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The Five People You Meet In Lumbridge


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one of mine would definately be god bryan0




I met him when I was lv 41 crafting on free. I was doing something similar to that free gem cutting thing but instead I was offering jewerly for gems (getting the ore and everything) I have very little luck because so many people thought it was a scam (not that you can blame them) but he came along (at the time he was like 10-20 lvs lowere than me, somewhere around lv 30) with like 20 gems and let me make them into amulets and enchant them he continued doing this whenever he got gem.




Now hes the richest player I know in the game and is lv 84 to my lv 72.








second would be a password hacker I don't know who hacked my account right after I got my full addy for the first time. all he did was sold a few runes before I got the account back but it was still scary.








3rd would be demondblaze. I met him while he was recruting for a clan in alkahrid and I was doing the natures spirit quest I was tecinaclly too weak to join the clan based to their requirements but he got me in (the clan fell apart only a few weeks later primarily because of bad leadership) When I met him I had a dragonstone and me made it into a ring of wealth for me even though I was just some noob.








4th would be drakusofaard who helped me with the heros quest and has done ALOT of smithing for me (primarily making mith arrow heads) again he was a high lv person (lv 109) helping out a complete noob (I was lv 61 at the time I met him).








I know who the 5th person would be but its too long for me to post right now.

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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  • 2 years later...

Unbelievable and compelling. It reminded me of the five people you meet in heaven, but that story made me think and it was quite excellent. The morale was good as well. Wow, makes me think...

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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Because you asked... All these people are real. (Archimage can attest to the fact that I give Christian advice)




I died... poison? Dragonflame? Pk? All I knew, was that, this time, when I logged on, I had died for the last time...




Five people went up to me.




The first (a female, all in pink and other happy colors) : "Hey! You probably don't remember me, but you helped me out several times in quests and stuff. I hope you can be at peace, I wish that you and I could have done more with each other.




The second (A guy, all in armor): Hey! You distracted some pkers in the wildy so that I could escape! Thanks a lot!




The third (A female, scantily clad in dwarven clothes): Hey! you're an idiot! you know that!? My "business" is booming! People come to me everyday to hear me say sex trash and stuff to them. You missed out on a great deal!




The forth (A plain guy character): Hey! I was killing monsters and we started talking and I told you my life's story and you listened, and you gave me advice, I don't and might not ever agree with you, but it made me feel good to unload on someone else.




The fifth (a person with a 99 cape): Hey! you lent me the services of your house and you let me have a party in your house! You also were there to cheer me on while I got the 99 fletching! Thanks for everything!




The last two are real people on my friends list, and the third really did offer me a position as her doorman for a strange brothel for Rs (I've seen them, don't say they exist, and they get past the filters) The first and second are passerbys I've helped out.




This sounds similar to yours but still, its what I wrote and remember


I'll show you how terrifying a true Christian can be!

It's Xewleer: ZEW le ar, got it memorized?

Hermit of the Varrock Library and its proud guard.

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  • 2 months later...





"I hear you have been private messaging me, annoyingly, without stopping."








"Karma will get you!"




All of a sudden, his screen gets flooded.




"N000!! 7h3 h0rr0r!"


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Clicky Clicky here for my Blogeh

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, intresting twist on a classic book. I enjoyed THe Five People You Meet In Heaven, as did I this. It was....interesting.






SHould I be of any concern to any readers, I am actually an author on the Official Runescape Story Forums. Frankly, I feel like I am stepping into a different universe.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Look, I have nothing against your sources, nor your story, but this is plaigerism. (Or however the hell you spell it)




I personally would feel better if you cited that you got the idea from Mitch Albom's 'The Five people you meet in Heaven' (Hyperion, New York), because frankly it was the same thing in different (and fewer) words.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its amazing seeing a post from when I was playing rs back on the from page. To edit that last post, the last person would be Moses, a rl life friend of mine, and an extremely rude person. We played guild wars and wow together for two years, and he has recently gone back to runescape. I wont go into details, but he has both been a great friend and a complete [wagon].

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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