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How to make 500-1m with lvl 3 (f2p) (Wc/Fishing/Mining)


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Well it seems like a longshot for a lvl 3 to try make like about 500k-1m but I want to. I am thinking of raising one of the three skills of fishing, wc'ing and mining. I just want to know which one would get me 500k-1m the quickest. I don't mind if in the long run one is better than the other since I am going to get it member when I am richer and I know many methods to get rich in p2p but just not in f2p. Thank you to all who answer.

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Get yourself 40 Crafting, 60 Mining and 80 Wood Cutting. Then go and mine Gold Ore and Cut Yews. This should get a fair wad of cash if you are willing to give yourself time. If you really applied yourself you could get it in a week.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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So all you guys think mining is best to get it the quickest?








P.S.: Thanks to which ever mod cleaned this thread up.





Yes i would like to say thankyou aswell... Idiots like Ouchy_s should really be kept on a leash to prevent him from destroying other peoples threads




-.- You are a fool. Don't make the mod clean it up twice.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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early in the morning? hmmmm unlike you i have a life and i dont play runescape day in day out... mybe you are the one that nneds to do the growing up and get a life




Oh. My bad.. Yeah. I need a life.




I got a life. Your the one who needs to prove to yourself that you are something by flaming other people.


Your the moron here kid, Go to bed.



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omg WHY IN HELL WOULD I WANT TO GO TO BED AT 2 pm???? the sun is still shining.... what a idiot... selfcentred pig




HAHA. First time in my whole life someone called me a pig, Well.. A selfcentered one.


Well. The clock is soon 1pm here. It's rains, I pulled an all nighter, Ima go sleep soon.




Go get some hot milk and some food. And go sleep aswell.








" Level 55 Runecrafting pure F2P!!!!


101K in one trip in one hour!!!(stranghold of safety- worker cockroaches level 56) "




What an achievement. :? :shock:



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