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Money-Making Faster than Single Nats (and summon help)


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I am trying to find a method to make money. I am getting 44 rc for nats but it is long boring and the profits are dropping and they soon will be dismal if my market calculations are correct. :wall: What other methods have greater than or equal to profits than single nats through the abyss. Don't say for instance hunting mithrils, as I have nowhere near to the stats.








Also are there any good summons before 52, and how many probisci or whatever they are called can I get in an hour.




What are the fastest gold charm droppers. (Where I wouldn't lose too much money and which would be plausible w/ my stats.)




With Thanks



Thoroughly retired, may still write now and again

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Hey deathmath <3:




Um, for summoning your best bet is fire giants. Get that blue d'hide you have and buy some iron arrows, camp at the waterfall place for best results ( :lol: ). For your money making... buy some ranarr seeds plant those and sell the farmed ones for profit.




Gl, TSA FTW \'

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Ya, do all the quests you need so you are able to farm all 5 herb patches, then buy as many ranarr seeds as you can afford and go plant them. This won't be fast profit, but you build ALOT of wealth with very little work. My current method is to buy 100 seeds and then when i'm out sell them off and buy back the 100 seeds. Usually from this I'll make 1.5-2m per.


4031st person to 99 Thieving on 5/25/2008

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Jade <3:




In any case I'm doing ranarrs. I'm getting a lot of money that way but I'm talking about primary money makers to do while my herbs are growing. (I still only am farming 3, I'll have to get another two)




So I'm talking an ACTIVE money maker other than farming, although I agree entirely with your advice.

Thoroughly retired, may still write now and again

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If you ask me, you should think forward and craft nats anyway. Consider it an investment: if you stick to runecrafting, you'll eventually get to 54 for laws, which are better, and 59 for double cosmics, which are also better, and 65 for deaths, which are also better. And then if you keep at it you get mucho dinero at 75. ::'

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Jade <3:




In any case I'm doing ranarrs. I'm getting a lot of money that way but I'm talking about primary money makers to do while my herbs are growing. (I still only am farming 3, I'll have to get another two)




So I'm talking an ACTIVE money maker other than farming, although I agree entirely with your advice.




Hmmm, well this is a bit of a strech but when i was about like your level. I killed blue dragons for cash, then I did nats( 8-) ). You could always try blue dragons. You could kill fire giants, get your range up and get some gold charms. Then head over to blues with your new range while you still farm ranarrs.



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I suppose ty. I'm just asking what are alternatives that are also good money. I AM going to get 44 rc and do nats, but I'd like alternatives. As well; if anyone knows anybody in the black arms gang that hasn't done hero's quest give me a pm. I can't do nats until I've done hero's. -.-




Aviansies sound viable? What would a good setup etc be?

Thoroughly retired, may still write now and again

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OK thanks. I'll give it a try. I might do aviansies as they are more consistent but I'll do that when I get some ranged levels.

Thoroughly retired, may still write now and again

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK thanks. I'll give it a try. I might do aviansies as they are more consistent but I'll do that when I get some ranged levels.




do green drags its much easier to get crashewd by a rev and just do and early tele out and go back then it is to get crash by a player at avans

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300-400k with alchs




ct for drags look at some guides in moneymaking theres at least 2




Lol, I always wonder where everyone gets those figures from.


I ranged them with range pots, got 34k xp/hour, and made 280k of pure profit, after rebuying everything.


You only really get 400k/hour at 90+ range.




Single nats seem good, as troaccid said, thinking forward is a good idea.

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