not to teleport because it's a rule as it does from the fact that running is cheaper for both parties and terminates a clearly pointless fight (that is, your opponent is clearly slated to win that battle) earlier than teleporting would.




If you don't want people to teleport, get 85 mage and teleblock them, or stop messing around in low level wild entirely. If you don't want people to pray, Smite them. If you don't want them to run, entangle them. If you don't like them using cheap armour, go down to the Duel Arena and fight with fixed stakes. If you don't want one-itemers to attack you, change worlds.




Save for the Smite comment, moving deeper, and applying these principles to DMs, I'm in agreement. On the other hand, this is ludicrous advice for F2Pers (myself, 100% f2p, though I understand a lot about the way p2p operates).




The funny thing about most of these "rules" is that they aren't rules at all: They're just things that many pkers don't expect other pkers to do because they can be demonstrative of incompetence in low-level wilderness. I've already gone over why protection prayers, safing, and teleporting are bad practices, player preference aside. That's why the word "noob" is thrown around so freely, even if it doesn't describe the target in the slightest.

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"Dishonour" is a word invented by noobs who couldn't afford food or use protection prayer, and is used today in many circumstances by pathetic imbeciles who want an easy way to gain money, glory and items. The only way to get these objects of esteemed public admiration is to work hard and earn them, not trying to get idiots to come and lose their barrows while fighting without added support. :evil:
I'm willing to bet that when I used to play and pk, most people had more money in items on them than you've ever seen
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Catbert -




Exactly right. Unlike in days gone by, nowadays it is very rare to see people risking major items.




If you exclude the single item that you get to keep by protecting item, most players now have 200K or less on them when they PK, and many have absolutely nothing. The reasons for this go beyond Sausageman's article, but suffice it to say that it is now very, very difficult to make more money on average per hour PKing than you can make, say, by spinning flax.




Artificial Doom Flavor -




You and I now agree on most points, which is a place that I didn't think we were going to get to. Because this is my last post on this topic, let me clarify a few things:




First, whatever you and other "death matchers" want to agree to among yourselves should not be subject to criticism from other players. I, among others, would certainly stongly defend your right to make whatever rules you want to make among yourselves.




I do, however, believe the following, based on my experience:




1. Most people who attack others in low level Edgy wildy never ask their victim to "fight" or suggest that certain rules are in effect.




2. If duelers/death matchers want to be sure that the other party is agreeing to fight in a certain way, in my view it would be best to say something like "Fight? DM Rules?" This puts the other player on notice that certain rules should govern the fight. In my view, simply saying "fight" doesn't put anyone on notice that certain rules are in effect.




3. You say that: "The expectation in Edgeville, however, is that you will fight by certain rules as a result of PKing there as opposed to say by the rune rocks."




Your comments following this quote, which I won't re-quote here for the sake of space, clarify your feelings on this point and make it clear that you aren't necessarily adopting this position as your own, so I want to make it clear that I am not criticizing you personally by my following comments.




However, the point you make here, I believe, gets to the crux of what Sausageman is talking about in his article.




I believe that any such "expectation" is unjustified. I don't care where you are in the wildy, unless you have agreed with another player to fight a certain way, the only justified expectation is that each player will comply with JaGeX's wilderness rules, which are "anything goes."




Let's talk about what really happens, on the ground, every day in low level Edgy wildy - and anyone who wants to dispute this can go find out for him/herself whether this is correct or not - just go stand at the wilderness border in a merchanting world for a half hour or so and watch. You will see many, many people of all levels (including many 110+s) running out of the wildy, and being called "nubs," you will see people praying, and being called "nubs," you will see people eating, and being called "nubs," you will see people "farcasting" and being called "nubs" and you will see people teleing, and being called "nubs." This is pretty constant - the other day, I counted, on the average, more than three "nub callings" a minute.




Look, maybe I have an expectation that the sun isn't going to rise in the morning anymore. However, if the sun keeps on rising, day in and day out without fail, at some point it would be rational for me to reset my expecations to bring them in line with reality.




That's pretty much how I feel about the people who stand around in low level Edgy wildy and, three times or so a minute, all day every day, call other players "nubs" for violating "rules" or frustrating "expectations" that do not, in the case of "rules," and should not, in the case of "expectations," exist in the first place.




Even if these people can't grasp the obvious point that JaGeX hasn't appointed them the rulemakers of low level Edgy wildy, and even if they can't grasp the concept that they have absolutely no enforcement power over anyone who breaks their "rules" or defies their expectations (it being understood that the ability to whine and call others names doesn't amount to enforcement power), I would at least hope that they would have the capacity to observe that a huge number of players (at least three a minute, for example) don't accept the existence of any rules other than JaGeX's rules and, based on that observation, they would then have the intelligence and maturity to reset their expectations accordingly.




To the contrary, though, these players just continue to whine and call other players names, thus adding to the juvenile and kiddie feel of the game.




Oh well.

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Nice article. I just find it amusing that people talk about respect and honour in the wild, the place where you backstab other people, kill people and overall a very dark and dangerous place. Honour code is for the civilized. If you are civilized, then you wouldn't kill people for fun. But the problem is that they are civilized people that is greedy. I am laughing so hard whenever I heard this honour code thing. In a place where you kill other pixel for their stuff, there is no respect already. Do you really expect someone to respect you when you are trying to rob them? If all you want is a proper, "respectful" fight, go to the Duel Arena. That's the "civilized" place for you to fight. The wild is for the explorer, adventurer, real pkers and discoverer, not for people that just want to rob other people and get rich quick without much efforts. Apparently, the reason why they pk in the wild with this honour code is because of greed. It's like saying you are dishonourable because you escape and fight back when I try to kill and loot all your stuff. Thinking back to the medieval army (my guess for the time period in Runescape) Why will army retreat? Why will army use the terrain to their advantage? Why will army use formation to fight? Is it because they are dishonourable? Think real. They will use every possible way to prevent loss and achieve victory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wtf whoever wrote this is a noob. youv obviously never pked and had to fight someone who is bad mouthing you and u cant win because they have better armour then you even though your stats are better than theirs and according to the and fact that higher lvls increase your chance of winning, you still cant win.




when you are in the wilderness, you should be prepared to take a risk. that is why ' safing' is for noobs. its unfair for players who have devoted time to training to awesome stats (like high range, mage str, etc.) only to fight some noob who is scared to fall below half hits in fear of dying. pkers also face the same risk, so why not take it




im half and half about the protection prayer thing. i admit if ur team suddenly turns on u, its ok to do so i guess. but if u r fighting somone and you are about to win and they chuck on protect from melee preayer, it can be really nerve racking even if u dont have it, or if thy stil have the advantage of armour et.c




i cant b bothered writing anythin to sausage or all u noobs who agree with him, because you guys all have no skill in how to play runescape or how to pk.

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  • 4 months later...


when you are in the wilderness, you should be prepared to take a risk. that is why ' safing' is for noobs. its unfair for players who have devoted time to training to awesome stats (like high range, mage str, etc.) only to fight some noob who is scared to fall below half hits in fear of dying. pkers also face the same risk, so why not take it




Unfair? Is the wilderness supposed to be fair?


It's the pkers choice to not safe, it gives them the advantage of hitting more because they spend less time healing.


I don't see the point of staying below half health for the single purpose of staying within the pkers KO range.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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  • 2 weeks later...

The writer of this article is almost entirely wrong and has little idea of what the true meaning of honour was originally, or how it came about.




The new "no honour" [cabbage] that the Edgehuggers spout is utter crap. Things such as far casting, safing, and rushing never were NH before the idiots in Edge decided they didn't like it. The original honour code was all about respect for your opponent, and it went a little like this:




I wouldn't want someone to PJ me after a hard fight, so I won't PJ them.


I wouldn't want someone to teleport from me, wasting all of my food/pots so I won't teleport from them.


I wouldn't want someone to crash the war I've prepared for, so I won't crash theirs.


I wouldn't...




As you can see, it was more about respect and trying to help everyone enjoy the wilderness, not just to make your opponent stand still whilst you kill them. The average moron who plays RS these days (new players mostly) have little idea of the honour code, and thinks it refers to the [cabbage] like eating your food and using magic; people like the writer of this article.




Next time you decide to write an article about [cabbage], make sure you understand what you're saying. Ignorance and assumptions get you know where.




~Dark ;\




EDIT: My apologies for bumping this thread, I merely used the link on the article too post my opinion, and had no idea of how old the article was.




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  • 4 weeks later...

The wilderness is fair play, everyone has the right to do everything, even if the other person cant. If a player uses ancients on you, and you start flamming him because hes 'far-casting', well heck, why not just far-cast him back? 'Oh i cant do that cause i havnt done DT, so this is unfair!' Well maybe he cant weild a DDS, and you can, so should DDSes be taken out too?




And as said directly in the article, if you want certain rules, go to the Duel Arena. You can have all the fun with rules there that you want.




Now lets bring this into a real life situation. If you have a stick to defend yourself, and some guy is coming at you with a sword to slice your head off, would you not run because it is unfair? Or would you rather die an 'honorable death' even though the fact is, your dead.




Personally, i'd rather live.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i know i'm about 6 months late to this party, but, what a great post :-)




i've only just done a search to find out if this far casting was some new technique of casting at the range of a long bow....




turns out it is just casting out of melee range :-P




so, yeah, nice post :-)




the one gripe i have in pking is that the old system pk system was scrapped. in the old days, if you attacked another player in the wildy, you were considered a monster and were skulled, with the disadvantages that entails.




this encouraged palidin like pker pkers who mopped up the really poor quality pkers without becoming skulled themselves.




when they brought out the abyss, they changed this so anyone fighting in the wildy was skulled as well as the rune crafters (of whom i am one) this eliminated any bonus a pker pker had over a pker and encouraged the poor quality pkers.




as a runecrafter using a zammy portal, i fully expected to be the target of pker pkers as i was helping the enemys of the free lands, but instead, i simply flee from those seeking easy kills.




hmm, i guess it's to my benifit as well as those calling us noobs as we traipse pase... :-)

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