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dark bow or crystal bow


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The ONLY use for Dark Bow is the special for BH. It's bad for monster hunting with or without the special attack, and it's bad for BH unless you only use it for the special.




Crystal bow, tbh I'm 99 ranged and I hate it. Maybe it's just me, but its too annoying; it's stats get lower and lower, it completly degrades, and is kinda expensive unless you have it at the 180k charge. And it's annoying to recharge.




Soo.... rune c'bow with mith bolts? :D






But out of those two I would choose crystal bow, since it's actually practical to use. I once did a test with dark bow and iron arrows versus bone c'bow with bone bolts on greater demons - bone c'bow killed them faster. :thumbdown: fail

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Overall, a rune crossbow with mithril bolts is a better solution than crystal bow or dark bow. It hits about as often and hard as crystal bow (shorter range though), is cheaper and is more flexible since you can grapple, use a shield or use enchanted bolts. Go with it. :)

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