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How selfish :roll:




That's not the point of a mute anyway. Muting is used to prevent players from breaking the rules again, not to make it so they have to have unfair trades. It's pretty much impossible to get banned after being permanently muted unless you're really asking for it.




If Grand Exchange is a gift to the mutes then how about Clan Chat?


Clan chat is as much an extra punishment to muted people as GE is an aid.


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I didn't read the replies, and I don't care. I read your post, And I know one thing.




Your an [wagon].





agreed, i mean i used to have a bad temper thats why i was muted, but hey i changed, people can do that, and i would give anything in rs to be able to talk again, you just dont get it



Member of 100+ Korrupted Fury

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If you wanna hear unfair how's this.




I got muted in March for spamming my clan's name at a multi-clan fight pits. A mod from a rival clan muted me. Permanently. When I tried appealing I lost obviously. Now I'm permanently muted and it's a pain :wall:


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Well, you may be wondering what the title of this thread means. Yes, Jagex has helped all the muted players with their trading. How is this? The Grand Exchange. That's right. If you really think about it, the muted ones used to have to go with the price of the other person they were trading with, example:




Player1:Selling 1k steel bars 650ea!


Muted:*Follows and used the "no" emoticon*


Payer1:Stop following me!


Muted:Eventualy gives in and buys for a ridiculous price.




But now, using the Grand Exchange, they get to buy items for the price THEY would like. Did Jagex really think about this? Why are they helping the rule-breakers? Do the muted people really deserve to be able to trade items for their own price even though they have broken rules and been punished for it? Tell me your opinion...




Huh? Being muted doesn't mean you have to be subjected to unfair trade, and the GE is an efficient method for everyone, whether muted or not.




Jagex didn't and still don't intend to "help" the rule-breakers, as November's and this month's dramatic changes against RWT suggest, and being muted doesn't mean you should be subjected to unfair trade.




Also, your thread is quite biased. What if the person is unfairly muted? RuneScape's CS and Appeal system is terrible at turning in appeals, you know.




A hacker could get into the person's account and spam the flood screen, thus getting the person muted. Anyhow, like I said, The Grand Exchange is an efficient method for trading, even for "rule-breakers". What offense they committed, doesn't mean they have to suffer the price of not being able to bargain/merchant/buy sell for their own prices, unless of course they performed RWT.

RIP RU_Insane. August 3rd, 2005 - November 11th, 2012.


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Personally i'm muted i cannot log in the RSOF because i'm muted, You saying i shouldn't be allowed the same trading benefits as somebody else? Because if that's the case ALL people with black marks shouldn't be able to access it as they have "Broken" the rules



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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