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fire cape hd


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theres a difference?

lost rights to my dark red text >:(



Barrows sets: guthan, verac, dharok, maybe ahrim eventually <- lost to a hacker whole stole everything of worth from my bank

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theres a difference?




I cant really see a difference either...course i'm not around them alot (not having one) so i guess its changed a bit...has to of for so many people to bring it up, aru

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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with the old graphics it was more crisp and sharp. now it just globs of orange and red it doesnt even look like lava... more like tomato soup :thumbdown:




there is a picture in the rs screen shot sticky in general discussions, pg 45

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new is horrible!! makes me hate nachos with cheese even more...





Volleyball... THE BEST SPORT EVER!!!

visage drop:22/06/08

signature your as this use backwards this read to enough smart were you if

barrows drops: none!

dragon drops: skirt x3, med x1.

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they are changing everything too much i was getting a fire cape and just reached the 360 45 and *poof* a new update. :(

im a killer not a skiller

- me 2008 14 june


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-semmy phillosophy

join the rangers guild

___________togeter we will ......_______(¯_

¯¯¯'acomplish what alone we could not¯¯¯(_¯

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New cape looks worse imo but here is a screenie of them.




New is on the left, old is on the right.






:shock: Not seen the new one before - that looks bad lol!


am i the only one to disagree with all these ranters, EVERYTHING looks better, its called texture, i know yur scared of change and bump mapping but its not a bad thing@@!!

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New cape looks worse imo but here is a screenie of them.




New is on the left, old is on the right.






:shock: Not seen the new one before - that looks bad lol!


am i the only one to disagree with all these ranters, EVERYTHING looks better, its called texture, i know yur scared of change and bump mapping but its not a bad thing@@!!




Texture? Texture?




The new one (which has now been changed again) looked like a blurred orange mass of emmenthal..

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