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Cramped Worlds


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  • 2 weeks later...

The cramped worlds are getting annoying. My main source of money is from flesh crawlers and it's impossible to find an empty place. Not to mention the yews,mining, and such.


Not enough resources, as others have said.




I found out that the German servers are pretty empty though. ::' I've never seen over 200 people there at a time. It's annoying because everything is in German(Duh) but everything else is the same and you can find your way around fairly easy.




It also helps I'm in my second year of taking German though.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The cramped worlds only mean the game is going "mainstream". Meaning, that the company will start getting tons of money, lose interest in actually developing a decent game, and just keep pushing out low standard updates because they don't need to make a better game because the game is so popular and is filled with people who have low standards for the low standard product they've invented. It's like the Halo series in Mmorpg form. :evil:

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A good solution Jagex should consider is to dramatically raise the monthly fee for some or all servers.




Create a number of Premium worlds with increased spawn time for resources/monsters and no random events. Price $30/month




I would love RS so much more if I can play on such a server.




If you're thinking, "I would never pay that for RS", then this proves that this is a good solution to cramped worlds. :thumbup:

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A good solution Jagex should consider is to dramatically raise the monthly fee for some or all servers.




Create a number of Premium worlds with increased spawn time for resources/monsters and no random events. Price $30/month




I would love RS so much more if I can play on such a server.




If you're thinking, "I would never pay that for RS", then this proves that this is a good solution to cramped worlds. :thumbup:




You wouldn't have anyone paying Runescape's fee multiplied by six just to have an increased spawn time, that's not just ridiculous to chard that price, it's downright extortion fee.




I'm disturbed by the fact that some players on this game are selfish enough to ruin the game for others (some or all servers? What, so those of us who can't pay 30 bucks a month are screwed with even less space?) so the game can be a bit more convenient for them.




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If you can't pay $30, you would stay on a regular cramped server. This is just an option for those who find it worthwhile to pay for a premium server.




Yes, I'm extremely selfish but I would be willing to pay extra to satisfy my selfish ways.

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idk wat ur talking about to be honest. with pking and how rs used to be, avg players in f2p were 1300-1600. u were dreaming to have a world with 500 ppl. now worlds r 300-700. barely 1000 in many worlds.


1: Pking is not the be-end-and-end-all activity in RS.


2: We're talking about member world crowding, I know FTP is very much less crowded these days.


3:Maybe a Resource-Redistribution-Update could work, but this would just, as an example, more players to stay as member, more members might come, and those new resources would become crowded quickly.


4:Premium servers? If people wanted to pay such prices, fine. But those "special" people would most likely be looked severly down upon...

Need a new signature....perhaps...

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A good solution Jagex should consider is to dramatically raise the monthly fee for some or all servers.




Create a number of Premium worlds with increased spawn time for resources/monsters and no random events. Price $30/month




I would love RS so much more if I can play on such a server.




If you're thinking, "I would never pay that for RS", then this proves that this is a good solution to cramped worlds. :thumbup:


I don't know about you, but the whole point of paying for RS membership is that it's 2/3rds cheaper than the competition MMO; as such, you'd never find me paying $30 monthly just for a few extra rocks or trees.




I'm almost certain that the OP's point was that they wanted more resources in the worlds, and that can be accomplished much more reasonably than just adding more servers. I see adding more resources in-game as a long-term solution, rather than adding ten more servers for a quick fix.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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A good solution Jagex should consider is to dramatically raise the monthly fee for some or all servers.




Create a number of Premium worlds with increased spawn time for resources/monsters and no random events. Price $30/month




I would love RS so much more if I can play on such a server.




If you're thinking, "I would never pay that for RS", then this proves that this is a good solution to cramped worlds. :thumbup:




That's a really silly idea. You'd have lots of people who'd move to these worlds for a month or so whenever they want to powertrain certain skills. To return to the other worlds when they have the level/money they wanted. Thus solving very little of the problem: the competitive training spots will remain to be packed, while the rest of the RS world (the non-competitive spots) will be empty.




More training spots is indeed a better answer to the problem. Though I feel that Jagex does try to accomodate. I've been doing slayer mainly the last few months, and most hard to slay monsters have had extra spots: bloodveld, aberrant spectres, abyssal demons, fire giants, nechryael, and so on.

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