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All My Sigs - Abstract Sig & The One Ring


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Ohh, I like the assasain's creed one :o The lighting is full of win.




Thanks for to CC. I haven't gotten any done so far today my friends just left we were up till like 2 AM playing Rock Band :twisted: . Anyways im about to start a new one using this render






EDIT: W00t this thread has 50 post :P


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10/10. Well done.




Thanks for the CC i was gonna give this one away but when photoshop stopped responding i never had the chance to save the .psd So im using it i can't let it go to waste. #-o .




Anyways I got the new sig done with Toonami Tom in it. I think it looks pretty good. I tried out the stoke tip woopidoo2 gave me but i didn't realize it wasn't gonna expand the sig so its a little shorter than the others. The text I did differently this time. b/c there was no place to place white or blue text andwhere without it getting washed out by the background i placed another layer behind the text but a black box behind the text, erased around the text with a small brush, and then merged them together and set the blending to darken so that the background would show through. Let me know what yall think. With all that said here it is :P






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I like it, you've finally gotten on top of blending :D Good work, you'll go far now, just keep practicing with lots and lots of renders and you'll make incredible sigs. By the way, now you've also gotten on top of text, the old text gets boring when you do it over and over on all your sigs :P


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You're getting a hang of things well.




Really my only advice now is just continue to practice. Also, don't be afraid to experiment or try ideas that seem almost crazy in your head. (like a different technique of doing things).






Just keep in mind what looks good and doesn't look good. Don't be afraid to just scrap a sig if its tacky or bad (I've thrown away so many sigs its not even funny).






But really, experimentation is the key. My current signature I made almost out of complete surprise, I thought of an idea... tried it and it worked wonderfully so I went with it.

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You've progressed alot since I last looked. Very good job.


Although the problem is you're using too many pitch blacks for darkness, and too much bright white...




The assasins creed ones lighting is good though.


Kudos to you.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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I like it, you've finally gotten on top of blending :D Good work, you'll go far now, just keep practicing with lots and lots of renders and you'll make incredible sigs. By the way, now you've also gotten on top of text, the old text gets boring when you do it over and over on all your sigs :P




You're getting a hang of things well.




Really my only advice now is just continue to practice. Also, don't be afraid to experiment or try ideas that seem almost crazy in your head. (like a different technique of doing things).






Just keep in mind what looks good and doesn't look good. Don't be afraid to just scrap a sig if its tacky or bad (I've thrown away so many sigs its not even funny).






But really, experimentation is the key. My current signature I made almost out of complete surprise, I thought of an idea... tried it and it worked wonderfully so I went with it.




You've progressed alot since I last looked. Very good job.


Although the problem is you're using too many pitch blacks for darkness, and too much bright white...




The assasins creed ones lighting is good though.


Kudos to you.




Thanks everyone for all the comments. I have been away from my computer all day :shock: . I'll work on using more medium colors to change the lighting. I'm going to go on dafont to get some more ones (finding good ones is hard I've downloaded like 10 that looked kool an first but once u install it doesn't work the same :( ) Oh well im not sure what I'm doing next seeing [wagon] i just got on the computer and when i opened the lid it warned me about an unexpected shutdown :( oh well gotta see what all that about. It always does this stuff when i'm not on. but work amazing when im on maybe its Spy Sweeper cause it was scheduled to boot last night #-o .


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Well I've got 7 minutes to spare to go until tomorrow and i finally got my new one done and uploaded. I went with a render of Megan Fox b/c she may just be the hottest person to ever walk the earth (for those who don't know who she is if u've seen transformers shes Mikaela Banes) I finally used my Electric Curl brushes i downloaded and i got like 30 new fonts to try out. Not a whole lot of blending going on just enough so it doesn't look bad.Anyways before it becomes tomorrow (gotta get at least one on here for today) here it is






EDIT: I realized when I went to go post my new one that i actually saved the wrong version of this sig i had meant to remove the C4D layer b/c it disorted it so much anyways this is what it should of been :roll: .








I think yall agree that this sig is much cleaner looking. So much for getting one on yesterday. :(


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Heres another new one and after the screw up with the last one i think im gonna actually use the preview button :lol: . Anyways this sig is of a Retualist (WoW i think :?: ) I'm having some trouble with this one I got 2 versions of it (with reordered layer and 1 layer thats a splattered and displaced copy of the render) the problem is i can't decide which one i like better. To solve the problem I'm just gonna post both and give it away Whoever gets it gets to choose the version they like best (not my problem anymore :thumbsup: )




Heres Retualist_v1:






And Heres Retualist_v2:






By the way is Retualist spelled right it looks funny (the guy who rendered it spelled it that way) :?:


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Well Once i posted the correct version of the Megan Fox sig when it was right next to the wrong one it seemed boring :-s and the text seemed to bold it wasn't blending right. So i decided to add back in the C4D layer set it to color blend and mess with the fill and opacity setting then and an inner shadow and glow for the text backdrop so it blended better. Finally i got something I'm happy with. It had to be right cause she seriously looks amazing. I saved it at 29.72kb so it looks as good as possible for when i use it later(and i definitely be using it)






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  • 1 month later...
Not bad, the new ones have much better colours, text and blending. Keep it up.




Thanks for the CC. Sorry its been so long but i haven't even been able to get on RS in 3 days...so much school work anyways heres my latest sig:




Let me know wat u think!






My latest programming project is a cheap kind of space invaders so i figure i'd provide you with a screen shot of my progress so far. Hopefully when i get it done i can find somewhere to let ppl download it. It'll be at least a week b4 i could let anyone download just b/c i can't release any kind of files in case someone tries to see the code and copy my project. anyways Heres a screen shot.








by the way this is all being coded in java and its only my 15th week o learning java, or any other programming language besides HTML. Just to make wat u see there is 290 lines of code.


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