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Corby Trial Outrage!


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That's the thing Pip, the Customs officials [bleep]ed everything up and the Courts still ruled against her.




If that sort of thing happened in a place of the UK, USA or Australia she would've been free and the Customs officials out on the street, and looking at something for tampering with evidence.








Fair trial? Not even close.

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I am really suprised that she can goto jail for such a longtime. There truly is a lack of info to prove her guilty I think they should of either money panalised her or given her a much small time in jail because if you think about it is unhumain.. :?

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mate what u saids disgrace full to her family and you should be ashamed its not her fault if some1 did put it in her bag!!








and 20 years sucks they nvr did the tests asked 2 that could prove her innocent.








many ppl are really angry here and even wish that they hadn't give ($1 billion +) because of this..







There is no evidence at all that someone put it in her bag, none whatsoever. Unless you call CorbyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s plea evidence but people always say that they are innocent and thus not considered evidence.








What test is there that can prove her innocence? Finger prints wouldn't show up if it was planted by a professional, ever heard of gloves? If anything it would prove she is guilty (she probably handled the bag at the Bali airport as well) as if she was clumsy and didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t use gloves the prints would show.








The tsunami disaster has nothing to do with a court case and is a disgrace that people are even considering wanting their money back. The two events are mutually exclusive! By the same token we should stop giving food aid to countries in civil war because they are fighting and it is not nice!

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i dont know how any of you, myself included say she should be let go or a harsher punishment... we do not know every fact, unless 1 of you has been going to the court room? we heard what the media wants us to. I heard on the radio the other day, that a law expert was studying the case and he said the way it has been handle was perfect.








I *THINK* from what i have abosrb thru the media that she is guilty, because why would they (bagage handlers) put so much green in a random person bag, how much australia dollers is 4.1kg of green worth? i dont do drugs so i got no idea... but would you put that amout of cash in someone's wallet? i dont think so....

As: Dontknowyet -157 R.

Rs: Dontknowyet - 38

Bigboybad - 104

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You know what us aussies should do...swap the guy we caught and put in our jails for her lol...








Compare this








Shapel gets




*20 years for 4kg of mara.




*Shares a cell with 8 women




*Poor food and hygeinic materials.








The guy from bali in aus




*4 years for 1.1kg cocaine




*Shares cell with 4 people (bigger cell aswell)




*Earns $500 a month




*Gets better food and hygenic needs








And Corby should of been let off because of the evidence, if they were too stupid to fingerprint the marijuana bag and stack the other evidence up We should declare war..lol jks but I'm serious about the two prisoners rights parts


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she's innocent








who in their right mind would bring pot to bali when they can get more for it in australia.. i mean come on... 4.1kg is not worth it unless there is alot of u doing it....








another thing, WHY IN THE HELL DO U HAVE TO TELL THE JUDGES WHO'S DRUGS IT WAS..... come on man.. if sum1 planted drugs in ur back.. hdf are u suppose to say who it was.. that justice system is a bloody joke.




like they said... guilty until proven innocent... but wen the evidence gets tampered with then ur chances of being not guilty are just about 0 then isn't it








i think the indonesian officials are being ridiculous with the way they treated the evidence and they lack common sense or just simply too 1dimensional....








i hate it wen i see the girl cry on tv coz it doesn't really do anything newayz n gets me really annoyed but it doesn't change my opinion.. to me she is innocent, no1 would be dumb enough to bring drugs into indonesia without taking precautions and i'm pretty sure u would get more money in australia newayz so why even bother... plus if she was making money out of it.. then why only go there twice in 2years??

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Her innocence is not what should be debated. What is in my mind, completely unfair, is the fact that more then one point of evidence from Corby and defence was ignored. The obvious everyone here seems to be speaking about is the fact that a fingerprint test was said to be irrelevant, because of the custom officials lack of common sense. Sure, a print 'may' not have had much effect, but to throw away a defensive request because of how another has acted is jut unfair.








In my opinion, she's innocent - not because of how she looks (in relation to the comment above that 'corby is only loved because she is good looking'), and not because I am Australian (altho I must admit this would contribute to my care of this case). I just think the case was to an extent, handled unprofessionally. And to whoever made the stupid remark about Corby making multiple trips to Bali recently, and its relation to drug-smuggling, Corby has not been to Bali as many times as you think. If I remember correctly, on a fair maximum, she travels to Bali twice a year.

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