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New pixelarts :D


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Looking nice.




I'd make the eyes bigger, and lower them down a bit. Also, I don't know whether it's part of the Fadatar, but you may wanna detail the hair (If it's not a part of it then don't bother :) ) Nice facial structure :)




Overall nice piece, good work.

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lol, I'll keep that in mind.




Also, it's probably just me because I'm insane, but it seems very dry to me (Looks like it could go with a bit more of a wet colour (More saturated I don't know) it's probably just me, or the weather of Aussie, but it makes like my mouth dry (Yes, I said I'm insane) :)




Good job yet again :)

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Western Sydney here, I'm like in central Penrith. We don't get much fog + I was probably sleeping :P(However the fog in the blue mountains is pretty cool, Couldn't see anything on the way to school) Aussie is crazy with weather, our garage has been flooded like 3 times and then the next day it's like 30 or so degrees, crazy :P

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He has a dark outline round his face and neck but not his hair .. looks kind of weird. And just under his eyes and top of cheeks looks very weird.




It's fab tho.



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I think it looks pretty good, but at first glance kinda looks wierd, but is mostly correct. I tried to see what I could do to fix it, but I may be mistaken (facial anatomy :-X ) but I don't think it's much improvement.



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Shade, thanks for the edit, but I'm keeping it final in that respect. The shading is how I want it, not necessarily for realism, style formost. Also it looks less like me in your edit. I see your point, but it stay as is.








Thanks for the comments everyone. :D

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The shading is how I want it, not necessarily for realism, style formost.


I hope so because if your cheeks looked like that irl it would be weird :-s


Since you mentioned you're going to work on the hair someday, I have nothing else to say, looks fine.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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