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Desert treasure - advice needed


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Hi there, I am back in game after I quited for 4 months and I finally found myself brave enough to try desert tresasure ;)


I got all diamonds except from ice and here I need the advice ,


what is the best inventory set up I can take and what kind of armor should I wear?




Thanks for help \'

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If I'm correct, fire spells work really well on him. Pray from melee and just fire wave/blast/bolt him to death, bring super restores as your stats WILL be drained. Bring some food and a dds, also a 1-click tele for safety.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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If I'm correct, fire spells work really well on him. Pray from melee and just fire wave/blast/bolt him to death, bring super restores as your stats WILL be drained. Bring some food and a dds, also a 1-click tele for safety.


DDS prolly won't work as he keeps barragiong you :ohnoes:


Best tip.it F.O.G. player =)

"No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain"

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If I'm correct, fire spells work really well on him. Pray from melee and just fire wave/blast/bolt him to death, bring super restores as your stats WILL be drained. Bring some food and a dds, also a 1-click tele for safety.


DDS prolly won't work as he keeps barragiong you :ohnoes:




I had no problem ddsing him, he didn't barrage me until I was right next to him and then it was too late for him as I unleashed all my dds specs on him, then melted him.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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If I'm correct, fire spells work really well on him. Pray from melee and just fire wave/blast/bolt him to death, bring super restores as your stats WILL be drained. Bring some food and a dds, also a 1-click tele for safety.


DDS prolly won't work as he keeps barragiong you :ohnoes:




I had no problem ddsing him, he didn't barrage me until I was right next to him and then it was too late for him as I unleashed all my dds specs on him, then melted him.


Well i was gonna mellee him and he kept barraging me so i had to tele away..2 times, so the next time i just maged him from a distance.


Best tip.it F.O.G. player =)

"No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain"

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Its actually pretty easy. You need only like 1 super restore and maybe 1-2 prayer pots and your [bleep]ed boots. The rest of you inv should be food (above lobs) and a 1 click tele (preferably) and the runes required to do any fire spell, although you should try a fire spell that is at least 10 levels under you mage level. Ex: If your mage level is 62, dont use fire blast because you will need potions continuously. Fire bolt is used alot, and with chaos gaunts can hit quite hard. REMEMBER THE BOOTS! and make sure you have enough spells after you kill the guy for at least 2 more spells (to free parents). Good Luck.

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