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Monday Poll: Your Views on the Forums


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A++ classy new look




But I gotta say, the "SAVE" option is confusing and I'd like to see it disabled - there are only needs for Submit and Preview. Anything you want to save can just be copy-pasted into Word or if you can't afford Office, Notepad...

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I am still adjusting to them. I dislike how the avatar is above the usernames along with how wide that area is.




The smilies are fine in my opinion. Diferent, yes, but all in all I don't mind them.




And I believe I will like the new forums much, much more when we have a few skins to choose from.


269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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Not really a big fan of this new forum. Would've prefered a 'normal' restoration of the old one, withing installing this new twinkle stuff.


But I'm sure I'll get adjusted soon enough, hopefully a decent skin will come thou, because this one is highly annoying.


(and the smilies are quite ugly..)

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I'm sorry, but i like old forums way better. These new ones are to modern sort of, and dont fit with runescape. It might be that im not used to them, but i dont like them much :evil:



DK's Drops: 7 Berserker Rings, 2 Warrior Ring, 1 Archers Ring, 7 Dragon Hatchet, 1 Seercull, 3 Elite Clue - All Solo

GWD Drops (CS): 1 Bandos Chestplate, 2 Armadyl Hilt, 1 Armadyl Chestplate

Slayer:1 D skirt, 2 Whip, 12 G Mauls, 2 Dragon Boots

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I'm glad they're back. Fortunately for me, they happened to be down the entire time I was taking an extended break from RS, so I didn't notice lol.




Although it's great to have them back, there's some serious work needed on the appearance. I loved the old TipIt style. The contrast made it easy to read and navigate.

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In my honest opinion, i'm not a huge fan of them. People are saying there very "modern" and while that could potentially look good IMO it doesn't. As for the smilies...i really like them. They fit better and all.




but what i'm really annoyed about is all the old posts :P




I just need to get used to them.




ps...The skins...or should i say Skin?

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like the skin and notices some smilies i liked are gone ,but all in all, its a great new look and forum




only bad thing is that ive lost a lot of posts. and i mean a LOT of posts. *looks at post count* :oops:




Looks like I lost a few posts aswell *also looks at post count*








Anyways, the new forums are looking great, and loving the new skin. ;)




All in all, awesome! Very well done! :D

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It'll take a little getting use to. I think the user colors on the top of the subforum section and main index section could be toned down just a wee bit. Some of the colors just seem to make me almost go cross eyed, which is something that has never happened to me before when looking at anything at first glance.


R.I.P Shiva

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