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Use IE




I found this image on the web...












Do you think you could actually do that one anything and live to tell the tale o.o (other than a cluster of machines to take the spyware load :lol: )


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Good pic, and I agree, but I don't really see the point to this post... :x








Umm.. point of the post is more or less, how much spyware have you had on your machine at any given time?


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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ha my sister uses ie and i scanned her comp, she has over 1500 viruses, registry keys, and trojans :lol: i find sbc which is what i use quite safe, i dont like opera or fire foz much i dont know why :?








So um... do you use lynx? Or it-which-must-not-be-named? :lol:








You're missing out on a lot, have you tried firefox? (with decent extensions of course)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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ha my sister uses ie and i scanned her comp, she has over 1500 viruses, registry keys, and trojans :lol: i find sbc which is what i use quite safe, i dont like opera or fire foz much i dont know why :?












tell me about it my sis had 800 :x








cant believe it

Aussie Aussie Aussie,



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ha my sister uses ie and i scanned her comp, she has over 1500 viruses, registry keys, and trojans :lol: i find sbc which is what i use quite safe, i dont like opera or fire foz much i dont know why :?












tell me about it my sis had 800 :x








cant believe it








I was in a lecture one day (do note that I study IT) and some dude in front of me started up Ad Aware to do a scan. And the number of found items just kept ticking over the entire time of the scan.








At the end of it he had like 3000+ items :rofl:




It was kind of disturbing coming off an IT studen'ts laptop aswell...








Like you'd think they'd know how to protect themself :-?












Some people are just :\

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I do computer repairs for a living and 90% of my customers are spyware infected ppl lol. I got on this one girls comp and started ad aware and she had over 10k critical objects. Not to meantion AVG found another 100+ virii. Thing was the computer was only like a month old lol.

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lol i used 2 use ie and i had about half of the bars r wutever they r called on ie at sometime r another ie was slower than a dead slug even with dsl with all the extra programs i dont want(virses,spywere,addwere,worms,popups,and wutnots)

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