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smoking bad as they say?


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Yes it's as bad as they say, but you must understand that much of it could be propaganda put out by organizations that don't want you smoking. That said, there are organizations that are devoted to anti-smoking.








Yep, except it's healthy propaganda. These organizations don't gain any personal benefit for going on a mission to make people quit smoking, they simply want to remind you that in America alone over 300,000 people die every year because of smoking related diseases (that's about 1% of the U.S. population poisoning themselves to death every year, but this is after years of consecutive smoking though). Simply put, they want to stop the mass murder some people are volunteerily submitting to.








unfortunately my friend probably wont quit because his parents smoke, his friends smoke (before he moved, how he got introduced), his parents know that he smokes, and they buy him cigarettes... kinda feel sorry for him








Every single adult I knew in my childhood smoked. Every single. Fortunately my father quit over 10 years ago but my mom still smokes sometimes. Peer pressure is not a reason to 'go along with the crowd', unless you're stupid and can't make your own decisions. I'm not the only one, there are a lot of people influenced by smokers since age 3 and they still decided to stay out of it. You must use your own brains because it's your own life. I hope one day your friend realizes this.

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Of course smoking is bad for you! Every times I walk toward people who smoking and I try cover my mouth and nose because I really hate smell of smoking. I wish smoking never exist. :(

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Of course smoking is bad for you! Every times I walk toward people who smoking and I try cover my mouth and nose because I really hate smell of smoking. I wish smoking never exist. :(








Wow i know exactly how you feel...it makes you wanna just throw up...








But . . .ive smoked (pot luckily, cigs are disgusting)








I used to like it, but then it got boring...i couldnt control the way i acted. I couldnt drive (scratched my car!!!!:|) or anything. Sure things tasted great and had "fun"(yeah fun as in being paranoid about being caught and worrying about other stupid stuff). The consequences are not worth the feelings.








but ive always wondered








1) Do you heal completely (or mostly?) from smoking? I did it every about 2 months (less than or about 1 serving)








2) How many people got lung cancer from pot? ;)












(BTW ive quit)


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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congratulations on quitting :D








as for smoking, if you do it every 2 months or whatever there is virtually no damage. your lungs will easily heal back and restore the killed alveoli and broncheoles, probably 99% healed or something. so no worries 8)

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congratulations on quitting :D








as for smoking, if you do it every 2 months or whatever there is virtually no damage. your lungs will easily heal back and restore the killed alveoli and broncheoles, probably 99% healed or something. so no worries 8)








Yeah no worries. Except that nicotene is addictive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't recall anyone posting this but...








The Globe and Mail[/url]"]In China, cigarettes are a kind of wonder drug












Saturday, June 11, 2005 Updated at 3:27 AM EDT




From Saturday's Globe and Mail








Guiyang, China ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

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well i was just wondering... i've always heard how smoking destroys your lungs, introduces toxic chemicals, gets you addicted, etc., but my friend chain smokes and he says that it's not as bad as advertising says.. well my question is if so many people in japan smoke (like 50% or something while i lived there) then why do they have the highest life expectancy in the world?








Well, the claims about the effects on your lungs are real.




As for the life expectancy: That involves many other factors too!








Just keep in mind that the worst part about cancer aint the dying. Its the pain and the time it takes.

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i think George Carlin (my idol for life :wink: ) put all this in perspective, please note i had to bleep out alot of foul language (all bleeped words are in single quotes) :wink:












"Now listen, i got a few more items of things that are pissing me off, and this one comes in the form of a question. Haven't we had about enough of all this cigar smoking 'stuff' in this country? HUH!? HUH!?! God, jesus, when is this gonna end, when is this 'stuff' gonna go away. When are these fat, arogant, overpaid, overfed, overpriveledged, overindulged, white collared, business criminal, 'butholed', 'rooster suckers', gonna put out their cigars and move onto their next abomination. White 'puss cat' businessmen sucking on a big brown 'rooster'. That's all it is x2. All it ever was, yeah. A big brown 'rooster'. Sigmund Freud said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." O yeah, well sometimes its a big brown 'rooster'. With a fat, arogant, white-collared, business, criminal, 'buthole' sucking on the wet end of it. But hey, hey, the news is not all bad for me, not bad at all. Wanna know the good part? Cancer of the mouth! Good, 'fudge' em. Makes me happy, its an attractive disease, goes nice with a cell phone. So light up suspender man and suck that smoke deep down into your empty suit, and blow it out ur 'but' u 'fudging' 'rooster sucker' "

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well i was just wondering... i've always heard how smoking destroys your lungs, introduces toxic chemicals, gets you addicted, etc., but my friend chain smokes and he says that it's not as bad as advertising says.. well my question is if so many people in japan smoke (like 50% or something while i lived there) then why do they have the highest life expectancy in the world?








Well, the claims about the effects on your lungs are real.




As for the life expectancy: That involves many other factors too!








Just keep in mind that the worst part about cancer aint the dying. Its the pain and the time it takes.








When you get to 50 or 60 your life quality just drops completely. Its a HUGE effort (takes all the breath out of you) for something as small as going to the bathroom. Smokers choose to ignore this fact despite much more than enough warning. I definetly don't hate smokers, most of my friends do smoke, I just can't understand what goes through their head :)

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