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buying a new computer on this site!!! need help


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ok as some of you no for a while ive been looking for a new gaming computer :D








it needs to be able to play: doom4, counterstrike source, half-life2,splinter cell chaos theroy,battlefield 1942(desert combat) and the new battle field 2 when it comes out.








I have a site which i must choose one from http://www.digitalstar.com.au








im not sure if you can build your own computer on this site? could some1 look as i can't see if you can








but anywayz which computer if any could perform for what i need it to. also it needs to be able to carry out other tasks e.g. photoshop, word those programs and such








so here is the page which is the best computer here or is there another part on the site to build ure own of can u get others done ureself?





Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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ok i just saw how to configure this computer here is the one i saw i dont know if any others are better but could you help me with the options/ what 2 put in my computer!!1 http://www.digitalstar.com.au/_Desktop_PowerMax_X600_bto.aspx








then email it to me at [email protected]








when looking at the computer i dont want any lag when im playing and i have broadband connection thanks!!! also price isnt really an issue i want a really good system thats not going to go out of fashion

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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Overpriced junk. The graphic cards are horribly outdated for a high-end system, heck, or even a mid-end one.








I would never buy that system.

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As Pyro said, that is overpriced junk :?.












The components you can possibly put in that system are close to a year old. Your much better off buying the parts and assembling the system yourself. It's much cheaper, plus you can pick exactly what you need, without getting all the extra junk you don't need. The average system can be assembled in about 3 hours, and almost anybody can do it.












If you could possibly find another site to buy parts from, it would definetly be worth it to try.

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could you then help me put together a list as im not 2 sure what ill be needing...








all i now is really pentium 4




so could some1 help me and then i can get bac 2 my computer guy with what i need








could you guy put a list together with good parts to play these games with?









Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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well judging by ure replies that site sucks








so if you guys can give me a list of parts no real budget but can you put the price next to the part in AUS dollars so that i can track it









Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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well judging by ure replies that site sucks








so if you guys can give me a list of parts no real budget but can you put the price next to the part in AUS dollars so that i can track it
















You should go buy just the case and buy the parts.

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Okay, I have some free time. What kind of price range are you looking at? Do you want all the best of the best or is thins going to be a budget computer that you just want to be able to squeak by on CS: Source and stuff?


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Okay, I have some free time. What kind of price range are you looking at? Do you want all the best of the best or is thins going to be a budget computer that you just want to be able to squeak by on CS: Source and stuff?








ummmm not budget maby a couple of grand not sure i dont want to just scrape the bar to play games i want it to be quite good and not have to worry to much about newer games and there requirments so that ill be able to play them decently








so its not a budget computer it has to work quite well for games WITHOUT LAGING!!!!!









Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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You can have the best hardware in the world but if your connection is pants then you will still get lag. Consider upgrading to a faster line (upload as well as download)



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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You can have the best hardware in the world but if your connection is pants then you will still get lag. Consider upgrading to a faster line (upload as well as download)








ive got bigpond broadband im talking mainly about my computer running slowly so the internet connection will be fine

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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this is what u want:




starting from $3,109.00












AMD Athlon64 3500+ CPU S939 HyperTransportÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ Technology








GeIL PC3200 1Gb (2 x 512Mb) DDR400 Dual Channel Kit








ASUS V9999-TD-P-128 NVIDIA FX6800 128MB/TVOUT/DVI Video Card








Integrated Gibabit LAN ( 10/100/1000M )








MS Windows XP Professional Edition OEM












for gaming, ALLWAYS go for AMD, they're better on graphic performance.




the 939 socket is the newest version, and supports dual channel DDR 400 memory, 1gig should do for now.








here's what u might wanna consider upgrading on the stock version:




-amd 64 3800 instead of the 3500, but thats pretty expensive.




-GF6800 instead of the stock videocard, costs bout $350 more, but trust me, it's worth it




-zalman cooler instead of the stock 1 (better cooling +more quite)




-extra harddisk, 2x 200gigs, raid 0 configuration for extra performance. make sure it's maxtor, performs best at raid.




-extra dvd-rom, for on the fly copying.








hope it helped, pm me if u need more info

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btw.. here's what i got... runs splintercell n doom3 pretty smooth




amd 64 3400 socket 754




asus k8v se deluxe, 4x sata, gigabit lan, via chipset.




zalman cooler (dunno type, but the 100% copper 1 for best cooling)




nvidia 6800LE




2x 200gig sata hdd, raid 0 config, 7200rpm, 8mb cache




1x 120gig ide hdd




NEC DL dvd burner




philips dvd-rom




modded case and extra fans for better airflow and cooling








as u can see, this is a computer bout 6 months old... the 6800 is oc'ed pretty much, CPU just a lil bit atm, 3dmark score at stock: 2678, 3dmark score oc'ed: 3870.

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can any1 else add or critisize as i wanna no some good stuff any feedback on the mentioned stuff?
















btw thanks Mr_Alfabet

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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this is what u want:




starting from $3,109.00












AMD Athlon64 3500+ CPU S939 HyperTransportÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ Technology








GeIL PC3200 1Gb (2 x 512Mb) DDR400 Dual Channel Kit








ASUS V9999-TD-P-128 NVIDIA FX6800 128MB/TVOUT/DVI Video Card








Integrated Gibabit LAN ( 10/100/1000M )








MS Windows XP Professional Edition OEM




I hope that's not US dollars, because if it is, overpriced is an understatement :|
















To original poster:








For the record, I don't see what you are trying to archieve by asking people to post good components. But if that's what you want:












I would get an AMD64, with a price that fits into your budget. 3000+, 3200+ or 3500+ are what I would recomend, as the faster versions are not worth it. You should make sure the processor uses socket 939.












1024 of any fairly known brand. Unless you intend to do serious overclocking you do not need expensive memory sticks. Heck, even if you decide to overclocker you could always use a divider and the memory wouldn't be much of a problem.












Once again, it depends on budget. I would recomend either a Radeon X800XL (or possibly an XT), or a Geforce 6800GT. There are faster cards, but those are obviously most expensive and the difference is not large enough to justify the increase in price. Make sure to get PCI-E.












Don't bother with Raid and HI-Speed drives. Get a few 200GB 7200RPM drives and that'll do just fine, if you even need that much space. Brands hardly matter at all, anyone who tells you otherwise is basing it on subjective information. The days of the IBM Deathstars are behind us.












Get one of a fairly known brand, and make sure it has integrated sound aswell as Network interface. Whether you need 1000mb speed is up to you, but most people do not.








Optical units:




I would recomend getting any DVD-Reader basically, because the quality isn't that different between brands. Can't go wrong with an LG though. For a DVD-burner, I would go with a NEC-3540.












Go with the flow. A Zalman 7700-AlCu would be my recomendation. The Cu version will make your processor a degree or two cooler, but it will also weight twice the amount, which is way above the recomended specifications of the 939 socket.












To sum it: Will these recomendations lead to the fastest computer on the market? No, they were written with cost in mind. A computer with the hardware I've listed above should not cost above $1.500, and it will run any new game excellently. There is no reason to spend more than that on a computer unless you consider the performance of your computer to be a hobby.








However, you can't just buy these components and expect them to work. You need to look out for incompabilites such as different ports and motherboard limits. I would suggest picking a story, assembling a computer, and then posting the setup here and ask for opinions.

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@Mr_Alfabet: 3.1K for that is a major rip off.












If the Sydney Umart store wasn't shut atm I'd point you there.




Just for a sake of trivia...








AMD AthlonÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ 64 4000+ Processor Retail (939)












2G GeIL PC3200 400MHz DDR Dual Channel Series (2X1024MB)












Radeon X800XT Platinum 256M ViVo Gecube












ASUS A8V Deluxe/WIFI-G K8T800Pro Motherboard (socket 939)












And depending on your case / cooling / monitor / keyboard+mouse




The whole setup shouldn't even break 2.6K

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