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Is satellite internet compatible with runescape without lag?


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I believe that satellite is fast, but is horrible for online gaming. The problem is that while you get good speeds, your ping is horrid, because your signal has to go through the wires, out a transmitter, off a satellite, into a receiver, and through some more wires, and then back again..








Ping is like 6 seconds or something..








So, no, I don't think it'd work, sorry.




















I could be wrong, though. Wait for more people to post.

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Lets ignore the wires and just look at the time it takes for the signal to go to the satelite and back to you. The satellite is in Geosynchronous orbit, so it's going to be about 35,790,000 meters above earth. Light travels at about 800,000,000 m/s. Round trip, about .09 seconds. Lets think of a ping. That'd be .18 seconds. Ping is measured in ms, so that's a ping of 180. Might not sound like a lot but (based like assumptions like the rest of this), you're effectively taking the ping that you'd have with broadband and adding about 180 to it. So yea... not completely sure of this, but at least the math is probably right...

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Yeah.. I'm almost sure that Satilte internet has a bad ping rate. I'd stick with dialup, if I were you. Satilite is too much money for a slow gameplay enviroment... but, If you're not buying Satilite internet for gaming, then it should be fine for anything else :P








edit:Changed a word.. Typed 'low' instead of 'bad'

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I belive that while Satellite is VERY good for downloading large files very quickly the upload rate and "ping" that you get on game servers etc is terrible.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Satellite internet is great IF you're in an area where cable can't reach. You'll get exceptionally faster speeds on satellite than you will with dial-up. The ONLY problem with satelite, ping wise and signal strength wise, is natural occurances. A thunderstorm can degrade the signal, and of course, the signal has to go through the atmosphere. Any natural situations, mainly clouds, going either from you to the satelite or the satellite to the ISP location, can degrade the signal. That's just me rambling about the ups and downs of satellite. Ping wise...I found this on a google search. "High ping times (1000 ms or more) are normal for satellite connections."








Give it a try, if that's the only high-speed service available to you. If you can get either DSL or cable, though, go for one of those.

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I have satelite, 3 megs down and 1 meg up. I very rarely get disconnected if ever. The only times I get disconnected is when there is a big storm outside. There is no lag what so ever...








I thought I would have crap pings for online FPS games, but then I talked to a friend and he told me he generally gets about 110ms pings, which is very good.








On regular home rigged server I get 90ms pings...








Say I ping google with 32b, it pings between 112 and 139 pings.








However, it all depends on the ISP. When I first got satelite, I was constantly getting disconnected and having horrible pings. I thought it was just because I had satelite and there was nothing I could do. Finally I get fed up and called them and it ended up being some faulty equiptment. They replaced it within a day and I have never had a problem since.








If you can afford it get it.








We were paying 15$ a month for dial up, and another 20$ a mother for an extra phone line... our ISP gives up 3megs down and 1 meg up, unlimited bandwitdth for 30$ a month, which is cheaper the what we got with our good ol' 28k modem which was constantly disconnecting and downloading stuff at 3KB/s


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