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*Dart's Art* ~ >>CLOSED<<


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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Sig


Dimensions (Size): 400-120


Colour(s): Matching with render


Render (Not required):


http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... ?pos=-8713


Font: What looks good


Font Color: A darkish red


Text: Shadow


Subtext: Pandaownage


Notes: Thanks


Border (No tech borders!): 1 pixel black




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Avvy


Dimensions (Size): 80-80


Colour(s): red and black


Render (Not required):


Font: http://www.dafont.com/font.php?file=vis ... asst=alpha


Font Color:white


Text: Pandaownage




Notes: Can you make it looks like the first avatar?


Border (No tech borders!): transparent with black outline (like in first avvy)





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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): sig


Dimensions (Size): full tip.it sig size


Colour(s): black white blue and red


Render (Not required):


Font: uh i got 3 fonts so if u can do one copy with each, Graffonti, double feature, and disko


Font Color: red *not totaly dark but not all bright somewhere in between*


Text: Alghskdj0101....


Subtext: you thought that you were safe.


Notes: well ive been looking for a render but basicly it would be cool to have a black backround with a bright like in the middle with the text in red in the center then to the bottom right (not quite the corner) have the subtext


Border (No tech borders!):blue shimmery light

Whoever said "nothing is impossible", obviously never tried slamming a revolving door.

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For the avvy, I could fit the ownage part in but it would be clumped together and touching the sides. So I just kept Panda in it. :uhh:








You want 3 of the same sigs with 3 different text? And what's a backrouch..You're going to have to be more specific.

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Type: Sig


Dimensions : Maximum within requirements (175-450?)


Colour(s): I want this http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/di ... pos=-18278


as the back round and the upper torso and head of the render in the foreground


Render : http://planetrenders.net/renders/displa ... pos=-18229


Font: http://www.dafont.com/frakturika.font


Font Color: I was thinking a transparent colored white or red I can't decide.


Text: Hiierarch






Border : Add one if you think it looks good





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Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Sig


Dimensions (Size): 400 *125 Px


Colour(s): To suit the render


Render (Not required): Here


Font: Your choice


Font Color: Try and overlay it with the sig, if that dosen't look good, whatever suits.


Text: Mcginess


Subtext: -


Notes: Please dont downsize it for TIF! Save it as PNG as upload as that.


Border (No tech borders!): 1 or 2 Px

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Hey Dart... I was just wondering in GIMP, in the hierach and darkness sig, how do you do that to the first letter?


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Type: Avatar


Dimensions: Tip.it's max (80x80 or is it 100x100?)


Colour(s): This for the backroundhttp://www.planetrenders.net/r ... pos=-19685


Render: This in the foreground http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/di ... pos=-16337


( I don't want that white ovalish thing in the render in the avvy)


Font: Whatever looks best and will fit neatly in the dimensions


Font Color: Transparent white


Text: Hiier (not Hiierarch)






Border: Whatever looks best in your opinion




Thanks in advance and thanks again for the sig <3:<3:<3:

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:shock: You are darn good.




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.):Sig.


Dimensions (Size):400x130




Render (Not required):http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-6194


Font: Any. Just not a grafiiti.


Font Color:Any.


Text: ThruItAll




Notes: I'll credit you. :D


Border (No tech borders!): 1 px black.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Peter: <- <3:














Thanks man, but sorry, I accidently put the text colour in the text section lol. Could you please change it to say Skully?






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I forgot to save the .xcf file for your avvy. I'll make a new, fractal one later today. :?

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I forgot to save the .xcf file for your avvy. I'll make a new, fractal one later today. :?






danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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