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Player-owned shops coming soon after Grand Exchange?


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For those that are wondering, the main ones left to do are a 'frozen lands' area, randomly-generated scenarios, lizardmen and player-owned shops. Senior Creative Designer, Mod Mark says, "Player-owned shops are the only thing that isn't currently possible, but we've made the Grand Exchange, which is close in concept and awesome in its own right. We're making advances in technology all the time, so player-owned shops might be possible in the future.





There you go, Jagex are actually thinking about player-owned shops. Do you they'll wait to see how the Grand Exchange goes? They might link it with the Grand Exchange maybe.




What are your thoughts and ideas? Might be a little early to start judging, but I think its something to discuss.

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They were planning to make the GE a temporary 'Player Owned Shop' equivalent. Sure, they're gonna do it, but they won't yet. Let's keep ourselves focused on updates which has more solid info, such as the newly announced Summoning skill.

~ W ~



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