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Howmany Chinchompa's 94-99 Ranged.


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at the ape atol skelles, I *think* one red chin is 133 exp. but with void range that is probably higher. Take about 100, record the start range exp, use all 100, record the end exp and do the math to get a better number.


You can't really give a number as exact as 133 straight off, but if you don't feel like doing the 100 test just get a average hit (I'm not very familiar with the max hits and accuracy of red chins), times that by the average number of monsters you will hit, times that by 3 (Or is it 4 exp per dmg? Can't remember :-w ) then get the exp you need for 94-99 (using an exp table) and divide it by the number you got with those first calculations. There's an educated guess as accuarte is it's going to get.




If you've had experience using chins before you might not even have to go down there and do those tests, just estimate and you'll have a faint idea.


A Draconic Guide V1.4, Fimer - Multi-Timer Farming Timer V3.

Dragon Boots: 39|Abyssal Whips: 16|Dark Bows: 1|

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Well its been noted that from 85-99 you will need about 50-60k chins.




Thats really all the info I can give you.






I can, however, give you a good suggestion. Buy them in 5k (or 10k) amounts at a time and when you run out re-stock. That way you won't buy too many and you will know how much exp you get per 5k chins. Then you can really just calc the rest of the exp out yourself :)

Apparently, my signature was to big.

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at the ape atol skelles, I *think* one red chin is 133 exp. but with void range that is probably higher. Take about 100, record the start range exp, use all 100, record the end exp and do the math to get a better number.


You can't really give a number as exact as 133 straight off, but if you don't feel like doing the 100 test just get a average hit (I'm not very familiar with the max hits and accuracy of red chins), times that by the average number of monsters you will hit, times that by 3 (Or is it 4 exp per dmg? Can't remember :-w ) then get the exp you need for 94-99 (using an exp table) and divide it by the number you got with those first calculations. There's an educated guess as accuarte is it's going to get.




If you've had experience using chins before you might not even have to go down there and do those tests, just estimate and you'll have a faint idea.




From personal expierence, yes I can. 133 is very accurate. Even Apathy's guide said 133, she was one of the first to releas the info on red chins and where to use them. Yes, not every chin is 133, but averaged over a few hundred it is very accurate. Until you can give me facts to prove it wrong, don't quote me saying I am wrong.

I am not a skiller, but i do some skills.



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