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<3 1/1/08 <3 And Harding's '07 I Guess

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[hide=I Harding I - 2007]


Well I made this account the last day of my freshman year because I wanted a new main. On the first few days I played on him a little bit getting 20 Woodcutting and Firemaking. Then I bought 1 month of p2p on him to see if I had more fun on him than on my current pure which was 0x Sirex 0x. I bought 50 Firemaking on that first day of p2p and Shmate donated me enough money to buy 52 pray, which I did.




Then I started firemaking, slowly developing a goal for 99. I got so many donations and made so many new friends you wouldn't believe. I ended up getting like 30-something-k odd willows from donations alone. Shmate helped me a lot with the money for later levels of firemaking so I could buy Yews. Then on July 14, 2007 I finally got 99 Firemaking \' My first 99 EVER on an account. 3,221st to 99 Firemaking. My rank has fallen since then.






Lvl 9 Smiter with 99 Firemaking was win lol. Did a tiny bit more skilling and decided to get combat. I didn't get very far lol. I got to 62 Combat and just went back to skilling and ended up getting to 1350 Total at 62 Combat a few weeks ago before deciding to continue getting combat up. I guess some achievements to show at the point of me starting combat would be 70 mage, completing Shilo Village, Monkey Madness, and Desert Treasure.










Then I just slayed and trained attack till 60, then I slayed till 60 Def so I could barrow somewhat effectively, and kept training till 64. (Got 63 and 64 on 1/1/08 but meh) Then I started to Barrow. Barrowing started on 1/1/08 So that ends this. Here is my Final bank and stat pic of '07. (I got 1400 Total at midnight or near it so yeah um count it as last of 07 and first of 08.




Yes I know my Agility and Herblore are bad, but I hate agility and I'm going to just agil pot to the MM course pretty soon to raise it lol. Herblore I have 50+ banked in Harras but I want to farm the rest of my Harra seeds first just to see how many herbs I can get lol.


[hide=Bank Pic]I couldn't be asked to do a whole 1 pic bank pic so I just took pictures of every part lol.


































[hide=<3 1/1/08 <3]


Well around Midnight or so aka 1/1/08 I started Barrowing and ended up getting 4 items on my first day of Barrows lol


I've been keeping a barrows log on my notepad and here it is


[hide=Barrows Log]


Barrows Log




1) 38 Bloods, 136 Chaos, 36 Racks, 1430gp, Loop Half


2) 77 Bloods, 124 Chaos, 78 Racks, 554gp


3) 85 Bloods, 249 Chaos, 704gp, AH HOOD


4) 43 Bloods, 130 Chaos, 36 Racks, 1130gp, K COIF


5) 39 Bloods, 241 Chaos, 37 Racks, 12gp


6) 84 Bloods, 472gp


7) 38 Bloods, 131 Chaos, 71 Racks, 956gp


8) 73 Racks, 916gp


9) 43 Bloods, 249 Chaos, 40 Racks, 366gp


10) 43 Bloods, 822gp


11) 81 Bloods, 123 Chaos, 408gp, DH PLATE


12) 1200gp, K XBOW


13) 676gp


14) 40 Bloods, 399 Chaos, 808gp


15) 38 Bloods, 73 Racks, 1054gp


16) 38 Bloods, 246 Chaos, 73 Racks, 382gp


17) 39 Bloods, 115 Chaos, 38 Racks, 928gp


18) 41 Bloods, 125 Chaos, 35 Racks, 650gp


19) 76 Bloods, 130 Chaos, 1476gp


20) 37 Bloods, 76 Racks, 428gp




So I did 2 runs, and got my first drop...




Did another run...




Went 6 Dry then got...




Funny story on that one, read text on pic lol.


Did another run...




I've been dry ever since but making 1.7m or so on your first day of barrows isn't bad at all in my opinion.[/hide]




Thanks for reading,



CLICK HERE FOR MY BLOG!Mostly Retired, Small Goal For When I actually play.

My Youtube Vids


3,221st Person To Reach 99 Firemaking - 7/14/07 ~ ~ Quit RS - 2/26/08

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Wow nice, and great progress \'




Teh 60 errr 0ld P03t :XD:

LOVE is in the air - but which way is the wind blowing today?

Everyone must understand, most 'scapers are slightly smarter than the average snail and nothing more.....

We'll call leetspeak an accent..from a country

called "Stupid"

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harding u gud barrowerererererere, get 13 kc cuz yea that totally rocks (rofl at cliff) um yea keep up da gud work man!!!! seeeee uuuu later

Just slaying away. 94/99 and going for 90+ Herb <3.

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I saw you at barrows with your awesome manskirt and you were going on about that nub Thunda1230 ::' .




10/10 for your year, and best of luck for '08!




P.S. I got a Guthan Helm on that very same run I asked you "Emote pl0x?!" :wink:


^ Refresh for a new signature ^


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Nise u gud wurmy




Nice luck i did barrows at around the same level as you, use range instead of melee at your level it is hard to hit the brothers.


~88 click




Um I use slayer dart on the brothers, no way I would melee em with my stats lol..

CLICK HERE FOR MY BLOG!Mostly Retired, Small Goal For When I actually play.

My Youtube Vids


3,221st Person To Reach 99 Firemaking - 7/14/07 ~ ~ Quit RS - 2/26/08

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REPORTED. Go back to RSOF noob. No one loves you.










JK HARDING!! <333333333 AWESOME JOB THERE!! I loooove the Firemaking levels, and the Barrow drops!@ keep up the god work! 8-) WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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nice job saw you trying slayer today at bloods, gave you a hyt but you must of hide public chat on hide, good job keep up the good work.









RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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