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Gender Dysphoria

The Dark Lord

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He won't stop posting until you either agree with him, join the band wagon or stop posting.




Not that being blunt and stubborn is a bad thing, I kind of admire it.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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That could be, I was just saying my argument isn't motivated by it.




I find it hard to see why a parent would say they don't approve JUST because of religion, too. It's not like it's normal if religion didn't exist.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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That could be, I was just saying my argument isn't motivated by it.




I find it hard to see why a parent would say they don't approve JUST because of religion, too. It's not like it's normal if religion didn't exist.




That being said, do you personally think a parent could not approve just because of religion?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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That could be, I was just saying my argument isn't motivated by it.




I find it hard to see why a parent would say they don't approve JUST because of religion, too. It's not like it's normal if religion didn't exist.




That being said, do you personally think a parent could not approve just because of religion?




They're certainly capable and welcome to do that, but I'm not saying that isn't a stupid reason. ;)

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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Never Goddess!!!! You have your fancy books and stuff I'll probably never know about, but I don't, so I have to resort to crappy argument :-$






That could be, I was just saying my argument isn't motivated by it.




I find it hard to see why a parent would say they don't approve JUST because of religion, too. It's not like it's normal if religion didn't exist.




True, but I don't exactly know why the parents are disapproving of it. I'm not sure if it's because they've never been exposed to this kind of stuff, religion, or who knows what, but they seem reluctant to give sep a chance, and are so *can't find the right word, something along the lines of confused...* by sep's choices and behavior, they are trying to change sep back to being "normal", which sep doesn't like, and only give her/him/whatever the motivation to defy their parents. Even if the only reason sep is thinking/acting like this because of reading up so much on it (I'm not saying this is true), that still doesn't seem like the right approach to take.

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Never Goddess!!!! You have your fancy books and stuff I'll probably never know about, but I don't, so I have to resort to crappy argument :-$






That could be, I was just saying my argument isn't motivated by it.




I find it hard to see why a parent would say they don't approve JUST because of religion, too. It's not like it's normal if religion didn't exist.




True, but I don't exactly know why the parents are disapproving of it. I'm not sure if it's because they've never been exposed to this kind of stuff, religion, or who knows what, but they seem reluctant to give sep a chance, and are so *can't find the right word, something along the lines of confused...* by sep's choices and behavior, they are trying to change sep back to being "normal", which sep doesn't like, and only give her/him/whatever the motivation to defy their parents. Even if the only reason sep is thinking/acting like this because of reading up so much on it (I'm not saying this is true), that still doesn't seem like the right approach to take.




The same thing could be argued against any other psychosomatic mental condition, no?

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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"Most transgendered people do not consider their feelings to cause distress or be disabling."




That's the biggest lie I've ever heard. This thread is a prime example of how every transgendered person lives. Only AFTER they've changed themselves into a fake former-self are they no longer "distressed". The same could be said for a psychotic person who is distressed by someone, then kills said person and now feels liberated, really...




Still goin' with mental disorder. If only a small portion of people are experiencing it, it's a disorder. The very root of disorder is "dis" as in "no" and "order"...No order. The majority can be looked at as "orderly" because we're all pretty much the same, functionally. I have a hard time believing that something like Autism, which is a minority thing, is a disorder, but transgenderism is "natural" in any way.




Well, it's your perogative to call the APA liars and go with your opinion. I've got nothing more to say.




I'm not...We can all clearly see by the OP's first post that what they said was not accurate. If someone is willing to be as drastic as to get hormone injections or a sex change, they were clearly distressed about their situation.




Coming back to this topic, it looks like I actually made a mistake. The APA article refers to transexualism in general, not gender identity disorder, which is actually the subject of this thread.








So you're right, gender identity disorder actually is a mental disorder. :oops: :wall:

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Doing it for the sole reason of religion is likely a bad reason, but who is to say that's the only reason? As religious people, it's surely part of it, but if it were me, I'd be making sure they got help to make sure they knew what they were doing and not just being brain washed or making a mistake, plain and simple. No turning back from that surgery stuff.




The OP sounds FAR, FAR too young to be making a decision to be getting hormone therapy when they're older. I don't know her exact age, but for all she knows, puberty could be messin' with her feelings. I didn't see her mention anywhere that she's always felt this way (maybe she did, I just didn't SEE it), so I dunno'. If that were the case, yea...Puberty does weird things. My sister thought she was a lesbian for like a year, now she's revolted by the thought of it. :lol:

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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Never Goddess!!!!




Wtf? :?




gender identity disorder




Gender identity disorder is, yes.




Doing it for the sole reason of religion is likely a bad reason, but who is to say that's the only reason? As religious people, it's surely part of it, but if it were me, I'd be making sure they got help to make sure they knew what they were doing and not just being brain washed or making a mistake, plain and simple. No turning back from that surgery stuff.




The OP sounds FAR, FAR too young to be making a decision to be getting hormone therapy when they're older. I don't know her exact age, but for all she knows, puberty could be messin' with her feelings. I didn't see her mention anywhere that she's always felt this way (maybe she did, I just didn't SEE it), so I dunno'. If that were the case, yea...Puberty does weird things. My sister thought she was a lesbian for like a year, now she's revolted by the thought of it.




I finally agree with what you're saying!! so no complaints with that comment.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Doing it for the sole reason of religion is likely a bad reason, but who is to say that's the only reason? As religious people, it's surely part of it, but if it were me, I'd be making sure they got help to make sure they knew what they were doing and not just being brain washed or making a mistake, plain and simple. No turning back from that surgery stuff.




The OP sounds FAR, FAR too young to be making a decision to be getting hormone therapy when they're older. I don't know her exact age, but for all she knows, puberty could be messin' with her feelings. I didn't see her mention anywhere that she's always felt this way (maybe she did, I just didn't SEE it), so I dunno'. If that were the case, yea...Puberty does weird things. My sister thought she was a lesbian for like a year, now she's revolted by the thought of it. :lol:




I can completely relate to that. There were a few months last year when I thought I was gay. It scares the hell out of me to think about it now. *shudders*




And with your point, I can see what you mean, but that's why I'm saying that when the parents keep antagonizing her like this, it only motivates her to *god, can't think of any words tonight. something that means 'to make firm, or to strengthen'* her belief that she's like this. Compare it to an argument. In the heat of it, you start to make decisions/choices/say things that you know you will regret later, but you do them anyway, to show that you're serious about it, and you're firm in your stance.

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And with your point, I can see what you mean, but that's why I'm saying that when the parents keep antagonizing her like this, it only motivates her to *god, can't think of any words tonight. something that means 'to make firm, or to strengthen'* her belief that she's like this




Yep I can completely relate to that as well! When I was younger, my dad was quite a dictator, so I would always do the opposite just to despise him. The more he pushed the subject on to me, the more I refused to listen to him and took the opposite approach.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Ahhh ok I thought I had done something wrong haha




Back to the original topic though, I pretty agree with Flame (with what he said above), took the words right out of my mouth.




Don't make any rational decisions anytime soon Sep, but that's just my opinion.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Ahhh ok I thought I had done something wrong haha




Back to the original topic though, I pretty agree with Flame (with what he said above), took the words right out of my mouth.




Don't make any rational decisions anytime soon Sep, but that's just my opinion.




I can defintely agree with Flame's point about being to young too. It's definately something you shouldn't do hastily or at a young age.

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This is just a stab in the dark and I'm sure Flame could probably help me out here...




Do you think Bipolar has something to do with it? It just struck me then that you had mentioned it on the forums before somewhere that you had the disorder.




Many (not all) people with Bipolar don't have a good relationship with their parents and some can experience gender/preference confusion at some point.




Do you think there could be a possibility, that it could be a part of that, Sep?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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This is a summary of my thoughts thus far.




I think (as far as I can tell through reading) That sep already made her decision BEFORE her parents found out. Also, As far as I can tell, religion has played a part in a LOT of sexuality debates, no matter what the religion may be.




Sep is also 16, IIRC, so that, in my mind at least, would seem fair enough to allow her to make her own decisions.




As to the whole recent Bipolar thing, I'm bipolar, but yet I've never bent the rules (or completely abolished them) just to get my parents' attention. True, I did have a rocky relationship with them (two bipolar women in the same household and a deadbeat dad would do it), but I still try to get along with them(at least my mom anyways). I do also act like a guy at times, but have NEVER thought of a sex change, because I do like being a chick for the most part. But this is just me talking from personal experience, being bipolar myself, not as any expert or anything.




Also, I think I asked once already, How old is flamecaller? just out of curiosity.

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Maybe it's just me because I'm not always good with my words but that wasn't the point I was trying to get across :-k




I'm saying that there is some cases but it doesn't apply to all. Clearly, it doesn't apply to you. Perhaps it does apply to Sep?




Like the following article I found:




"Gender Identity Disorders and Bipolar Disorder Associated With the Ring Y Chromosome"




"The lifetime prevalence of mood disorders comorbidity with gender identity disorder is approximately 45%"




http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/con ... 164/7/1122



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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A 16 year old cannot be trusted to make life-changing decisions...No offense to ya'll, but everyone under 18 is essentially life-[developmentally delayed]ed (they know nothing about it) and even people over 18 stay that way for a good, long while. There is no set age where you're old enough to be able to, but no one under 18 is, and I'm not afraid to generalize here.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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A 16 year old cannot be trusted to make life-changing decisions...No offense to ya'll, but everyone under 18 is essentially life-[developmentally delayed] (they know nothing about it) and even people over 18 stay that way for a good, long while. There is no set age where you're old enough to be able to, but no one under 18 is, and I'm not afraid to generalize here.




You should be, there are always exceptions to everything. That's what makes us such a diverse species. I was actually one of those exceptions. My mentality and judgement hasn't changed since I was around 15 or 16. I was always the one my friends went to for advice (though they rarely listened and seemed to prefer making the mistakes I told them would happen) and even my adult friends would always marvel at how, for being so young, I seemed to be as wise and "experienced" as someone 3 or 4 times my age. Furthermore, I feel my life and my life-changing decisions have all gone well. Also, I've seen a few of my friends make major decisions like this at young ages and they are usually for the better. You don't have to be 40 years old to realize there's something different about your sexuality, mentality, etc.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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A 16 year old cannot be trusted to make life-changing decisions...No offense to ya'll, but everyone under 18 is essentially life-[developmentally delayed] (they know nothing about it) and even people over 18 stay that way for a good, long while. There is no set age where you're old enough to be able to, but no one under 18 is, and I'm not afraid to generalize here.




You should be, there are always exceptions to everything. That's what makes us such a diverse species. I was actually one of those exceptions. My mentality and judgement hasn't changed since I was around 15 or 16. I was always the one my friends went to for advice (though they rarely listened and seemed to prefer making the mistakes I told them would happen) and even my adult friends would always marvel at how, for being so young, I seemed to be as wise and "experienced" as someone 3 or 4 times my age. Furthermore, I feel my life and my life-changing decisions have all gone well. Also, I've seen a few of my friends make major decisions like this at young ages and they are usually for the better. You don't have to be 40 years old to realize there's something different about your sexuality, mentality, etc.




Being wise for your age or whatever doesn't mean you're old enough to make your own decisions, though. No one under 18 knows anything about like. I'm 20 and still learnin' and I'm mature for my age as well. My parents are both 40 and still are. To say "I'm 16, I know what I'm doing." is....Well, just not true.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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Indeed there are some mature teenagers but I bet any money those mature teenagers when turned 21, still go... Why did I do that when I was 16? :?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Indeed there are some mature teenagers but I bet any money those mature teenagers when turned 21, still go... Why did I do that when I was 16? :?




'Sactly. Seems these days, the pinnacle of existence for 15-25 year olds is getting smashed. These people can't think clearly about what they want for breakfast, let alone anything else.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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Indeed there are some mature teenagers but I bet any money those mature teenagers when turned 21, still go... Why did I do that when I was 16? :?




'Sactly. Seems these days, the pinnacle of existence for 15-25 year olds is getting smashed. These people can't think clearly about what they want for breakfast, let alone anything else.




I have never regretted a single decision I've made in my life, nor have I questioned my motives. I remember why I did the bad things I've done and don't regret them as they've made me who I am today. Also, by 15 I was done with drinking and haven't been drunk since. I'm a bit of an oddball, but the point I'm trying to make is that there are always exceptions to everything.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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I have never regretted a single decision I've made in my life, nor have I questioned my motives. I remember why I did the bad things I've done and don't regret them as they've made me who I am today. Also, by 15 I was done with drinking and haven't been drunk since. I'm a bit of an oddball, but the point I'm trying to make is that there are always exceptions to everything.




Congratulations. Are you Sep? Or the rest of the 15/16 year old population that live in this sometimes cruel and harsh world?




Was just wondering... Do you realise how many times you referred to yourself or mentioned the word

in your paragraph? And more importantly, do you think all people think the same as you?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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