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First pixel art - Portrait


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I think that the shading looks with a bit too hard edges. You should do it a bit smoother. But that pic is very great for a first.



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Looks really good for a first! The facial features look very well drawn. The only thing I would say to work on are hair. And the colouring you did on the face doesn't look too good, looks like something off a vector which you don't want on a pixel :thumbup: I know it's annoying, but looking on DeviantArt for pixel tutorials really helps.




Good luck, and keep it up, I'd like to see more art from you.


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Really nice for a first peice. What you say you used a photo as a template, do you mean you traced it or just used it for reference? Nothing wrong with tracing an outline for your first, as it'll help you focus more on colouring and shading but doing it all 'from scratch' will help you practice facial anatomy.




I like the palette you used, and the background colour really helps bring it out.. you've go a pretty good eye for colour, i think the shading would look better with a little dithering though, specially on the forehead.. it'll help hide the 'rings' of shades.



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i think the shading would look better with a little dithering though, specially on the forehead.. it'll help hide the 'rings' of shades.




I agree. Good job for a first pixel though, the hair could use some more detail but apart from that it looks really good (although I do think it looks traced, but like kemikalkadet said I can't really blame you for that on a first pixel).




Keep going, and try to make some more pieces with and without using a reference, it helps to improve your drawing skills.


pixel avvy by me deviantART

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Your shading needs work 'specially the hair. The neck could use some evening out as well. Other than that, this is better than most of the first pixels we get around here. You seemed to have actually tried.




This earns yeh 7 kittens of ten.




(LOVE the avy, by the way...)


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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The transitions between the colors are too sharp. You could read a bit on dithering and anti aliasing to fix that problem.


Pretty good for a first though, just make sure you don't get too dependent on direct photo references.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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some tips: don't pillow shade, choose a light source, it will make it looks alot better (pillow shading:e15.gif) [hide=good shading, with a light source]red-ball1.png[/hide]








you might also want to blend the hair with another colour.


{DeviantART}{Last.Fm}{Join Sublime GFX, great community for artists!}

Back to RuneScape, Again.Avatar by Brian The Great

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Thanks everyone! Tips and comments much appreciated. And yes I did trace a photo, altho it doesn't resemble the photo much since I added the long hair and the jaw bone ended up wider. I'll be sure to look over some tutorials as well next time. Cheers.

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some tips: don't pillow shade, choose a light source, it will make it looks alot better (pillow shading:e15.gif) [hide=good shading, with a light source]red-ball1.png[/hide]








you might also want to blend the hair with another colour.




Lol at using a photoshopped picture. If the light sources was coming from in front of it, it wouldn't be pillow shading, so just saying its dont have to be in the left top.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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