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jagex hates pkers


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If you don't like the wilderness because of it's "unfairness" go to the duel arena and set your own rules. It's there for you people who can't make it in the wildy.
I got plenty of kills thanks, prolly more in a week then you will get in your rs career, im also a great staker 8-)




And we care because?




Because apparently, he said so. Chea rite :roll:


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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If you don't like the wilderness because of it's "unfairness" go to the duel arena and set your own rules. It's there for you people who can't make it in the wildy.
I got plenty of kills thanks, prolly more in a week then you will get in your rs career, im also a great staker 8-)




And we care because?

Read his post i replied directly to loticus.


You can say your a pker all you want it doesnt make it true.


There is a difference between a skiller who pks and a pker.

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If you don't like the wilderness because of it's "unfairness" go to the duel arena and set your own rules. It's there for you people who can't make it in the wildy.
I got plenty of kills thanks, prolly more in a week then you will get in your rs career, im also a great staker 8-)




And we care because?

Read his post i replied directly to loticus.


You can say your a pker all you want it doesnt make it true.


There is a difference between a skiller who pks and a pker.




I did read his post thank you and as you already know i agree...


and theres a difference between a pker and a arogant pker




you can say you a pker all you want it doesnt make it true




same applys to you, aru

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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If you don't like the wilderness because of it's "unfairness" go to the duel arena and set your own rules. It's there for you people who can't make it in the wildy.
I got plenty of kills thanks, prolly more in a week then you will get in your rs career, im also a great staker 8-)




And we care because?

Read his post i replied directly to loticus.


You can say your a pker all you want it doesnt make it true.


There is a difference between a skiller who pks and a pker.




I did read his post thank you and as you already know i agree...


and theres a difference between a pker and a arogant pker




you can say you a pker all you want it doesnt make it true




same applys to you, aru


I can post kills and stake vids.. can you do the same?.

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If you don't like the wilderness because of it's "unfairness" go to the duel arena and set your own rules. It's there for you people who can't make it in the wildy.
I got plenty of kills thanks, prolly more in a week then you will get in your rs career, im also a great staker 8-)




And we care because?

Read his post i replied directly to loticus.


You can say your a pker all you want it doesnt make it true.


There is a difference between a skiller who pks and a pker.




I did read his post thank you and as you already know i agree...


and theres a difference between a pker and a arogant pker




you can say you a pker all you want it doesnt make it true




same applys to you, aru


I can post kills and stake vids.. can you do the same?.




yes i can-but i wont, why? because i dont show off and boast about my stats every other post, but you can post yours if you want and reply to me "thats what i thought noob, your not a pker so shut up" all you want but the fact is im a pker and i had to prove nothing to arogant people like you, im not a better pker, you may own me in the wild-who cares!?


(like i said, go ahead and say otherwise and that i wont post vids cus i cant pk, i could care less-its not going to shut me up)

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

Im a pker, i have pker stats and i pk everyday I KNOW MORE ABOUT PKING THEN YOU! YOU DIDNT START AT DAY 1 I DOUBT YOU EVEN PLAYED RSC!


Your arguements are stupid, ive pked nearly every day for the past 6+ years, you pk a few times and try to insist that you can give a valid perspective of a pker, your not a pker your a [bleep]ing joke..


I know what a pker is, i am one, you are not a pker, you are a skiller who has tried to pk on occasion.


What do you pk with your 63 mage?.


SHUT THE [bleep] UP!

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

Im a pker, i have pker stats and i pk everyday I KNOW MORE ABOUT PKING THEN YOU! YOU DIDNT START AT DAY 1 I DOUBT YOU EVEN PLAYED RSC!


Your arguements are stupid, ive pked nearly every day for the past 6+ years, you pk a few times and try to insist that you can give a valid perspective of a pker, your not a pker your a [bleep] joke..


I know what a pker is, i am one, you are not a pker, you are a skiller who has tried to pk on occasion.


What do you pk with your 63 mage?.


SHUT THE [bleep] UP!




Nah, i think ill keep talking, aru :)


No i havnt been playing since day one, never said i did.


Im sorry but MY arguments are stupid, im not the one saying hes a God and knows all :roll:


stats stats stats stats, you use that as your argument because without it you've got nothing


Ive been trying to avoid saying this but its nessicary-YOU are the only joke around here! to heck with my 63 mage, i dought me getting it higher would change your veiw of me-i pk players, what do you think i pk! most stupid question ive hered so far, im not a pure, but theres no rule saying not-rue=pker, i do not pk 'on occasion'!


yes you are a pker, with very nice stats, but Im a pker, deal with it or go elsewhere

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

Im a pker, i have pker stats and i pk everyday I KNOW MORE ABOUT PKING THEN YOU! YOU DIDNT START AT DAY 1 I DOUBT YOU EVEN PLAYED RSC!


Your arguements are stupid, ive pked nearly every day for the past 6+ years, you pk a few times and try to insist that you can give a valid perspective of a pker, your not a pker your a [bleep] joke..


I know what a pker is, i am one, you are not a pker, you are a skiller who has tried to pk on occasion.


What do you pk with your 63 mage?.


SHUT THE [bleep] UP!




Someone needs a life.. -.-




Why your arguments are stupid-


You don't use correct grammar


Your 'facts' are riddled with opinions


You swear for no reason


You insult others


You brag


You assume things.




Some people take this game WAY too serious, flaming people because they dont play by their [developmentally delayed] rules


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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you dont get the point of this rant... just to recap, im ranting about jagex making [developmentally delayed] updates which ruin the wilderness, not about anything else.




I won't argue about the wilderness, because I haven't pked a lot (In my opinion there hasn't been much honour amonst pkers in a very long time and I don't like that) and I don't consider myself a pker, at least not since rs2 was released, but I don't believe Jagex just hates pkers and encourages people to pk in a untasteful manner. Proof?




A small change has been made to single-way combat in the Wilderness. Player-vs-player combat now takes precedence over monster fighting, meaning that anyone in battle with a creature can still be attacked by another player. Before, a player could fight another player, run away, enter combat with a creature, and stop the other player from attacking them. All other single-way combat rules still apply, with only one player able to attack you at a time, and only one creature able to attack at any time.




Unless I'm missing something, this helps honourful pkers doesn't it?




Besides that there was something else I wanted to address, but it has nothing to do with pking.




And I care because? I don't play much because I have homework, school, and a life!




Someone needs a life.. -.-




Like I stated earlier, I don't want to argue over who is right about pking, but I simply have to react to these sad comments. In real life it is quite hard to make me angry, on the internet even more so, but congratulations, you've done it...




Who are you to determine if someone has a life or not? Who the hell do you think you are?!




First of all, He could simply have played only an hour or two every day, that would allow him to get the stats he has today and the knowledge about pking he claims (I'm not saying I doubt you 123Yourgone, but I have no way to know if your claim is true, so I want to keep my comments correct) to possess.




Secondly, even if he used every part of free time he has had playing Runescape, does that mean he has no life, does that mean your life has more value than his? Why would that be? If he is happy with the way he has spent his time then he has had succesful life, no matter what someone like you thinks about it.





Why your arguments are stupid-


You don't use correct grammar


Your 'facts' are riddled with opinions


You swear for no reason


You insult others


You brag


You assume things.




Now, no matter what someone thinks, I'm not here to take sides and unfortunately I have to agree with Unoalexi here...




You (123Yourgone) seem to make it a personal sport to be rude over the internet. I can't decide for you whether you're making a mistake insulting people over the internet or not, but I would like to ask you to try and be more friendly towards others, no matter if you agree or disagree with them.




Regardless of that, could you try to make your posts a bit easier to read? For example, it would help a lot if you could simply lose the caps... Thanks.

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

Im a pker, i have pker stats and i pk everyday I KNOW MORE ABOUT PKING THEN YOU! YOU DIDNT START AT DAY 1 I DOUBT YOU EVEN PLAYED RSC!


Your arguements are stupid, ive pked nearly every day for the past 6+ years, you pk a few times and try to insist that you can give a valid perspective of a pker, your not a pker your a [bleep] joke..


I know what a pker is, i am one, you are not a pker, you are a skiller who has tried to pk on occasion.


What do you pk with your 63 mage?.


SHUT THE [bleep] UP!




Someone needs a life.. -.-




Why your arguments are stupid-


You don't use correct grammar


Your 'facts' are riddled with opinions


You swear for no reason


You insult others


You brag


You assume things.




Some people take this game WAY too serious, flaming people because they dont play by their [developmentally delayed] rules
I have a life thanks, i work 8-14 hour days, i come home and relax by pking.


I dont giving a flying [bleep] about correct grammar.


I swear when some one is too thick to realise that they have no idea what they are talking about, saying you are a pker doesnt make you one..


If you dont have pkers stats how can you call yourself a pker? an elephant can call itself a goat but its still an elephant.


I insult people who deserve it, i kept calm and rational for ages but knight is a moron who has to be right despite having no experience on the subject.. say your a chemist and a lumberjack comes up and tells you his oppinion on prescription drugs..


Do you listen to his well versed oppinion when he clearly has no idea what he is talking about?.


I have earned the right to brag about my pks, becouse i actually have them.


How am i assuming that he cant pk? Whats he kills them with his 74 str? his 63 mage or his 65 or whatever range? he is lvl 90 ffs, any one his lvl can take up to 80 damage or so, with him hitting his max every hit he would still have trouble killing anyone.


And as i said 95% of lvl 90s i meet in the wild (and considering i mainly pk on my 96 rune pure its a lot) are high lvl pures with massive str mage or range who can 3 hit him.


So who does he pk?, if he goes deep a higher lvl 2 specs him with dds, if he stays in low wild he just telies repeatedly whenever he doesnt get koed by a real pker.




Any moron can lie and say they pk, i asked him to back that up and he said he couldnt, so kindly go boil your head.

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

Im a pker, i have pker stats and i pk everyday I KNOW MORE ABOUT PKING THEN YOU! YOU DIDNT START AT DAY 1 I DOUBT YOU EVEN PLAYED RSC!


Your arguements are stupid, ive pked nearly every day for the past 6+ years, you pk a few times and try to insist that you can give a valid perspective of a pker, your not a pker your a [bleep] joke..


I know what a pker is, i am one, you are not a pker, you are a skiller who has tried to pk on occasion.


What do you pk with your 63 mage?.


SHUT THE [bleep] UP!




Someone needs a life.. -.-




Why your arguments are stupid-


You don't use correct grammar


Your 'facts' are riddled with opinions


You swear for no reason


You insult others


You brag


You assume things.




Some people take this game WAY too serious, flaming people because they dont play by their [developmentally delayed] rules
I have a life thanks, i work 8-14 hour days, i come home and relax by pking.


I dont giving a flying [bleep] about correct grammar.


I swear when some one is too thick to realise that they have no idea what they are talking about, saying you are a pker doesnt make you one..


If you dont have pkers stats how can you call yourself a pker? an elephant can call itself a goat but its still an elephant.


I insult people who deserve it, i kept calm and rational for ages but knight is a moron who has to be right despite having no experience on the subject.. say your a chemist and a lumberjack comes up and tells you his oppinion on prescription drugs..


Do you listen to his well versed oppinion when he clearly has no idea what he is talking about?.


I have earned the right to brag about my pks, becouse i actually have them.


How am i assuming that he cant pk? Whats he kills them with his 74 str? his 63 mage or his 65 or whatever range? he is lvl 90 ffs, any one his lvl can take up to 80 damage or so, with him hitting his max every hit he would still have trouble killing anyone.


And as i said 95% of lvl 90s i meet in the wild (and considering i mainly pk on my 96 rune pure its a lot) are high lvl pures with massive str mage or range who can 3 hit him.


So who does he pk?, if he goes deep a higher lvl 2 specs him with dds, if he stays in low wild he just telies repeatedly whenever he doesnt get koed by a real pker.




Any moron can lie and say they pk, i asked him to back that up and he said he couldnt, so kindly go boil your head.




"Any moron can lie and say they pk"


Well then, you should really keep that one in mind...




No one earns the right to shove there lvls down others throats-if you were a deceant player you might have known that.


Sure you can have the best stats-but without the brain to use them correctly they mean nothing, and youve shown buy past post thet you lack this vital aspect now and again.


I dont care if you have experience, thats good but that doesnt mean you cant be wrong!


for example:


I have been drawing Manga for the past 5 years (not as a carrier) but that doesnt mean someone who has only been drawing it for 3 years is a moron who knows nothing about it!


Age does not equal wisdom, aru

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

Im a pker, i have pker stats and i pk everyday I KNOW MORE ABOUT PKING THEN YOU! YOU DIDNT START AT DAY 1 I DOUBT YOU EVEN PLAYED RSC!


Your arguements are stupid, ive pked nearly every day for the past 6+ years, you pk a few times and try to insist that you can give a valid perspective of a pker, your not a pker your a [bleep] joke..


I know what a pker is, i am one, you are not a pker, you are a skiller who has tried to pk on occasion.


What do you pk with your 63 mage?.


SHUT THE [bleep] UP!




Someone needs a life.. -.-




Why your arguments are stupid-


You don't use correct grammar


Your 'facts' are riddled with opinions


You swear for no reason


You insult others


You brag


You assume things.




Some people take this game WAY too serious, flaming people because they dont play by their [developmentally delayed] rules
I have a life thanks, i work 8-14 hour days, i come home and relax by pking.


I dont giving a flying [bleep] about correct grammar.


I swear when some one is too thick to realise that they have no idea what they are talking about, saying you are a pker doesnt make you one..


If you dont have pkers stats how can you call yourself a pker? an elephant can call itself a goat but its still an elephant.


I insult people who deserve it, i kept calm and rational for ages but knight is a moron who has to be right despite having no experience on the subject.. say your a chemist and a lumberjack comes up and tells you his oppinion on prescription drugs..


Do you listen to his well versed oppinion when he clearly has no idea what he is talking about?.


I have earned the right to brag about my pks, becouse i actually have them.


How am i assuming that he cant pk? Whats he kills them with his 74 str? his 63 mage or his 65 or whatever range? he is lvl 90 ffs, any one his lvl can take up to 80 damage or so, with him hitting his max every hit he would still have trouble killing anyone.


And as i said 95% of lvl 90s i meet in the wild (and considering i mainly pk on my 96 rune pure its a lot) are high lvl pures with massive str mage or range who can 3 hit him.


So who does he pk?, if he goes deep a higher lvl 2 specs him with dds, if he stays in low wild he just telies repeatedly whenever he doesnt get koed by a real pker.




Any moron can lie and say they pk, i asked him to back that up and he said he couldnt, so kindly go boil your head.




"Any moron can lie and say they pk"


Well then, you should really keep that one in mind...




No one earns the right to shove there lvls down others throats-if you were a deceant player you might have known that.


Sure you can have the best stats-but without the brain to use them correctly they mean nothing, and youve shown buy past post thet you lack this vital aspect now and again.


I dont care if you have experience, thats good but that doesnt mean you cant be wrong!


for example:


I have been drawing Manga for the past 5 years (not as a carrier) but that doesnt mean someone who has only been drawing it for 3 years is a moron who knows nothing about it!


Age does not equal wisdom, aru

You dont get it, pking at lvl 90+ is ALL ABOUT stats, if you dont have them you cant pk, you can go out and get killed repeatedly, i dont class that as pking..


This is your stats..


73att 74str 71 def 60 range 53 prayer 63 mage 72hp


You have 72 hp.. keep that in mind..


Heres the stats of your average lvl 90 pker..


75 att 90 str 45 def 80 hp 90+ range 85 mage 52 prayer.


You can hit about 24 with a dds spec..


The pker can hit about 31.


One good spec from the pker and you are down 60-62 of 72 hp, you have 12 hp left, they spec again whilst you struggle to eat, if they even get a semi decent spec (your max spec for example which is mid range for them) you are dead.


Max hit at 90+ range with darkbow and voidmage gear is 40+


They can range spec ONCE with a darkbow and put out more then 72 damage, and your instantly dead.


Even in f2p, the rune pure can hit 30 with an r2h and 24s with scim, hitting you faster then you can heal, you wont be able to kill them becouse your max hit is so low, yet every time they get a string of good hits your struggling to stay alive and eating like mad, you miss combat rounds becouse of this and eventually lose.


So tell me again how you pk?, in your dreams?.

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I didn't do anything. Why am I on your list of causes? I said one thing 2 pages back and then those 2 or 3 guys went at each other's throats for it... :notalk: I haven't even been participating in the conversation :(




Edit: Btw, you forgot to put 123yourgone on it too :-w

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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I didn't do anything. Why am I on your list of causes? I said one thing 2 pages back and then those 2 or 3 guys went at each other's throats for it... :notalk: I haven't even been participating in the conversation :(




Edit: Btw, you forgot to put 123yourgone on it too :-w




Yeah, 123 had a hand in starting this whole thing




How does he know the exact stats of the person i run into, does he have spys everywereor somthing?

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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I didn't do anything. Why am I on your list of causes? I said one thing 2 pages back and then those 2 or 3 guys went at each other's throats for it... :notalk: I haven't even been participating in the conversation :(




Edit: Btw, you forgot to put 123yourgone on it too :-w




Yeah, 123 had a hand in starting this whole thing




How does he know the exact stats of the person i run into, does he have spys everywereor somthing?

pointless posts made with no knowledge or understanding of the topic.




I know the average stats of most people you will run into becouse im always in the wild, if your suddenly finding even statted lvl 90 mains pking all the time please tell me where and when so i can come get some free items.


Im pking every day across most of the worlds and i rarely if ever see a 90+ with junk pk stats out pking, rcing with the abyss maybe but not pking.

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Your trying to argue from the point of view of a pker when its clear that you dont have to experience to do so, you are too thick to argue with im done.




well acording to you we could have been playing since day one and not know enough to argue with you-so we could just say your right and give you praise for knowing so much, but i think ill pass

Im a pker, i have pker stats and i pk everyday I KNOW MORE ABOUT PKING THEN YOU! YOU DIDNT START AT DAY 1 I DOUBT YOU EVEN PLAYED RSC!


Your arguements are stupid, ive pked nearly every day for the past 6+ years, you pk a few times and try to insist that you can give a valid perspective of a pker, your not a pker your a [bleep] joke..


I know what a pker is, i am one, you are not a pker, you are a skiller who has tried to pk on occasion.


What do you pk with your 63 mage?.


SHUT THE [bleep] UP!




Someone needs a life.. -.-




Why your arguments are stupid-


You don't use correct grammar


Your 'facts' are riddled with opinions


You swear for no reason


You insult others


You brag


You assume things.




Some people take this game WAY too serious, flaming people because they dont play by their [developmentally delayed] rules
I have a life thanks, i work 8-14 hour days, i come home and relax by pking.


I dont giving a flying [bleep] about correct grammar.I do, therefore you are a arguement noob because you can't argue using proper grammar


I swear when some one is too thick to realise that they have no idea what they are talking about, saying you are a pker doesnt make you one..


If you dont have pkers stats how can you call yourself a pker? an elephant can call itself a goat but its still an elephant.What if I had oh the stats of a pker at lvl 50? Not everyone is lvl 90 yah no..


I insult people who deserve it, i kept calm and rational for ages but knight is a moron who has to be right despite having no experience on the subject.. say your a chemist and a lumberjack comes up and tells you his opinion on prescription drugs..The chemist would still be polite and courteous to the lumberjack, your flaming has no valid excuse


Do you listen to his well versed oppinion when he clearly has no idea what he is talking about?.Yes, because that is both polite and courteous


I have earned the right to brag about my pks, becouse i actually have them.You have no proof whatsoever, revert back to your elephant analogy


How am i assuming that he cant pk? Whats he kills them with his 74 str? his 63 mage or his 65 or whatever range? he is lvl 90 ffs, any one his lvl can take up to 80 damage or so, with him hitting his max every hit he would still have trouble killing anyone.That might be his main, once again, assuming things makes an [wagon] out of you and me.


And as i said 95% of lvl 90s i meet in the wild (and considering i mainly pk on my 96 rune pure its a lot) are high lvl pures with massive str mage or range who can 3 hit him.Random statistics mean absolutely nothing


So who does he pk?, if he goes deep a higher lvl 2 specs him with dds, if he stays in low wild he just telies repeatedly whenever he doesnt get koed by a real pker.People don't pk with their mains... -.-


I HAVE EXPERIENCE!So? That doesn't mean you can come in here and flame the hell out of others for their opinions!


Any moron can lie and say they pk, i asked him to back that up and he said he couldnt, so kindly go boil your head. Wow, did you get that insult off of Dora the Explorer!? The irony is killing me..


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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