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90/99 Mining, I am done. Farewell, Runescape.

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Good luck on your goal.




I can't think of anything amazing that would set your blog apart from every other blog on this site. You could just look at other blogs and redo some of the things you like about them. Here's a couple of things that you probably could have thought of by yourself, but I'm listing them anyway because you wanted suggestions:




-You could elaborate on why level 99 in mining has always been your goal. A lot of people think of mining as a very boring skill to develop.




-You could talk about the way you intend to get to 99 mining and the reasons behind your choises. You are apparently powermining to reach your goal. How did you decide that getting 99 mining quickly is more important than using your high mining to make money? What mining locations are you going to use and why? Are you going to only use granite or will you try iron as well? Are you doing the mine three drop three -method or do you drop all of your ores at the same time? What do you do when somebody comes to the same mining location as you? Do you unequip your pickaxe because you think it speeds up the animation? What do you do to break the monotony of powermining?




- You could add more pictures and tell us the stories behind the pictures. You could add some pictures of your 99 firemaking achieving/99 fm party. Did you calculate so that you would get exactly 5 million exp on that picture or did it happen by chance? What's the story behind your character's choise of clothing? Real life pictures also also quite common in blogs. This could also give your blog a nice theme if those ya'lls are there to give a hint on where you come from.




- You can basically write about anything on your blog and people who take advantage of this sometimes have very popular blogs even if they aren't very high leveled. You could talk about your chat and what sort of things are discussed there. Is there something you find humorous about Runescape? You could talk about that. It would also be good for your blog to have something to keep people coming back to it. Many people use daily/weekly changing things like recipies for foods you can eat while playing RS/pictures of kittens/anything to give the reader something else than the same old stuff they saw the last time.




This post became a lot longer than it was supposed to. :lol: Anyway, welcome to the world of blogging and please don't get discouraged by the big number amount of questions and suggestions. I just kept on writing because I had the idea of maybe making a Runescape blogging guide later. I didn't want to forget the things I came up for it. You don't need pictures of kittens to have a good blog.

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Thank you. Wow...that is all I can say. You've truly inspired me to make this blog the best it could be. I'm not online atm, but please, feel free to join my chat at any time, you'd most certainly be welcome.

herp derp

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  • 1 month later...

I don't think the game is dumb, sure i've been hacked for 300m, i've had a main banned, gone through drastic updates that took away things I loved and changed the way I played, but in the end its still the same old runescape.


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  • 4 months later...

for any one who cares he ended up coming back and getting 99 mining hehe. atm he is working towards 99 smith.




I wish him luck.








Clicky siggy for blog

Thanks Pendonub for fancy new sig

Thieving guide[WIP]

Loyal player since May 2005 and member since November 2005 and Tifer for many years


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for any one who cares he ended up coming back and getting 99 mining hehe. atm he is working towards 99 smith.




I wish him luck.








That is good to hear. Tell him Congrats on 99 mining and good luck with the smithing, if you can for me. Unless, he decides to check back here. :)


|Signature by Jason321|

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i shall tell him because i think he has forgotten about this and feels that if it does still exist it is not worth his time :lol:






Clicky siggy for blog

Thanks Pendonub for fancy new sig

Thieving guide[WIP]

Loyal player since May 2005 and member since November 2005 and Tifer for many years


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