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How should I achieve 99 crafting?


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I found if I hold out and buy any amounts i can get hides for 1500 ea so i am doing that. Then i tan and craft into green bodys. I sell those at 4500ea which makes all but 60k back per 1k so that is good...which is just the tanning cost

99 CRAFTING VIDEO...Please Watch


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If 99 craft is that fast then why are there so few craft capes out there? Too much cost?




And because nowhere near enough dragonhides come into the market for alot of people to get 99.




Bingo, essentially do train crafting you have to deal with merchanters. And most skillers hate that. A lot. especially since they're trying not to lose too much. wheras the people who don't mind merchanters, are generally merchanters, and don't like skilling much. Few people are willing do go through that [cabbage]. Respect to anybody who does. That's why my herblore, smithing and crafting levels are very low. :@

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~Green Bodies. They're easy to buy, easy to make, and easy to sell. And, there's a market for them, unlike Blue Bodies.~




~I lost around 75M getting 99 Crafting with them, from Level 70 or so. I recommend them highly.~

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