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20 Constuction... >_>


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What should I build to get 20 con? At the moment I have it untrained, but I seen I need 20 in order to get the winged helm. :P


How much wil it cost? Could I find all items needed myself?




It's not trained cause the skill came out after I left for a while, and I couldn't be bothered wih it, same with my hunter. >_<


I might level them up a bit for some more total level. :P





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uhh get money :P




really though if u never trained it get urself a good amount of planks and naisl (reccommend steel) get ur hammer and saw and build a parlour and build the chairs until u get 20 cons.


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What should I build to get 20 con? At the moment I have it untrained, but I seen I need 20 in order to get the winged helm. :P


How much wil it cost? Could I find all items needed myself?




It's not trained cause the skill came out after I left for a while, and I couldn't be bothered wih it, same with my hunter. >_<


I might level them up a bit for some more total level. :P








The POH is very usefull you should consider training past level 20. With GE the supplies aren't too expensive and they are easy to buy :)



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How much os a plot of land and stuff?


Sorry I really have no idea how this skill works.




I can't see myself training it past 40-50 at the most, or hunter for that matter. We will see. :P








umm..plot of land.... first u have to pay 1k to start with good enough land then u build rooms which u pay depending of the room ranging from 1k to 250k but at ur level and if u only wanna lv it up to 20 most you have to pay is 10k for a room


you like pudding....me too

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The first house is worth 1k, and it comes with a garden. Each further room has an additional cost. Prices




I'd recommend you got a Parlour and made and removed chairs made of planks and nails until you got the level to build oak chairs. These won't need nails, by the way. Just keep building and removing oak stuff until you have your desired level. At low levels, you could use Home Teleports along with dueling rings/glory amulets to get the materials from the bank.

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Training is VERY fast, I got 50 in one hour with oak larders, getting 20 construction is going to take a like 15 mins (as what someone else stated)




It's just getting the supplys thats the only problem, with G.E it's pretty easy just you need the money.




Visit this guide, it shows what to buy and what to do from 1-99, it's very helpful and pretty clear. Also it shows you how much (money) it will take to get to a certin level (roughly).

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Training is VERY fast, I got 50 in one hour with oak larders, getting 20 construction is going to take a like 15 mins (as what someone else stated)




It's just getting the supplys thats the only problem, with G.E it's pretty easy just you need the money.




Visit guide, it shows what to buy and what to do from 1-99, it's very helpful and pretty clear. Also it shows you how much (money) it will take to get to a certin level (roughly).




The GE is a load of balls when it comes to getting things when you really want/need them. ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâìÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì




Link? :P

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Training is VERY fast, I got 50 in one hour with oak larders, getting 20 construction is going to take a like 15 mins (as what someone else stated)




It's just getting the supplys thats the only problem, with G.E it's pretty easy just you need the money.




Visit guide, it shows what to buy and what to do from 1-99, it's very helpful and pretty clear. Also it shows you how much (money) it will take to get to a certin level (roughly).




The GE is a load of balls when it comes to getting things when you really want/need them. ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâìÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâì




Link? :P

I really can seem to find this...oh well, here...




Buy 84 normaly planks and about 150 nails, make what ever you can until level 15, then buy 35 oak planks and make what ever you can.




That basicly what the guide tells you, just in better detail, shouldn't cost much maybe 20k?

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