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Hate to burst your bubble but then the owner of the autoers will go in and modify the script to move the mouse until it sees "open Door" in the corner then it will click and open it.Most autoers dont click only colors they look for the name in the top right-hand corner too.


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It looks like a puke covered dragon face that is screaming
Thanks Unoalexi for my awesome avatar!
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Just face it people, its impossible to completely get rid of autoers completely without affecting everyone else and then theres still sweatshops to contend with. If it was up to me i'd use the 'speak english or DIE!!!' concept. :twisted: (yes, i did take that from the stormtroopers of death song title)

My Last.Fm


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Hate to burst your bubble but then the owner of the autoers will go in and modify the script to move the mouse until it sees "open Door" in the corner then it will click and open it.Most autoers dont click only colors they look for the name in the top right-hand corner too.


this problem could change changing doors name frequently, or looks of it-instead of the open door thing theyn could add squeeze thro gap, jump over, kick wooden thingy :? etc.

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~All they need to do is put a fence around all Yews, Willows, Flax fields, and other heavily-autoed areas (kind of like in Tai Bwo Wanni (or however it's spelled) Teak trees.) All you'd have to do is open a door to get inside, so it's not a drastic obstruction to normal players. However, all the autoers would get stuck outside of the fence, because their programs only click in one specific succession every time




That's where you're wrong. Half the macroers will be able to skip the middle man and send a packet directly to the server "open the door"




The other half will have no problem in clicking the door. There has to be some way for players to find the door, the autoer will use the same method.




they switch the door's position, which means more banned autoers. Then every month, they move the door a few spaces in one direction or another, because autoing programs simply can't handle that.




Think again, see above.










Eventually, they may catch on. Maybe there will be door-opening autoers. But, all Jagex really needs to do is anticipate what the autoing programs will do.




Eventually isn't really the best word to use. 'Within a week' would be more accurate.




Maybe one month put in a bridge to get to the autoed placed, kind of like the wilderness ditch, that requires Level 10 Fishing, Cooking, or some easy skill to cross. Maybe one month require a Total Level of 100 to cross, etc etc. Because autoers are completely focused on one skill, they'll just fail these kinds of things, and thus, Autoers are gone.~




Jagex wouldn't add this because it annoy's players. Besides, this would only slow down the gold farmers, not the macroers. Gold farmers aren't breaking the rules until they sell what they've earned, and by then it's too late to ban anyway.




Also, macroers don't concentrate on 1 skill, thats gold farmers.

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A set of bots are working under ONE master code. They'll only have to change the code once and all bots would get past your silly little door. Oh, and they don't click mindlessly, they use a colour finder and make sure what they're clicking are click-able.


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