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Worst reason for being fired


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I've never been fired before, but my boss did tell me once that my work was too good. "Just good can be okay, things don't always have to be excellent." He was complaining that my e-mails to him were too well-written :D. He felt I spent too much time on them and he couldn't understand that writing coherently in full sentences comes natural to me. He's a fabulous boss though, who saw through me and my perfectionism very quickly.




Pretty much same here, except they actually fired me. When I asked why, the boss said I was too good at my job and an embarrassment to the other employees. :lol:




I don't understand how people like that can even run a business. If anything, they should be giving you a pay raise, not firing you.

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i got fired because my boss's daughter didnt like me <.<




It would of been worse if you got fired because your boss's daughter DID like you. :-w




yeah .. that doesnt make much sense does it..but all the same it would stink

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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When I was 16 I lost my job as a child care worker.




I had no experience and I was out on my own without any qualified teachers looking after approx. 20 kids from 2-5 years.




The child care directors spoilt brat kids (who were about 10 years old) boy and girl were there on the day and running an absolute muck and I wasn't allowed to tell them off.




Her kids threw basketballs at the windows, hogged and blocked off the play equipment so the other kids couldn't play and called the other kids names.




My temper with them has at boiling point I had enough of the little [cabbage]s. Pardon me, but I really didn't like these kids.




I had a go at them and told them to stop it or to go inside and they weren't allowed back out. The little b*tch of a daughter cried to her mummy.




While her mum (the child care director) was yelling at me for telling off her kids when she said they could do whatever they wanted, one of the other little kids pushed in the fence revealing the highway.




Well, that was the end of that job. She fired me on the spot.




She screamed at me and then said so what did you learn today? I couldn't hold my tongue for the life of me...




I screamed back at her to not bring my kids up to be spoilt f*cking brats like yours and that my dad is the health inspector and your dirty bacteria breeding hole you label as a child care centre is going down you stupid mole.




It was worth losing 2 weeks pay :lol:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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My boss is like 70 something, I work at a tree nursery. Someone must've peed in his Wheaties earlier that morning because he was all ticked off. I was the closest person around so he started yelling that I never did any work and that I couldn't get through life being so lazy. He fired me right there.


I came back the next day and he didn't say a thing, didn't even remember that he had fired me. Still doesn't. Hehehe.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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When I was 16 I lost my job as a child care worker.




I had no experience and I was out on my own without any qualified teachers looking after approx. 20 kids from 2-5 years.




The child care directors spoilt brat kids (who were about 10 years old) boy and girl were there on the day and running an absolute muck and I wasn't allowed to tell them off.




Her kids threw basketballs at the windows, hogged and blocked off the play equipment so the other kids couldn't play and called the other kids names.




My temper with them has at boiling point I had enough of the little [cabbage]. Pardon me, but I really didn't like these kids.




I had a go at them and told them to stop it or to go inside and they weren't allowed back out. The little b*tch of a daughter cried to her mummy.




While her mum (the child care director) was yelling at me for telling off her kids when she said they could do whatever they wanted, one of the other little kids pushed in the fence revealing the highway.




Well, that was the end of that job. She fired me on the spot.




She screamed at me and then said so what did you learn today? I couldn't hold my tongue for the life of me...




I screamed back at her to not bring my kids up to be spoilt f*cking brats like yours and that my dad is the health inspector and your dirty bacteria breeding hole you label as a child care centre is going down you stupid mole.




It was worth losing 2 weeks pay :lol:




Hahah, nice one. There's nothing worse than a parent who lets their kid get away with everything, they need to bring back teachers being able to slap kids if you ask me. ^-^

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Hahah, nice one. There's nothing worse than a parent who lets their kid get away with everything, they need to bring back teachers being able to slap kids if you ask me. ^-^








These days if a teacher even touched the kid they'd be in huge [cabbage]. Back when I went to elementary school as a wee lad in Mississippi (it was a kind of ghetto school) the teachers were not afraid of sending you to the principles office for a paddling.




I was a good boy though. :-$ O:)

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Hahah, nice one. There's nothing worse than a parent who lets their kid get away with everything, they need to bring back teachers being able to slap kids if you ask me. ^-^








These days if a teacher even touched the kid they'd be in huge [cabbage]. Back when I went to elementary school as a wee lad in Mississippi (it was a kind of ghetto school) the teachers were not afraid of sending you to the principles office for a paddling.




I was a good boy though. :-$ O:)






My math teacher spazzes all the time and while we were at a program he literally picked up this fat kid who has almost 80 lbs on me (im a good sized kid) and screamed at him. Later on he picked him up and threw him into our lockers. The parents didn't do a thing.


Not true. I lost my virginity to the log out button #-o
You should have knocked him out and thrown him out the window (I actually did that at school).


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i got fired because my boss's daughter didnt like me <.<




It would of been worse if you got fired because your boss's daughter DID like you. :-w




yeah .. that doesnt make much sense does it..but all the same it would stink


I read that not reading your username and assumed you were a guy, it works out funnier if you were. :-w

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