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Degrading Time of Corrupt Dragon Armour (I iz F2P)


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I know that it has a 30 minute degrading time...but Jagex did not specify HOW the degrading time works. Does it work like barrows and FoG armour, meaning that time is deduced when in combat, or is it just a straight timer from the moment you put it on? I would totally just buy this armour of the G.E. and where it around just because (Only if it works like Barrows though, if it is just a straight timer... <.<). Oh, and if it is a straight timer, if I put it on for 15 minutes, take it off, I still have 15 minutes left on it right? So I guess Jagex keeps track of how much time is left on every piece of armour?




I really hope it isn't just a straight timer (Although I have a feeling that it is...), because if it is, first, that is the stupidest thing ever and a waste of armour because a half an hour is not that long, especially for the rarity of these items.




I know that it is a lot of questions, but I know the tip.it community is a great sport to people who are lost about some info, thanks in Advance!

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i'll get back to you and test this out as soon as someone sells




i would think it would be like barrows though


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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I'm quite sure that it only degrades while you are being attacked or are attacking something else. No other armor falls apart from standing around and doing nothing, and with these prices I doubt this equipment would be made that way.




However I was hoping that while we're on the subject of degradation, someone could enlighten me about Fist of Guthix robes - do they degrade from using their abilities or from being attacked, like Barrows equipment (and most likely, PvP items)?


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Fog robes are like barrows.




PvP items degrade while being worn.

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Fog robes are like barrows.




PvP items degrade while being worn.


I'm not arguing with you as I haven't used any PvP equipment yet, rather, why do you think this equipment would do that?


I feel the need to cite someone on these Forums who said (and showed) that they got Zuriel's Staff and said that it degraded after they cast a Miasmic spell.


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Fog robes are like barrows.




PvP items degrade while being worn.


I'm not arguing with you as I haven't used any PvP equipment yet, rather, why do you think this equipment would do that?


I feel the need to cite someone on these Forums who said (and showed) that they got Zuriel's Staff and said that it degraded after they cast a Miasmic spell.




I don't know about Zuriel's Staff, but the corrupt dragon, at least seems to degrade in or out of combat, according to this:




Corrupt dragon have no special attacks?








It started degrading when I equipped it




*bolded for emphasis*

Owner of quest cape since December of 2006


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Well, if the degrade-timer starts and doesn't stop once the weapon is first equipped, I don't see any reason any non-pker will buy them for aesthetic reasons. :lol:




Well, I wanted to buy a Corrupted Dragon spear for fun (hey, thats probably the only pole-arm weapon that a f2p can hold) :D but looks like it isn't worth it now.

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At the above post, so you are saying that the 30 minute count down starts from the moment you put it on? And has nothing to do whether you are in combat or not?




Well, I'm saying that according to that person, it degrades when equipped

Owner of quest cape since December of 2006


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