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F2P monsters with low magic DEF? Drops not important...


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I need to know some F2P monsters that have really low magic defence, but a good amount of hitpoints.




I don't want to hit low or any 0s, because that would mean not as much hitpoints experience... Also, if a monster has low hitpoints, it means on my last shot, I won't hit as high as I could have (if a monster has 3hp left, I would only get exp from those 3 damage, even if I would probably have hit a 7+ if it had more hp)




Drops are not important at all. I don't bury bones and I, most likely, won't collect the drops, so it doesn't matter if the monster is a ghost and drops nothing...




Need a monster (F2P) with high/medium hitpoints, low magic defence. Any ideas?

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Lessers have low magic def. Also, monsters wearing armour, such as fortress guards, guards, and knights will be weak to mage.


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by the sound of this thread your planning on fire strikin, if possible get your mage to use crumble undead and use that instead of fire strike and/or bolt,


you get 39xp per cast, and it hits hard on undead types (zombies/ghosts/ankous/etc)




only drawback is that you cant auto-cast






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Id suggest the black knights fortress or whatever it is just north of the dwarven mine in the mountains.


I hear that there are plenty of safe spots and also as the others above have said before they wear armour so theyre weak to mage




Best of luck




Samari <3:


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by the sound of this thread your planning on fire strikin, if possible get your mage to use crumble undead and use that instead of fire strike and/or bolt,


you get 39xp per cast, and it hits hard on undead types (zombies/ghosts/ankous/etc)




only drawback is that you cant auto-cast


Yea, I was thinking fire strike or crumble undead....


I'm wondering if the no autocast will get too tedius, though, but I will give it a shot. If it is, I'll probably use fire strike




Know any good places to mage zombies, ghosts, and/or ankous?




I know if the SoS there are level 60+++ ankous with some good safe spots (especially when they become non-agressive), but these might be too high of a level to mage at the moment.




What level should be about right to effectively kill these higher level ankous?




Thanks :D

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I'd say no to crumble undead. However, it depends how many spells you want to cast. It does get tedious, having to click the spell EVERY single time to cast.




I'd say either take on the Black Knights up near Dwarven Mine (watch where the Wild starts) or take on the Lesser Demons. (Plenty of hits and fairly weak to Magic)



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Hmm, yea, the crumble undead seems really tedious/boring :shock:


It'd be one thing to have to use the spell to just start the fight (like just do the spell once and then it keeps repeating), but doing it every hit :o




I think I'll try fire strike and if that is too slow, then I'll suck it up and go for crumble.




I'll try the black knights first, since they are a lower level, and then later (around 60 or so?) I'll go do lessers...




Congrats on your mod-in-training announcement, too :P and thanks








EDIT: Hmm.. ice giants... I'll go explore there I guess and see if there are any safespots that are reasonably accessible


They are actually weaker to fire spells? Veerrryyy interesting if true.. didn't know that :D

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