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King Black Dragon: Needs a Update?


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Just did one trip, this is loot:




Notice amount of crimson charms.




And what's worth:






Timed trip too, took about 30 minutes. Got help for a few kills from someone who tried to steal kills. Used supplies:


1,75 sara brews, 1,5 super restores and 1,75 range pots, 0,25 restore pots, 1,5antifire pots, 0,5 antidote++s (well, wouldn't need that good antipoison pot, it poisons quite rarely anyway), 1,75 prayer pot, 1 war tortoise pouch, about 31 cooked sharks + unchecked amount of enchanted diamond bolts (under 100 anyway). Someone can sum up total cost if wants :))

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KBD has been insanely easy for a while now and as a result is why he wasnt killed that often for a while. Not until they gave him quite a nice crimson charm drop rate along with his visage addition before that.




Still, the reason that the dagganoth kings seem so dang easy compared to the king black dragon is due to the fact your actually 'Soloing' on the king black dragon, where as 'your staying until you run out of supplies' at Dag kings.




Bottom line is both are quite easy to kill and as a result hardly make as much money as godwars generally does. So if you want some money dont expect a KBD update / drops list upgrade, just keep training and move on to bigger, badder, and better monsters where you actually have to do a bit more work then eat shark here and there and time the monster spawns right.

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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Why is Jad considered so hard? Sure he can two hit you, use all three combat styles, and can only be soloed, but I've seen several players in the 90 level range with fire capes. Plus, you beat him after clawing through, what?, 60 waves of increasingly tougher monsters on one inventory with, I believe but could be wrong, no familiars. Is that really more tough than the GWD or the KQ? Plus, if you die you lose NO items. Maybe the rewards are quite as profitable (though the fire cape IS the best in the game) but mostly what it is is time consuming.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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The KBD does not need an update. I personally think he is just fine. If everything was a high monster to kill, what would lower leveled players do? We need a variety like already been stated. Leave it as is, and if you don't like it, don't fight it. It's that simple. -.-

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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What combat level do you effectively start killing the KBD and get quite a few kills per trip? I'm 96 atm, but if I get members I might take a stab at trying to get rich quick for the draconic visage. Never soloed only killed him with a 3 man team.



Wc'ing my way to 99 (Wish me luck)

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i actually do agree kbd and kq need updates... the dungeons and such (especially kbd) are so outdated. but what can you do without nerfing something or giving it an amazing drop as good as the gwd drops? pretty much nothing, give the looks a makeover perhaps.


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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What are you guys complaining about. The visage is still relatively new, once the new dragon item comes out, whether it be kite or plate, you had better believe it will probably be at kalphite queen, or king? You all want bigger and badder things, but where do you draw the line?

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Variety generally means bigger and better, Not matter what you say we all know jagex will give us hard monsters to fight if we told them we wanted more variety.






Why did this get moved to suggestions when its a discussion about the current KBD?




Yes I also agree that the KQ could do with an update (its insanely hard to kill when risk is suppose to = reward, but not in the KQ case).

IGN: HesFearless.



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What are you guys complaining about. The visage is still relatively new, once the new dragon item comes out, whether it be kite or plate, you had better believe it will probably be at kalphite queen, or king? You all want bigger and badder things, but where do you draw the line?




a one poster wonder man where you instantly know about everything eh? :roll: i said nothing about more drops, its very old, both since r2s (and bkd is from classic ffs) and im just saying they need a graphic change,




kbd for example is just a round room, you should add rocks and slopes to make it more interesting, and have the kbd move around more (fly? like kq?) atm, the kbd is one of the bosses you WOULDNT want to brag and show your friends. as well as kq.


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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