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language filter

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firstly, if this is a repost i dont care. if it isnt i dont care. i did do a search for it and got nothing. and refuse to think that this problem has gone on this far unnoticed.








im not sure about anyone else here but im starting to get annoyed by the language filter of rs. its really gone on too long and it needs to be removed or at least tonned down.




jsut as i got on runescape i noticed a good example:




(chars name removed for some reason or another): Sant****ijn 2,3 mil joen tege**ordig








now obviously i dont speak that language. hell, im not even sure what language it is (french, spanish, etc.). but if i did id assume that id have no idea of what they're saying coz of the filter.




now i kno why the filter was first put in; to reduce the profanities that some people illustrate with text (whether words or pictures). but wasnt the 'report abuse' feature put in to potentially eliminate this problem?








now, i dont wanna start a big post of people naming all the words that the filter wont let u say, whether perverse or not.








whats everyone elses feelings on this?



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that would be Dutch, and what I find annoying when using dutch on runescape is that you can't use 'me too' in Dutch which would be: ik ook.








I really can't see the dirty english word in these letter combinations.








Can someone please enlighten me?

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that would be Dutch, and what I find annoying when using dutch on runescape is that you can't use 'me too' in Dutch which would be: ik ook.








I really can't see the dirty english word in these letter combinations.








Can someone please enlighten me?












ik ook




is then








kook they maybe see as [rooster]? I dont know

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i think the fact that you have to write english is good. it should be tuned UP to star out any words not spelt correctly.












no more sentances like " ai heit haw yu ÃÆÃâÃâækt like a 133sevven neebz0r."












something else which is even more important for jagex to do is add smilies !!! :lol: 8) :shock: :D :) :( :o :x :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: are some of the important ones i could use in game :)))

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We Dutch kan also not use 'kunt', which is a form of the verb 'kom'.








well i can understand this one being blocked.. I mean it is obvious kunt look




k=c and it spells a natsy dirty word used aginst females

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If immature people didn't break the rules and get around the censor this wouldn't have to happen.








In this case, the players are more at fault than Jagex! If you don't want there to have to be a censor, then don't give them any reason to create one!

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If immature people didn't break the rules and get around the censor this wouldn't have to happen.




Well, if it's so easy to get around it why not disable it and just mute the people who gets reported for abusive language?








In this case, the players are more at fault than Jagex! If you don't want there to have to be a censor, then don't give them any reason to create one!




There are hundreds of thousands of people playing this game, just because some persons are verbally abusive we're all punished with this censor aberration. Especially people who talks other languages. I say just mute the abusers.

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now, i dont wanna start a big post of people naming all the words that the filter wont let u say, whether perverse or not.








common guys, this is how the last post about this topic got locked.




i jsut wanted an opinion, whether the filter is total bs or not








If immature people didn't break the rules and get around the censor this wouldn't have to happen.








In this case, the players are more at fault than Jagex! If you don't want there to have to be a censor, then don't give them any reason to create one!








thats why the report abuse filter was put in. i reoprt someone if im offended by what they say. if there is something else we can do please enlighten me



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If immature people didn't break the rules and get around the censor this wouldn't have to happen.








In this case, the players are more at fault than Jagex! If you don't want there to have to be a censor, then don't give them any reason to create one!




Thank you!




But I do agree slightly, I think an optional censor, with a proper warning before turning it off would be good. The thing about it is, now people are so restriced, if they werent restricted they would be like kids in candy stores, swearing over and over. And I think that would wreck the environment a bit.

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i had an old account called joshtheruler (toolie isnt it) but that was blocked out and theres also words like spanked (i like saying that after pking some one) and other words like that when they alow fauk and other stuff makes me a bit angry

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i sent them a query asking why the word pubes wasnt censored, i got a response and everything, hang on ill try find it and upload it








I think the line in your sig should be censored, but I guess that's another story. Seriously, it could offend a lot of people.









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Sant****ijn 2,3 mil joen tege**ordig
my guess is they are selling a santa for 2.3m, but i think they should make the filter an option. Hell they can even put a parental lock on it for all i care. People of all different ages play rs and i don't think we should limit rs because of age.
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If immature people didn't break the rules and get around the censor this wouldn't have to happen.








In this case, the players are more at fault than Jagex! If you don't want there to have to be a censor, then don't give them any reason to create one!








Exactly, which leads me to believe that slapping an age limit on Runescape would definetly benifit the community.

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i remember a long long time ago, back in rsc to be specific when there was the big 2000 player ban for using autoers. well, neways i had one of these chars who got their stats erased but b4 that the autoer i used had the option to turn the filter off.




my point, if an auto can make the filter optional, it shouldnt be very hard to do. i guess all thats left is ethical issues. which obviouly jagex see that there are.



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the filter is realy anoying, im dutch to and i hate it that u cant say realy normal dutch words, so i use english and dutch the same time. Another thing i hate is that i cant say my name. When in say nirvana2512, i see nirvan***12, why the hell cant u say a25?? I think the filter is good, specialy for little kids, but they should change it a bit so dutch people cant talk normal, i can type my own name and i can call noobs who folow me a stalker

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i sent them a query asking why the word pubes wasnt censored, i got a response and everything, hang on ill try find it and upload it








Can you please change your signature, i find it realy phatatic, if you know how bad cancer is you wouldnt put it in that way.

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i sent them a query asking why the word pubes wasnt censored, i got a response and everything, hang on ill try find it and upload it








Can you please change your signature, i find it realy phatatic, if you know how bad cancer is you wouldnt put it in that way.








I agree. I posted the same thing a few days ago. I know you may be "joking," but it's really not funny for a lot of people, probably most. Sorry this is off topic.









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i seriously they thought of all of the words they could and put them in the thing to block them...because they dont want to have to deal with all of the abuse reports sent in...








P.S.- i respected the filter wehn i first started playing then it just gets damn annoying when your saying a basic sentance so i do bypass it cause its * annoying.








and they'd probably eliminate 80% of swear words by just taking the filter out...i get so mad when it blocks out 2 normal different sentances 2 times in a row then i start swearing.

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Simple, there should be an option in the setup field for "Language Filter" and it would allow to view words that would normally be filtered, But if you turn it off you see normally filtered stuff.

When survival is in question, anything goes.

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