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Well I was browsing the net and I found this thing where you make a paypal account, and then make an account on some place called triond. You make articles on it, and if it is appealed as a good article money is sent to your paypal account. Or so its said. Its supposedly can be used for RS member subscription under paypal.




I thought it was totally bogus. Anyone ever come across something like this?

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There's things where you click an ad and you get like 10 cents for 10 ads clicked a day or something.




Yeah but that's slow and painful - you would faster (and less boring) gather your money if you begged for it on street.

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This isn't a discussion of any kind or Runescape related, so I'm locking this.




And be very, very carefull when you try it, must things aren't safe.

summersignature.png angel2w.gif

"A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do"

[Currently playing: K1ll L1f3]

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