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A police force a new feature to check bots.


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I suggest a POLICE FORCE as a way to check on skillers and bots.


note: the word "police' could be set appropriately to the era of RS.




Also, as always, I accept helpful criticisms and ideas to make this more useful.








Since we all want to get rid of skillers bots off runescape.






Who will be the Police?


I suggest all of us. Jagex knows they cannot cope up checking on all the MILLIONS of reported abuses they recieve everyday. That is why, some RWT-players and even bots exist. Both RWT and JAgex knows that. Thus, we players who want to get rid of RWT-skillers must do our part.






Why do we need that? We already have 3k limit which is already enough to stop them.


NO, Jagex haven't stoped RWT. It still exists till now...and still are. RWT are still able to make money! How? They sell their high-skill accouts via online for real cash. Now, have they alredy stopped that?




With a police to check on them, they will lessen in number, and soon be gone.






What can we do as Police?


You can check on players by "right clicking" on a player and you will get to choose A QUESTION.






The player questioned can then answer them.


note: right click is only available when you have a police cape, to avoid too many right click options.






They'll get more info about me!!! That sucks!!! they'll hack me!!! new!


The Police will only be notified if you have correctly anwered the question ore not.


Example: [X]Correct or [ ]Wrong






That takes too much typing!


No, you will be given a multiple choice question for easy clicking, from A to E. That gives bots uneasy way to set codes for it.






What then if they answer wrongly? No big deal.


Every offence will be recorded. 10 times will recieve a warning. 20 will automatically log the person off. 30 banned with an apeal. 40 banned without appeal.






We still did not solve the problem on selling acounts via online!!!


Yes we did! We are able to stop bots from skilling and hence, stop selling them :wink:






But if other people keep asking, since they all can, thats annoying for me!!! changed!


A player can only check on you once (1) per day. Thus different players can check on you per day!


note: this stops bots to check on one another, thus ruins the purpose of the Police Force.




Also, there will be an allowance of 1 hour for the other player to check on you. And they will be alerted saying:


"The player has just been checked, come back in another 12 minutes"






I will still be annoyed!!!! new!


With every question answered correctly, you will be granted 1 hour of time on not to be questioned. Thus, answering just 24 questions correctly gives you the priviledge not to be questioned in a day. Another set will be given on the next day.


note: the 1 hour allowance still applies in questioning, to avoid bots from questioning themselves 24 times.






You mentioned about police capes?


Yes, you will be given a cape by Diango. Sooner or later you will improve in capturing bots -thus, you rank also increases (hence, you will be given a better cape by Diango...say Sergent, Colonel..or


even General..represented by stars on the cape)...










Thank you for reading. :wink:



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You mention that if they type wrong they receive various warnings, bans etc. But surely a bot would not reply? I agree it could help but ordinary not bot skillers are put under risk by this. And simply answering a question is a bit unfair and dosn't prove they are a bot.




E.g. Just because i accidently said no when asked about my pin could result in vaiours punishments.




Overall a good idea that just needs a few tweaks.




Li Chef


"The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is any way a sign of lack of education or of a lack of verbal interest is just [bleep]ing lunacy" ~ Stephen Fry


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*100's of noobs get police capes*




Look it's zezima!




*gives 100's of questions*




The next day Zezima is banned without appeal.





99/99 Cooking. 1500+ total level. 96+ Combat


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Hmmmm, you seem to be missing one big, major factor in your idea, as you stereotyped into thinking we all can talk/write English/American.




Simple fact is that not everyone can speak English/American, and before mentioning "Changing the languages on different servers", that still wouldn't work, because we can go on any nationality server we choose...




I loved the idea mate, Just needs some more thinking.




Stephen Hawking is now a honorary member of the Runecrafting Guild. He was also given a free sex change from the Make-over Mage.


off topic but woot im in 2 peoples siggys >.>

Make that 3!

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A bot could easily navigate those questions.


Bots can check thier own stats, and answer those questions without trouble.




Also, RWT's were barely phased by the trade update. There is a simple work-around.




Barely phased yea...That's why the autoer spots in f2p and p2p are....empty?




Please do explain how that makes sense.




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Hmmmm, you seem to be missing one big, major factor in your idea, as you stereotyped into thinking we all can talk/write English/American.




Simple fact is that not everyone can speak English/American, and before mentioning "Changing the languages on different servers", that still wouldn't work, because we can go on any nationality server we choose...




I loved the idea mate, Just needs some more thinking.






If you're on an english server, you should know english.




If you're on a german server, you should know german.




The game is written in these languages on those servers, it'd be hard to play if you didn't know the language. :-s

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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A bot could easily navigate those questions.


Bots can check thier own stats, and answer those questions without trouble.




Also, RWT's were barely phased by the trade update. There is a simple work-around.




Barely phased yea...That's why the autoer spots in f2p and p2p are....empty?




Please do explain how that makes sense.




They are empty because RWT are working around the current traded limit updates. Why would they macro for a product they can't even sell?




Not to mention most macroers are using higher levelled accounts now.




I like the effort you've put in but i don't think it'll work.


Proud Tip.It Moderator December 07 - October 2009
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Hmmmm, you seem to be missing one big, major factor in your idea, as you stereotyped into thinking we all can talk/write English/American.




Simple fact is that not everyone can speak English/American, and before mentioning "Changing the languages on different servers", that still wouldn't work, because we can go on any nationality server we choose...




I loved the idea mate, Just needs some more thinking.






If you're on an english server, you should know english.




If you're on a german server, you should know german.




The game is written in these languages on those servers, it'd be hard to play if you didn't know the language. :-s




No not really :? I have Chinese friends who cant read/write in English or German for that matter (just the few words, a bit of understanding of something like Hello, Goodbye), yet they can still play, The game itself is rather self explanatory depending what your doing.




Its a simple point and click game (yes also theres text, but that isn't a necessity) As long as you know what the object it is your looking at (say logs) then you grasp the concept behind them, and after playing for ages you will understand most of the game without there being text. My friend doesn't do any of the quests, but he is still able to have fun etc...




Regardless of language the site/game is in, Never expect that to stop someone who doesn't know the language playing... And never expect that they should know that language...






Thats the problem with this concept, Its nicely planed out, but it will leave out/cause problems with the very small majority of players who can't speak the language, You may think that "ohhh, its a small majority, big deal" but the fact is that it is a majority nonetheless.


Stephen Hawking is now a honorary member of the Runecrafting Guild. He was also given a free sex change from the Make-over Mage.


off topic but woot im in 2 peoples siggys >.>

Make that 3!

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*100's of noobs get police capes*




Look it's zezima!




*gives 100's of questions*




The next day Zezima is banned without appeal.















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