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The Bermuda Triangle : Huge Mystery or Paranoia?


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oh atlast somoen actualy talking about it for the first time in my life




my theory: there is and over magnetic field there, because compasses dont work and some metal ships sink but there is no records of wooden ones sinking but on the compasses on them going haywire. or mybe the magnetic field is not strong enoughto sink ships just confuse people to run out of supplies and/or fuel








it could be nothing

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In my Big Book O' Conspiracies, it says the Bermuda Triangle is where Aliens/Leftover Nazis built a secret hi-tech underwater base to create weapons to destroy the world.


Your book is wrong because the secret Nazi base is actually on the dark side of the moon, staffed by cyborg zombies. They have a laser.




They attach lasers to the heads of sharks and then send them to the Bermuda Triangle. That explains why ships disappear: They're ambushed by huge schools of Nazi sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.

:-w :XD: made me 'rofl' literally.



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Your ignorance is leaking, highlander.


First of all, I did not personaly attack you. If I did point it out.




I found that to be quite interesting....




At any rate....




There is a lot of truth in the paranoia thing, but also if you agree that that is true, that people can be swayed by just one story, then it would be nearly impossible for people not to be swayed by just one story in the opposite direction also. What I am saying is what both sides have already said: People are swayed into believing something by the media. One group has been swayed one way, another group has been swayed the other way by the counter attack.




Now if I might make just one question to prove my point? Has any of these points come from one's own personal research or just watching a TV show, or reading a book?




Now then, if this is a tall tale there has to be some truth to it. We know there is freak weather in the area, which accounts for some of it, but it doesn't account for all of it. My question is how do you explain the electronics messing up? Now again, some of it may be exaggeration, but for it to start it the spark had to come from somewhere.




Edit: Hey look, now both sides have reason to attack me... I just love being neutral.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

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You mention electronics messing up but hundreds of ships and planes pass through the area every year and their electronics DONT mess up. These are just isolated incidents and not due to some paranormal activity.



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True they are just isolated things, but what I am saying is that every tall tale has some truth behind it. Also not only are the electronics messing up (Which can happen anywhere) but there are instances of compasses messing up.




Again, I'm neutral here and just trying to use some logic here.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

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Sorry if like everyone has said this but Go getv a Friken camra GO take a boat and ship and let everyone in the world watchi it on T.V, Have your own show (yes I spelled like a nookb let)



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I believe there's some mystery to it. I don't really know why I think that I just do #-o




I have found that those people who consider the Bermuda Triangle to be some sort of paranormal mystery tend to be the same people who believe in ghosts, apparitions of the Virgin Mary, and any number of other ridiculous "mysteries" caused by heat shimmers and such.




I believe in ghosts, but not in the sense that other people do. However, that is the only ridiculous "mystery" I believe in, I tend to be extremly skeptical in other areas. It's just those 2 that for some reason I believe in.

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Now if I might make just one question to prove my point? Has any of these points come from one's own personal research or just watching a TV show, or reading a book?


So, you feel that there is no admissible evidence except anecdotal evidence - which, as far as the overwhelming majority of academics are concerned, is not actually admissible?

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I think you miss understood my point, I was talking about points others had made, how many of those points are from just watching the discovery channel and then make some remark that they heard and taking the remark out of context and making it a different thing.




The point I have been trying to make is that both sides have taken something and over-emphasized it. In my opinion there has to be some truth at the back bone of this to get this all started and that truth has just been over-emphasized.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

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There is nothing to suggest that there is any more "truth" behind the Bermuda Triangle myths than behind the nutjob theory that aliens actually built the Great Pyramid of Khufu.




It's just people willfully inserting something to be ignorant about into their lives because they feel they already know everything, which they don't.

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Except the fact that there is no one currently alive to testify to aliens building the pyramid, but there are people alive that testify that they have experienced abnormal things in the Bermuda Triangle. True that is only anecdotal evidence but it is still evidence, unlike the pyramid.




And I will agree with you that a lot of people are making this out to be something bigger than what it really is, but there has to be something there. There are multiple different things that suggest that there is a disruption of the earth's magnetic field there. It is only one of two places in the world that compasses point to true north. Also piliots and captian's have reported compasses going haywire. True that is anecdotal evidence again, but the thing is if your going to choose somewhere to say your compass messed up, wouldn't it make more sense to choose somewhere where compasses actually mess up? In some area's compasses can be off as much as 60 degrees.


What has become of the runescape community???? :wall:

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Anecdotal evidence is not admissible. This is on the same level as people claiming to have experienced interactions with the supernatural while driving down country roads with nobody else in sight and then seeing a "ghost".




Nobody can prove the negative and call their bluff, so they feel they don't have to reinforce their claims.




Of course people will claim their compasses messed up in the Bermuda Triangle. It's where people expect them to mess up, and, I believe, where people want them to mess up so they can pretend they're just that much more interesting to have conversations with.




The burden of proof is on the people who make the claims, not the people who don't believe them for lack of actual, admissible evidence.




I could say that I killed a sal[bleep]er crocodile with my bare hands yesterday while nobody was around, then ate the corpse. Nobody can prove I didn't, so going by your logic, there is a good chance that I might have done it, or that there's some level of truth behind the story. There isn't. The story is a load of bull and would probably make a good icebreaker in a pub, but that's about it.

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