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regardless of the amount of fun they get out of creating the bots, it doesnt mean that JAGeX can forfeit its responsibilities of keeping both of its games clean.








Morally they shouldn't. But technically, they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want with it.

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regardless of the amount of fun they get out of creating the bots, it doesnt mean that JAGeX can forfeit its responsibilities of keeping both of its games clean.








Morally they shouldn't. But technically, they're allowed to do whatever the hell they want with it.








how irresponsible of them :o

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(Not trying to make an arguement here, just wanna post a counter opinion )




The people who auto usually aren't the people who make the bots and such. Even if they were, the reason for creating bots and autos is not to get uber 1337 stats (why would it be on a game that's dead?) but to advance one's scripting language. Because RS is made in Java, it's a mouth watering challenge for those who learn java to work on.




I'm not trying to make autoing sound any better this way, but it's probably the main motive.




The real innovaters though are already challenging rs2's advance java system. To me, that seems more challenging.




it is much more complex but not so ultimately complex that its impossible.




I hate writing, reading, or even seeing those many massive books that sit on my shelves about javascript.








the people that try to hack rsc are high school and junior high kids who need to get involved in a sport.




most real programers havent seen the potential they could make with rs2 yet and the high schoolers arent getting better so its not a matter of getting through with rsc




its a meatter of howlong a REAL hacker with a decent patience finds rs2 players as a large group of lazy punks who simply want BEAT the game.

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2: But allow all characters to move to rs2 and trasfer all thoes severs to rs2 with half going to each members and f2p.








What are you, an idiot? Lets give all the macroed people in RSC a free reign in RS2! Stupid nonce.

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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2: But allow all characters to move to rs2 and trasfer all thoes severs to rs2 with half going to each members and f2p.








What are you, an idiot? Lets give all the macroed people in RSC a free reign in RS2! Stupid nonce.








lol, not to mention that the people that macro have "unnatural" stats :roll:

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Im sad to say that I have lost faith in the JAGeX staff, therefore I have no choice but to move to RS2. Also I think I enjoy this one more because theres no macroers and people actually talk, but my determination to save RSC is still strong.

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it funny and sad at the same time... but mostly funny
















'its funny cos its true' quoted from ben m.








I fear Change :shock: . I didnt want to but I had no choice.

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course u do u can repetivly ask jagex to do something until they do








Rsc is making hardly any profit, so they'd probably close it rather than start putting more efford to it.








If Jagex gave player mods (let's say you must have been a pmod for what like 4months) an ability to ban rsc autoers, it would help a lot.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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Will people stop trying to find solutions? U really think JAGeX cares about classic? They did, but not anymore. It's obvious that RS2 brings more wealth for Andrew and co, and i don't see a reason why Andrew would sell the game, becouse it would be very confusing for the RS2ers who don't know classic. Classic was better, had less noobs, and u needed skill there to reach something. If somebody can reach the top 20 of like 500000 players in 1 year, that's freaky, but very sad that that's possible, even with freaking. Objective, if u look to the highscores, alot of the first 21 weren't even somebody in classic, but now, due to the easyness of RS2 they can get easy 90+ in almost every stat.




RS-Classic was a great game, and i wouldn't play it anymore if the combat and pking system of classic was transferred to RS2. Becouse now RS2 wild is ruled by freaks who train unhuman fast their stats and pk in massive teams. Well, if i would choose by pking against real players in RS2, and pking against bots in classic, i'd choose bots. In everything RS2 is too easy, if i get a level in RS2, i don't feel a satisfaction, but in classic, i would work a whole week just to see that green text : You just advanced ... '




The only reason that autoing would be limited, is to limit the playing time, what would be also a good idea in RS2, becouse i think many lifes are ruined becouse many young players play all day and don't come out again. Things like getting combat 120+ on 2 different characters wasn't possible in classic, EVEN NOT WITH AUTO.








<3 classic

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Will people stop trying to find solutions? U really think JAGeX cares about classic? They did, but not anymore. It's obvious that RS2 brings more wealth for Andrew and co, and i don't see a reason why Andrew would sell the game, becouse it would be very confusing for the RS2ers who don't know classic. Classic was better, had less noobs, and u needed skill there to reach something. If somebody can reach the top 20 of like 500000 players in 1 year, that's freaky, but very sad that that's possible, even with freaking. Objective, if u look to the highscores, alot of the first 21 weren't even somebody in classic, but now, due to the easyness of RS2 they can get easy 90+ in almost every stat.




RS-Classic was a great game, and i wouldn't play it anymore if the combat and pking system of classic was transferred to RS2. Becouse now RS2 wild is ruled by freaks who train unhuman fast their stats and pk in massive teams. Well, if i would choose by pking against real players in RS2, and pking against bots in classic, i'd choose bots. In everything RS2 is too easy, if i get a level in RS2, i don't feel a satisfaction, but in classic, i would work a whole week just to see that green text : You just advanced ... '




The only reason that autoing would be limited, is to limit the playing time, what would be also a good idea in RS2, becouse i think many lifes are ruined becouse many young players play all day and don't come out again. Things like getting combat 120+ on 2 different characters wasn't possible in classic, EVEN NOT WITH AUTO.








<3 classic








The problem is that 90% of the rest of the world r lazy. They don't want a challenge and want to get as much as they can, from as little as they can. Human nature I guess but in all cases organisations and companies, regardless of their moral polices woll eventually have to go with the majority.








I actually think that wat I've written can have some meaning to all points made in this entire thread (though I'm not to sre wat I've written though).








I sadly think that the only thing that can be dun is pull the plug after another mass-banning takes place. I like the museum idea though.








U could choose to start the game at one of the following lvs:




3 (noob lv)




























Ur remaining skill lvs would be similar to ur combat skills and ur skills could only be trained 3 lvs mre (except 4 the noob that would be able to train his lvs 10 up).




When u logged out, ur stauts would be gone unless u logged in again within 10 minutes.




How does that sound? Wacky, looney or brilliant :?:












Another solution would be to just make RSC p2p.




Hey thats my best idea yet!




Make rsc p2p!

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Another solution would be to just make RSC p2p.




Hey thats my best idea yet!




Make rsc p2p!








That isn't smart, becouse autoers from Uk or USA pay by sms and sell the pins for loads of money, so everybody just would get members that way :cry:

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Another solution would be to just make RSC p2p.




Hey thats my best idea yet!




Make rsc p2p!








That isn't smart, becouse autoers from Uk or USA pay by sms and sell the pins for loads of money, so everybody just would get members that way :cry:








hmm, maybe if they changed the method in which you pay for it. Then they could make it all members only.

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2,classic is good but even i tried to auto once apon a time,it went well for 9 minutes tho,autoing is booring,theres no fun in rs if u auto,just dont play the game if thats how u want to rank up.I still prefer rs2 tho,but rs2 is going to become like rsc,i already know a few ppl who got bots for rs2.








Does jagex even ban ppl for macroing on rsc??

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2,classic is good but even i tried to auto once apon a time,it went well for 9 minutes tho,autoing is booring,theres no fun in rs if u auto,just dont play the game if thats how u want to rank up.I still prefer rs2 tho,but rs2 is going to become like rsc,i already know a few ppl who got bots for rs2.








Does jagex even ban ppl for macroing on rsc??




LOOK MODS!! he admitted he was autoing!!! BAN HIM!!! BAN HIM!!!












PS: what autoers do is walk away from their pc, watch TV or summin, and let their character train

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2,classic is good but even i tried to auto once apon a time,it went well for 9 minutes tho,autoing is booring,theres no fun in rs if u auto,just dont play the game if thats how u want to rank up.I still prefer rs2 tho,but rs2 is going to become like rsc,i already know a few ppl who got bots for rs2.








Does jagex even ban ppl for macroing on rsc??




LOOK MODS!! he admitted he was autoing!!! BAN HIM!!! BAN HIM!!!












PS: what autoers do is walk away from their pc, watch TV or summin, and let their character train








yea, they dont even play the game, and the mods dont monitor it. I think if they deleted it, it would put even more focus on RS2. My motives are to keep the game fair.

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