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What is better: New Skills or Upgraded Ones+Level Cap


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Brianite that's true. But when they were gonna update FM: they released something that not many were amazed by. I rather want mostly updated skills, than new ones.




They released Beacon lighting+ fire items (fire items made you get more exp in FM)




They made the skill go beyond easyness




Here is what tons of players in this community suggested (i made a discussion thread, but later it were moved to suggestion as i made a summary of all ideas+suggestions from the players).




Anyhow take a look at suggestions: it's at first post ::'




Out of all those great suggestions: they choose BEACON LIGHTNING (Don't know where they got that idea from ).


Here's the link to thread.



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2. Upgrade old ones.




Start with the flop, summoning.


Take combat out of it and focus more on skilling. (or actually make things that fight and die instead of being mobile statues)




Some other things could be.


Make smithing more than token in "dropscape", such as customizable armour etc.


Give new and useful to grow in farming.


Give agility some rewards, since its only reward is the best skill cape.


Herblore, how about super ranging and magic potions.




And so on... no more window dressing skills like summoning please.


lol +1




imo summoning boosting cb is lame. how does making pouches and cojuring up spirits make u a better fighter?




I have an idea for agility, mayb like armor that reduced weight (lightness boots, spottier cape) or recharges run faster or allows you to run for longer




First off, Summoning is NOT a "window dressing" skill. Sure, a lot of the familiars are basically chaff, but there are a few that make the skill one of the best new ones, and certainly a whole lot more useful than original ones (firemaking anyone?) Beasts of Burden, especially the Spirit Terrorbird, are incredibly useful for farming, most gathering skills, and some bosses. Most of the Titans are pretty good PvM in multicombat areas. Unicorns are truly amazing for boss hunting and camping at monsters in single combat




More to the point of the thread though, I think they really need to update old skills before creating new ones. Firemaking is almost completely useless. Smithing was obsolete years and years ago. Hunter has 2 useful products. Combat magic has been neglected to the point where it's vastly inferior to range and melee. Thieving has one useful, unique "drop". There are just too many flaws with the existing content to justify adding several new skills a year.




As for increasing the level cap, 99s are already enough of a grind. I'd hate to see that worsened, not to mention the increased glut of finished products on the market that would come with it.




I agree with everything you said: expect level cap. I believe that level cap should only be raised for some skills. Combat skills mostly. But the one that i am sure is realistic to raise CAP in is Hitpoints. 99 HP is to little: we have seen Corporeal Beast, if they release a boss that's stronger than Corporeal: then we'll get owned.




As for Combat magic: i wish they fixed it so it was equal to range or melee. Cause magic is fun skill \'




For other peoples comments about level cap


As i said: level cap should only go for combat skills (and Jagex should take it 1 step at time).




There is nothing stopping you from leveling a skill or a other. So getting 200M experience in a skill, is far impossible. It's more of a priority of what skill you want to level: and what is your favourite skill.




Example: i would keep on leveling my melee skills if it was more than 99 to get, and leave all other skilling skills alone.






Ok, first off the Corporeal Beast won't "Own" everyone once the new shield gets spread more. If you didn't notice, it was designed specifically for high end boss fights. "Reduces all damage taken by 30%". This takes the Beasts most potent attack, with a max of 65, and makes it hit 40ish. It rarely uses the move as it is, with most of its moves hitting between 30-45. 30% off these is what, 20-35? That's easily healed through. There is no need for a new Hitpoint cap, anything that CAN 2 hit you will only do so if you don't use the correct method to fight it. The Beast may even be soloable in a few months, by someone with the Shield. Ok maybe not, but 2-3 manned perhaps? As monsters evolve in RuneScape as does our itemisation and strategies. There will never be a reason to have 105+ Hitpoints, simple strategy and a knowledge of what can happen makes it simple to manage with only 99. If you enjoy a combat, train it up. If you level purely for the cape, perhaps reassert your priorities in game, you should do what you enjoy, not what everyone else does. 99 Cooking is just as much of an achievement as 99 Agility, as long as the skill is enjoyable to YOU. Screw everyone elses opinion, be an individual and you'll find 100x the reward and satisfaction. I love Magic, its my highest skill. However, my Hitpoints is catching up, so to pass my time I'll raise Magic, a skill I love and enjoy to train. You aren't forced to skill, and if you listen to the idiots who post pathetic rates on achievements in Rate This! then perhaps you should stop reading Tif and go to RSOF. If you like combat, set a new goal. Get 20m exp, 25m, 30m. Find the passion and dedication you had while getting it to 99 and apply it again. If all you wanted was the cape, re-think what you truly want to do in RuneScape.


Wow, that was a bit off topic.. Anyway, new items will be released with new monsters, preventing the need for a higher Hitpoint cap. When Jad came out, everyone was cursing it, claiming it to be impossible. Now with simple hand eye co-ordination this once impossible beast is a simple goblin, albeit one who can kill you in 1-2 hits ;) . Corporeal Beast came out with new shields; Jagex have confirmed that even the Spirit Shield will reduce his damage. Hence the gear means we don't need higher hp. RuneScape is a game which focuses on the Multiplayer aspect; I love the Beast as it bring us together, and allows us to be more social with our friends. If all you do is solo, perhaps you should stick to GodWars. In summary, as this is a massive wall of text; New items come out with hard monsters, eliminating the need for a new cap. Skills need more added to them, not a new cap, as 99 is beyond sufficient. Seriously I would rant my [wagon] off if they raised the level cap, I already busted my [wagon] for 99, 105? No thanks.

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I was told a few times that Jagex can't program higher than 99. Can't explain it, maybe someone with programing knowledge can explain.


Anything is possible, Construction and Player Owned Houses was supposed to be 'impossible' due to lagg,Jagex brought it out.




Summoning was supposed to be 'impossible' because so many Familiars=lots of lag,Jagex brought the skill out.




I'm sure raising the level cap would be very easy to do :P

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Eventually Jagex will have to raise skill caps. They can't keep making new skills. They'd eventually run out of decent skills and I really don't want something like luck or sailing to be a skill. :roll:




Upgrade skills, and eventually level caps.


Eventually players will have to quit. Then new players come, not having all their skills at the point of no continuing. So no point in upgrading the level caps. Besides, doesn't 99 look way, way, WAY better than say, 105/110/115?




What Jagex should do more is indeed increase the amount of stuff you can do within a single skill. That way, things never get boring.


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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e is a game which focuses on the Multiplayer aspect; I love the Beast as it bring us together, and allows us to be more social with our friends. If all you do is solo, perhaps you should stick to GodWars. In summary, as this is a massive wall of text; New items come out with hard monsters, eliminating the need for a new cap. Skills need more added to them, not a new cap, as 99 is beyond sufficient. Seriously I would rant my [wagon] off if they raised the level cap, I already busted my [wagon] for 99, 105? No thanks.




I did not get 99 melee for capes...





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