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What about a bank safe code?


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What if jagex releases a bank safe code? Accounts would be ALOT safer if hacked, keylogged, etc. If anyone finds out your password they have to also know your bank safe to loot all your riches? If you lost your combination what about it sending to your email? And if you trust someone there could be an option that lets them type in your account then safe code(if you tell them) and have access to it freely.Comment about this. :D

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a while ago i had an idea about a seperate bank (only a few spaces) where you put rares and stuff you dont use often in the basement of the varrock bank, this is guarded by a passwork of some kinda of combination thing that u choose yourself (i was gonna say keypad, but this is the middle ages here). this would make your most valuble items safer (i think) should you get hacked.




also, you could view the contents (but not acess) of this seperate bank. anyways my idea was it would be entirely optional to use, but it sorta shows everyone that jagex is making extra precautions to help fix such a common problem (rather than just saying bad luck).



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This idea has been suggested umpteen times before and every time it was rejected. It promotes borrowing and sharing and doesn't supply anymore security than a password would.




The problem's not Jagex's, it's the idiots who manage to get "hacked" in the first place.

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Been mentioned before, but then the question 'but what if I for get my bank code' cam up, and then it was an official 'bad idea', but I think it's a good idea, people need better memories.

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But what if your hacker finds out your bank code? I mean Im so stupid I tell people so what then????
Sigh, you again....




Sigh, more like you again. Stop making incohesive spam you cretin. There is actually a very good point raised. The point that I made, that an extra code wouldn't solve anything.




Look at you kingkonk, man you're cool, you put in words in people's quotes that they didn't say! OMG you hax0r?!




So please, why not make you 211th post unlike your previous 210 and post something rel-ev-ant. So we may actually have a discussion for a change.





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a while ago i had an idea about a seperate bank (only a few spaces) where you put rares and stuff you dont use often in the basement of the varrock bank, this is guarded by a passwork of some kinda of combination thing that u choose yourself (i was gonna say keypad, but this is the middle ages here). this would make your most valuble items safer (i think) should you get hacked.




also, you could view the contents (but not acess) of this seperate bank. anyways my idea was it would be entirely optional to use, but it sorta shows everyone that jagex is making extra precautions to help fix such a common problem (rather than just saying bad luck).








this is a great idea, i would object to having to type a password in every time i wanted to access my bank.. this would really take the joy out of crafting/cooking/fletching/firemaking/smithing/mining basically anything that requires items :shock:








A 'seperate' bank which is downstairs in each bank and requires maybe a combination code or something (more realistic for the middle ages) wher you can store your valueables such as money, runes, armor etc etc

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This is a good idea but maybe it should be tht you cant remove items from a secure bank account when not on the ip you made your account on this would absolutely stop hackers getting your stuff




8) :twisted: :evil: :shock: :D :) :o :lol:

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This is a good idea but maybe it should be tht you cant remove items from a secure bank account when not on the ip you made your account on this would absolutely stop hackers getting your stuff




8) :twisted: :evil: :shock: :D :) :o :lol:








What about people with dynamic IPs? (Like me ;))








Oh and rukano, stop saying that Runescape is from the middle ages. RuneScape was specifically made with no time genre <- Jagex's words.

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People common, its been proven its impossible to get hacked in this game as hacked as it really means, people get hacked because they go to unknow web sites and get keyloggers on their computers, i mean a g ood programmer can probably hack you, but he not gonna waste time on a game and to get in trouble (very possible). So, my recommendation is to get a firewall and like Spyware Doctor, and SPy Bot Search and Destroy, and dont go to the sites and enter ur runescape username or even passwords( yes there are idiots who do that-mostly the ones that cry OMG I GOT HACKED. help me) rofl....SHUT UP.....impossible to get hacked on this game, if u got hacked you hacked your self :o




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it would be good




but you dont write in your bank pass








You click it the numbers












Keylogger is logging key and mouse clicking.




But keylogger dont know where you click




Only if its like Spy remote and stuffs but nah no one got those from runescape -.-

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This has been posted Countless times, but however it is a good idea.








It still wouldn't stop hackers, unless you click in the code from a set of numbers/letters. If you typed it in, it could be easily keylogged.








However, it would be rather annoying if you were mining/fishing and your code was really long, it would take extra time to pile in all your junk.








But, knowing Jagex, they won't put this in. Since when have they added something about account security?

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It still wouldn't stop hackers, unless you click in the code from a set of numbers/letters. If you typed it in, it could be easily keylogged








Keyloggers can record mouse clicks too.








But, knowing Jagex, they won't put this in. Since when have they added something about account security?








Jagex isn't your nanny.

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