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well yelloihello. now I was just wondering if im the only junkie here :D sooo stay on alcohol? use anything at all? let the ppl know :)


so me:


1.lucky 5 grams a day - Weed ofcourse.


2.alcohol.. well drink almost everyday but just few. 2-5


3. Psicolybe Cubensis makes my day anyday I want cause I got fridge full of em. :D talking about shrooms if u didnt know. ok ..


*plz dont close this just a reasonable. And prolly ppl wanna no? :D




wow. now kids do not use anything... expect ur mommys underwear.

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to be honest considering most people here are between the ages of 12 and 16 im guessing not that many will respond. But i myself usually blaze about once a day




To be honest, considering that most people here realize that this is most definitely against the rules, I'm guessing that this will be locked.




(The age range is quite wrong BTW.)


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And here we have a failed attempt to be cool. Doing drugs and drinking doesn't make you cool. But don't let my opinion stop you from doing what you do best. ;)


oh christ but here we have a really cool person once again reminding that drugs or alcohol aint cool.. ffffsss... old song dude.. I know u like to get sum posts now and be fame :D but rlly im just interested so why wouldnt u stfu? thankyouuu smartass..

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Note :


These conversations tend to lead to violent outbursts based on strong personal beliefs. Be careful when discussing such topics as topics that get out of control will be removed and action will be taken depending on the severity. These topics may contain, but are not limited to drugs or the use of illegal drugs....




This thread will be watch any such outbursts again it shall and will be locked.




EDIT~ LOCKED. Please check your message box I recently P.Md you. Q.V. Tip It Super Mod


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