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Which final fantasy is the best?


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FF7 is just the best game of all time.


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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Id say FFX... im going to play FFVII soon so cant wait...








Lucky :( I wish I never played FF7 so I could go and play it again and experience it.








You might not like the beginning, but don't worry, it gets A LOT better.

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I always though 8 was good. That's one less FF to play for me :( Is FF9 Any good?








8 is awesome. You should definately try it.


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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I always though 8 was good. That's one less FF to play for me :( Is FF9 Any good?








8 is awesome. You should definately try it.








Really? Maybe I should... It got a 9.5 on Gamespot, and so did FF7...

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Id say FFX... im going to play FFVII soon so cant wait...








Lucky :( I wish I never played FF7 so I could go and play it again and experience it.








You might not like the beginning, but don't worry, it gets A LOT better.

Thats true
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Honestly, 8 and 9 are my favorites. I haven't really played 7 to give it fair judgement so I won't. I hate X and X-2...they were just bad. X seemed to be only about utilizing the graphics of the ps2 instead of making a great game. The storyline just seemed so weak and dull. I did enjoy the pretty colors though.








I won't even go into why I don't like X-2

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yea X-2 suked cuz like ryan said it had no good strory line and the grapshics were jus bad(except the FMV'S a.k.a. the scenes where the animation looks real) ... Plus the main chars were all GIRLS!!!

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7 - One of my favourite games of all times. I played it for lots of times. Last played was last year ago.




8 - Great game. I really like it but I'm unhappy with disc four (you'll understand why I don't like disc four if you play[ed]).




9 - Easiest RPG game I had ever played. I was done this game like around 14 days only. Not great game but good game.




10 - Great game and graphic on PS2. I love blitzball mini-game .




10-2 - Horrible game. Most characters were silly like all three main characters did some stupid dance after done missions. Also final boss is easiest I had ever played in any Final Fantasy series.




11 - I don't have this game because of MMORPG.




12 - Forward to buy it.




7-2 - Forward to buy it.








1 - 6 - I don't play it yet... I don't have SNES but I have NES but I got it when I was youngest.

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#6 was the best, and considerded the best in all of final fantasy. It definitly was my favourite, and i still have yet to play through it all (working on #5 currently). #10 was my second, with not so great combat system, yet a great story line. #10-2 was excelent, with a little too-peppy of a story line, yet the best battle system ive seen. Ive yet to play #7 but from what i gather, It was a preatty good one too.








I want to play #9, but i seems to hard to find.


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3, 2, Tactics, 10, 9 (numbered as they were released in America)








I hate 7, I think a big part of the reason that some people like it so much is that it was their first RPG ever. 8 was the worst though imo, followed by x-2. V (jap) was cool, but I've only played it translated on an emulator, so I won't count it.

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