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Does jagex disaprove of hunting for trouble (ppl to report)


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Hey I seriously wasn't thinking of becoming a mod, but I was wondering if a person went around all day reporting people with trust scams, and item scams by actually looking for them, lets say they reported 10-15 people in one day, now how does jagex feel about that, do they like it, do they not really want it but not mind, or do they totaly disoprove of it? and do mods actually become mods by just hunting for scammers to report?

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1. you are probably going to get flamed bad for this


2. many people dont like wannabe mods


3. Im sure that if your reports are legitimate, jagex wil appreciate it, and you will soon become a mod, how long depends on how good the reports are, your history, no one but jagex could give you a real anwser as far as time

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Please don't ask questions relating to the promotion of a normal player to a player-moderator. All of us should know the only people who can answer this is Jagex themselves.








Player moderators can, as they know what they did to become player moderators.








2. many people dont like wannabe mods




I still don't get the point in why you guys don't like "wannabe moderators". What's wrong with wanting to make the game a better place for all? In other games i've played, this has been encouraged by others, not discouraged.


(I was a moderator for a game called KnightFight)



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1. you are probably going to get flamed bad for this


2. many people dont like wannabe mods


3. Im sure that if your reports are legitimate, jagex wil appreciate it, and you will soon become a mod, how long depends on how good the reports are, your history, no one but jagex could give you a real anwser as far as time




Thank you for the answer, I have never told anyone on runescape that I want to be a mod (though I honestly do, I just didn't want people flaming me on this thread, but I think I get it now)




I also have never told anyone to report someone, and I have never told a person I reported them.




Though honestly if jagex never promoted me to mod then I would not mind, I like reporting people who scam others it makes me feel like I make a diffrence, the main thing I report is trust scams and item scams, and advertisements sometimes too.




SURGE Troy I agree with you on that, why don't people want more people taking responsibility of the rules, runescape is full to the brim with scammers.

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Actually Player Moderators are chosen for a variety of different reasons....




Try and read the FAQs about PlayerMods Last time I read it, it said something along the lines of, "Q: How can I become a player moderator?"


"A: You can become a player moderator by playing the game by the rules, and fairly. If we think you deserve to become one we will let you know through your RuneScape Inbox, we will never e-mail you."

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I read that, I know how to become one, I'm just not sure about certain aspects such as, is jagex against people who dilibertly go out of there way to find scamers.




The reason I bring it up is I heard in other topics that it was bad to do, but maybe they refered to people reporting for stupid reasons.

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Honestly, I wouldn't go out of your way to spend a hole day reporting. Not only would this put you behind in runescape, but Jagex receives hundreds of thousands reports a day.. If you reported say 20 people in an hour, it might seem a lot to you, but it's peanuts to them.




My suggestion is to report it when you see it, help out others when they ask (no i don't mean when someone asks for 10K give it to them, I mean if they ask you where Varrock is, point them in the right direction). Jagex will choose whomever they see suited for the job. I could also see going out of your way reporting eventually turning up to be desperate, and eventually reporting people for no apparent reason (or not big enough of an offense).



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Please don't ask questions relating to the promotion of a normal player to a player-moderator. All of us should know the only people who can answer this is Jagex themselves.








Player moderators can, as they know what they did to become player moderators.








2. many people dont like wannabe mods




I still don't get the point in why you guys don't like "wannabe moderators". What's wrong with wanting to make the game a better place for all? In other games i've played, this has been encouraged by others, not discouraged.


(I was a moderator for a game called KnightFight)




I hate to go all biblical, but wannabee mods remind me of the parable of the Pharisee and the publican.




My last day of members, I spent fishing at Catherby. And there was a wannabee there making great boasts about how he was reporting this person and that person for telling "yo mama" jokes that might possibly have offended someone. And how he was certain to be a mod soon at the rate he was going.




I chewed him out for clogging up the reporting system with all his reports and taking Jagex' time away from the real problems in Runescape. I further asked him why he was making such a public demonstration of all his "reporting" when he could have quietly submitted his reports and accomplished the same thing.




So I fired off a few "yo mama"s of my own.




His response was to urge every one there to report me.




Of course, nothing came of his reports on me. :P




But it just goes to show you just how messed up the entire player mod system is.




The lengths some people will go to in order to get a crown by their name...

PvP is not for me

In the 3rd Year of the Boycott
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Please don't ask questions relating to the promotion of a normal player to a player-moderator. All of us should know the only people who can answer this is Jagex themselves.








Player moderators can, as they know what they did to become player moderators.








2. many people dont like wannabe mods




I still don't get the point in why you guys don't like "wannabe moderators". What's wrong with wanting to make the game a better place for all? In other games i've played, this has been encouraged by others, not discouraged.


(I was a moderator for a game called KnightFight)




I hate to go all biblical, but wannabee mods remind me of the parable of the Pharisee and the publican.




My last day of members, I spent fishing at Catherby. And there was a wannabee there making great boasts about how he was reporting this person and that person for telling "yo mama" jokes that might possibly have offended someone. And how he was certain to be a mod soon at the rate he was going.




I chewed him out for clogging up the reporting system with all his reports and taking Jagex' time away from the real problems in Runescape. I further asked him why he was making such a public demonstration of all his "reporting" when he could have quietly submitted his reports and accomplished the same thing.




So I fired off a few "yo mama"s of my own.




His response was to urge every one there to report me.




Of course, nothing came of his reports on me. :P




But it just goes to show you just how messed up the entire player mod system is.




The lengths some people will go to in order to get a crown by their name...




I don't think it's messed up I think it's quite genious jagex is making people earn the title, there not just giving it away to people who report people 100 times a day for stupid stuff.

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W00T! pmod here! Okay, here is my story! Okay, Okay, Okay, when i became a mod, I was no where near trying. Becoming a moderator does not depend on how many times you report. If you do that, Jagex will instead think you are a possible case of a mod wannabe, in which you dont want Jagex to think of you as :D




Recommendation: Report with accuracy when you see wrongdoing, be nice to people whether they're mean or nice to you, and do think that stick out, and have a fun personality! hehe 8-)


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W00T! pmod here! Okay, here is my story! Okay, Okay, Okay, when i became a mod, I was no where near trying. Becoming a moderator does not depend on how many times you report. If you do that, Jagex will instead think you are a possible case of a mod wannabe, in which you dont want Jagex to think of you as :D




Recommendation: Report with accuracy when you see wrongdoing, be nice to people whether they're mean or nice to you, and do think that stick out, and have a fun personality! hehe 8-)




W00ts! I'm all that AND a wannabe! \:D/

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W00T! pmod here! Okay, here is my story! Okay, Okay, Okay, when i became a mod, I was no where near trying. Becoming a moderator does not depend on how many times you report. If you do that, Jagex will instead think you are a possible case of a mod wannabe, in which you dont want Jagex to think of you as :D




Recommendation: Report with accuracy when you see wrongdoing, be nice to people whether they're mean or nice to you, and do think that stick out, and have a fun personality! hehe 8-)




W00ts! I'm all that AND a wannabe! \:D/




Heh, wannabe mods for the win! <33333 \:D/


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y do u want to b a moderator....... they dont do much, and im almost positive u dont get like money or something.......


lol \' \' \' \' \'




Play moderators don't, Jagex moderators do, as they're employees.






@Lordkafei -


Of course there's a limit on this sort of thing. I mean, this guy clearly could've done it quietly, rather then waste his time. The stuff you mentioned such as yo momma jokes, I wouldn't even bother reporting. Offensive Language reports don't do much in my opinion, I think it's only to help Jagex improve their censoring more then anything. ;)



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Wait, when you asked "why do you want to be a moderator" who are you referring too? the author of this article - or - me ? :-k




Yeah I was wondering that too. That's why I quote people or put @____ at the start of my post. ;)


Personally, I wouldn't mind being a moderator, I experienced it on another game, and to tell you the truth it's fun. :D



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Wait, when you asked "why do you want to be a moderator" who are you referring too? the author of this article - or - me ? :-k




Yeah I was wondering that too. That's why I quote people or put @____ at the start of my post. ;)


Personally, I wouldn't mind being a moderator, I experienced it on another game, and to tell you the truth it's fun. :D




Hehe, well if the person was directing it to me, then I am all about being a mod <3: Well, A double moderator I guess.




I wouldnt mine being one twice [/sarcasm] :D :D


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Who doesnt want to be a moderator? Its almost instant respect out of fear in every situation. You can do anything ingame without talking, and the other person will get hostile and start insulting you, simple "Lol [enter key]" and watch the flood of "omg im sorry"s come pouring in.




On another note, I would assume that Jagex would look more highly of you and your reports if you reported people that led to the baning of players. Look for a topic on mass-reporting in the guides section, there is one idea.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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yeah I agree it makes me angrey to see some guy running around saying folow me and spam I hate the jews, and I'm not able to mute them, I saw a mod but he must not have noticed, now that I think about it I should have asked that mod to mute him.




I think I read that guide, the one where it tells you to add them as a friend and turn public to friends I reported 3 teams of scammers today with that, you know people buying charcoal for 2m and selling for 200k, I've even followed a trust scammer to another world to report him cause he logged out before saying the words, "trade me good stuff and I'll trade you back"

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When I am at the wilderness agility course, or in fact anywhere in the wilderness, when I talk or say please dont PK me, they say:




"Why should I spare you?" or they just dont talk at all and pk me.




Even when I'm at public places, and I do talk aloud making people know I am a moderator and stop making fun of me, they still proceed as if I have never spoken and say "yeah, i would never want to be a mod because they get made fun of a lot and they're weird, and so on"






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When I am at the wilderness agility course, or in fact anywhere in the wilderness, when I talk or say please dont PK me, they say:




"Why should I spare you?" or they just dont talk at all and pk me.




Even when I'm at public places, and I do talk aloud making people know I am a moderator and stop making fun of me, they still proceed as if I have never spoken and say "yeah, i would never want to be a mod because they get made fun of a lot and they're weird, and so on"








Hey adam, if your still checking this thread out, did you by chance know a moderator before you became one, I think maybe that might have something to do with it, or did you just report alot of people over very long spans of time?

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