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They should have a "free members day"


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Noobs would over-run p2p




as do the members who swarm free worlds selling colored gloves?




Members have the right to go on f2p servers because we're the ones paying for your servers :wink:








Actually the adds pay for the f2p servers. :wink:








Don't act so special because you pay a few dollars for membership, that does not make you better than ANY f2p player.




Indeed you are correct. The Ads and popups that F2P players get as a result of playing more then pays for the servers it is hosted on. Quite frankly, I would imagine that approximately 30-50 percent of the F2P players with over 600 total skill level (gotten in a year or less) actually pay Jagex through the ads and popups that they recieve close to what members pay each month.








This might seem like an overexageration, but you can actually do the math for yourself and see the numbers that you get. I am more then positive that you will be surprised.

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I don't think so; it just wouldn't be worth it for anyone. The members world would be overrun with confused and idiotic f2pers, no one would get anything out of it because all items they get will be useless the next day, and there'll be mass chaos in the Wilderness. If there were a free day in the style suggested here, I wouldn't go blundering into the members' areas - I'd just take advantage of the temp. members' access to overfill my bank. :D A much better idea is to give the free worlds just a little bit more, a bit of change now and then. Something to take the monotony away while I level-grind my way up to being in the best shape possible to take advantage of finally giving in and going p2p.

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Indeed you are correct. The Ads and popups that F2P players get as a result of playing more then pays for the servers it is hosted on. Quite frankly, I would imagine that approximately 30-50 percent of the F2P players with over 600 total skill level (gotten in a year or less) actually pay Jagex through the ads and popups that they recieve close to what members pay each month.








This might seem like an overexageration, but you can actually do the math for yourself and see the numbers that you get. I am more then positive that you will be surprised.








Wow, I never realised. I should protest to Jagex to give me free membership with ads so that they won't lose money. :lol: Do you reckon I have a case? lol.








And to everyone saying p2p would be overrun with noobs, my idea was that not everyone would get their free trial on the same day, and it is only available to high levels. I am only going to become p2p when I get a good level. Noobs are annoying in p2p and if memers are used to a world without them, fair enough, because they pay!








I think it is funny that all the f2p would love this day, and the p2p would dread it!

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i totally agree wid dis homey, all us f2p dont wanna jus fork ova $5












wid? as in widow?




dis? as in disrespect..




homey? im sure you mean honey.. hmm honey.. bees produce lovely stuff.




jus? ..as in orange juice! i hate that stuff.. dont drink it..




fork.. i always use that for eating..




ova.. as in oval?








hmm so you whant a widow to disrespect by eating honey mixed with orange juice with an oval shaped fork?








ok.. f2p coming to check out members..




no way.. not going to happen.




as trixstar said.. remind me what day.. im not going to be online then.








and what will happen to our items and stats we got?




what if someone got a dragon chain drop! yay! o wait.. f2p day.. darn bye bye chain nice knowing ya..








ahh .. free relaxed day off.. hmm the weather is bad.. a well i might as well play a little runescape to relax a bit.. o darn f2p day.. f2p whiners wont this ever stop!
















look people you see f2p already got a demo.. that there allowed to play to realise what p2p is like..




yes f2p is indeed a demo to p2p.




you should be glad to even be allowed to play!




learn to live and accept that you even have it be glad that you have what you have.




trying to get a p2p game for free is downright selfish.








you know what the marketing trick is for jagex to get members?




its f2p.. they show people f2p and then they whant p2p.. they buy.








they wont give the p2p game for free no that wont be good marketing.

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Hmm no free p2p day!!!!








F2p is a great way to get members. Worked wonders on me. I was F2p and when i realised i liked the game so much i payed up.








My final thought for the day is this f2p is a free trail of p2p isnt it? best of all it doesnt run out.

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I don't think it's fair that someone who doesn't pay get's updates like members. What would be the point of members?








Jagex does give F2P updates, a big one was the range one, and the Draynor mannor sewers.

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I don't think it's fair that someone who doesn't pay get's updates like members. What would be the point of members?








Jagex does give F2P updates, a big one was the range one, and the Draynor mannor sewers.








Draynor sewers wasn't really an update, nobody trains down there.

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People that say we should be glad there is f2p, actually YOU should be glad there is f2p because I HIGHLY DOUBT you would even be playing at all if you knew you had to pay to even try it out. :lol:








that wasnt the point...




i am glad there is a f2p true no denying it.




dont deny you are.








btw, recently i noticed and by recently i mean today; that you are one of the moste ignorant person ive ever seen posting.




what is it with your hatred towards p2p?




what is it with your greed to get more from a game you dont even contribute to.




what is it with your whole attitude? ive seen ten year olds act like that because they think they've reached "puberty"








my interpetation is that you seem a bit stubborn and ignorant.




you have a slight "frustration" that you cant pay for the game.. but are to lazy to check if you actually can.




you in a way envy p2p'ers and get hostile everytime they talk about it.




the p2p'ers dont have the attitude, you do.








your eating a rotten apple.. throw it away.

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Globalfun allows, or at least used to allow a free trail of their p2p.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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i totally agree wid dis homey, all us f2p dont wanna jus fork ova $5












wid? as in widow?




dis? as in disrespect..




homey? im sure you mean honey.. hmm honey.. bees produce lovely stuff.




jus? ..as in orange juice! i hate that stuff.. dont drink it..




fork.. i always use that for eating..




ova.. as in oval?








hmm so you whant a widow to disrespect by eating honey mixed with orange juice with an oval shaped fork?








and what will happen to our items and stats we got?




what if someone got a dragon chain drop! yay! o wait.. f2p day.. darn bye bye chain nice knowing ya..








ahh .. free relaxed day off.. hmm the weather is bad.. a well i might as well play a little runescape to relax a bit.. o darn f2p day.. f2p whiners wont this ever stop!











Ok, first of all that was really lameÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ I mean this person was probably yet another poser trying to look ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅcoolÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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i totally agree wid dis homey, all us f2p dont wanna jus fork ova $5












wid? as in widow?




dis? as in disrespect..




homey? im sure you mean honey.. hmm honey.. bees produce lovely stuff.




jus? ..as in orange juice! i hate that stuff.. dont drink it..




fork.. i always use that for eating..




ova.. as in oval?








hmm so you whant a widow to disrespect by eating honey mixed with orange juice with an oval shaped fork?








and what will happen to our items and stats we got?




what if someone got a dragon chain drop! yay! o wait.. f2p day.. darn bye bye chain nice knowing ya..








ahh .. free relaxed day off.. hmm the weather is bad.. a well i might as well play a little runescape to relax a bit.. o darn f2p day.. f2p whiners wont this ever stop!











Ok, first of all that was really lameÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ I mean this person was probably yet another poser trying to look ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅcoolÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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I only hate players that are F2P and always want more and more even if they had a week before a great update in a long time.
















Hmm... I could change that around...








"I only hate players that are P2P and always want more and more even if they had a week before a great update in a long time."








"They were asking for magic updates, POH and horses that is so annoying" :roll:








I have nothing against members who aren't spoiled and who won't complain when JAGeX doesn't release an update every 3 days...








I find highly unlikely that JAGeX will ever have a "free P2P day" like Quer_Skulll was saying like how can JAGeX even script it anyways...















wid? as in widow?




dis? as in disrespect..




homey? im sure you mean honey.. hmm honey.. bees produce lovely stuff.




jus? ..as in orange juice! i hate that stuff.. dont drink it..




fork.. i always use that for eating..




ova.. as in oval?








hmm so you whant a widow to disrespect by eating honey mixed with orange juice with an oval shaped fork?








Sure did look like a sad attempt at being funny...

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  • 6 months later...

f2p whiners want some p2p stuff...pffft












I mean its just crazy, giving f2p 1 day FREE access to p2p








1.like Quer_skull said HOW are they going to script that...








2. to all f2p whiners (not to general f2p don't get me wrong) be SATISFIED with what you have, what if JageX, instead of making RS as it is today and now, made it a game whereby you can play f2p for 2 weeks then you have to pay for members to play the game again....so don't whine bout not having good p2p stuff like blue dhides or d weps or even a minigame or very challenging quest, its either you PAY for the full game or you don't pay for it at all (by which you stay f2p and restricted)








3. This is to the guy who said that the ads popup are also paying JageX. REMEMBER JageX is a company and it is kept alive my many sources, at first the no.1 source is their sponsors that set up ads you see...after it become BIG as it is now, it depends more on the paying customers THAN the ads now








anyone need me to rephrase that :S[/u]

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first off, im a member so dont get any ideas. and while i totally enjoyed my f2p days (about 3 months before i totally exhausted what could be done in f2p), some of the suggestions could actually be workable








maybe there could be a new random event: a "tour guide" that would take a f2p player to a random member area of the world he is in (which is normally off limits to f2p worlds) with a timer (maybe 2 minutes). the player could then run around looking around and fighting whatever is around there for that 2 minutes, but if he killed a monster he could get no member items. so he could kill an ogre to get big bones but no seeds/herbs. and of course, after the time was up he'd be whisked back to wherever he came from








this would solve the problem of interfering with member players, since the member areas on f2p worlds are inaccessable and always vacant. and of course the lucky f2per would not be able to do any member skills (like fletching or stuff, since unstrung bows are member items)








another idea is if jagex could once in a while open up the gates on the f2p worlds that lead to member areas, like northwest of fally or northeast of varrock. again, no messing up member worlds, just some lucky f2pers get to see new stuff. and of course, at the end of the member time they'd be whisked back to lumby if they remained in the member area








of course, im not hoping this happens, and certainly not expecting jagex to really do this, its just a suggestion that probably could work

Are you a member with a full bank and cancelling your subscription? Are you an F2P player that wants more bank space? Check out my guide on Going to F2P with a full bank

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im a f2p, and i disagree. the whole point of f2p already is to get a taste of member's runescape. if my parents let me, i would pay the five bucks. it would'nt be fair to the p2p if f2pers got a whole day free. there would seriously be chaos from all the noobs messing around in the p2p. i hope that never happens(and i hope i get to 18 soon so i can be a member).

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So the main prob




1)is that members would be overrun




2)what would happen at the end of the day?








Ok new plan jagex selects 1-12 people a year to try members for the day.




But with a diffrence only people with +100000xp(or something) so there were no nooblets that would waste it. On the day the people would get permently 2* bank and a badge saying 'member for a day'.








Any items that were member would be dealt with normally and skills would be left there as normal.








There for there is no problem.








I am p2p so this is not bias

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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