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Fastest Theiving Exp


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Okay.. I'm training theiving for same reason everyone does - Anceint Magik.


And I'm level 46, I absoulutely hate the skill...


What is the best way I can get from 46 to 52 fast - Please take into account if other players will slow me down 0o


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Owner of Death Assembly, a 75+ rune pure / Tank Ranger clan.

Status: Currently stuck in f2p - with fr00bs asking me to do a skill cape emote, when I'm wearing a zamorak cloak. -.-'

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I agree with whoever stated Master Farmers. I trained with Master Farmers at that level. What I suggest is you go to Draynor, and trap the master farmer in the pig pen. This will speed up the process significantly and also will keep you away from the guards. Another person does not change the outcome from what I have heard, but I seem to notice that if you go to pickpocket at the same time the other guy does, and he fails, you usually do to, although that is not proven. The only way this is unreliable is when a kid likes to mess with people and opens up the pig pen. Then, you need to lure him back in, which will slow you down. I really liked the Master Farmer though, that is why I suggest it!

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No no no no NO! I got from lvl 45 - 52 in 2 hours. And then from lvl 52 - 60 in another 2,5. I got this by doing the feud quest in pollivianich and pickepocket'ing th bandits in the town. Take noted food and some cash with you and sell your food/buy it back from the general store. Right click the bandit and "lure" him into the house thats in the pic.




You don't need waterskins while you are in the town. Also if you go up the ladder when you get caught its much easier. Basicly pic says most of it. You will lose approx 66 gp per lobb but you make it up while thieving, you make it all back + more.








Here is a vid steiner made of him pickepocketing the bandits. Video from youtube, from steiners guide. Shows how to pickepocket a bandit in pollivinach.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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