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~Roflzilla's Blog~ (Going for 99 Hunter, Maybe more :))

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Roflzilla's Blog






Ello, Lulz. I am Roflzilla, I prefer to be called "Zilla", but if you call me "Rofl" I bite your head off, kay? :twisted:




[hide=About Me-Runescape]I first started playing In early 2005 or Late 2004, I forget, but only really played for a week. I first truely started playing runescape during Easter week(2006). My first account then was a called Alienpower3, but I have quit that account, I started to Play Roflzilla sometime in September(I think) 2007, and been playing on this account since then. My real goal over RS career is to become 100 Combat, and get several 99 skills.[/hide]




[hide=About Me- In real life]My name is Joseph, I am 14 years of age. My plans in the future are mainly to travel around, explore the world. I am interested in the study of science, and that will most likely affect my future career also. I also am very interested with Astronomy, and one of my plans is to find a way for humanity to live in the cosmos, it may happen after I die, but we need to survive and plan to use that in my future world travelling. I like Alternative metal, my favorite band is Breaking Benjamin. Wish me Luck in teh future.[/hide]




[hide=Goals]My Monster goal is to vanquish 1000 Black Dragons for the heck of it. [0/1000 killed]
































White Berzerker Knight




Normal Outfit[/hide]




[hide=Friends Pictures][/hide]




[hide=TIF'ers Pictures][/hide]




[hide=Random Pictures]Bloodveld.jpg[/hide]




[hide=Item Pictures][/hide]




Wish my luck on my 2nd blog, (First blog was destroyed by Hurricane Rollback) :cry:

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