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[92/99 Craft] <3

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10/10 just for doing it the slow way :P




Thanks man, it's quite some hard work. I'll be rewarded well though.




Good luck on 99 Craft \' I know I can't stand crafting, but thats my opinion :P


How much is it costing you by the way?





Thanks for the support Whitetalonn! <3:


I actually make around 15-20m if I craft all 200k necklaces. ^^




Too bad you're f2p, but awesome patience! =D>




Congrats on 89 and good luck with 99 ^^.




I'm maxing crafting too, just got 95 :P




Thankee Gago, my fellow crafter! <3:


I wish you luck on your 99 crafting goal aswell. :D




::' :thumbup:






weee good luck pere! 10 more lvls to go! go go go go go! :thumbsup:
Thanks so much Cry! <3:




Now it's 9 levels left to go! :thumbsup:




:twss: Fun day today, lol.


Earlybird =D


learn to update blog aka nice 90 crafting


Another earlybird =D




Anyway, here it is. The last checkpoint 'till 99 crafting. <3:


[hide=90 Crafting]90crafting.png[/hide]




Thanks so much everyone who came and made it a grand time! <3:<3:

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No pics of ring around the rosy? :C




Oh well gratz again on 90 craft :D


I got some pics:




Peregrine_95 hits 90 crafting! =D> :shock:






Couple of the people who attended.






Pere managed to form a train and then we... yeah, lol. :lol: (I was trying to say "... sharp rock" because I imagined us playing musical chairs. Guess the word didn't turn how out I wanted it to. -.- )[/hide]


^ Blog.


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So... is 18k+ necklaces bought still not enough to be a donor? (needed a bump)




Hurry up and get 99 sewing already too...




Darn right it needed a bump. Guess I'll update now as I haven't touched this thread in ages. :wall:


And about that donor thing, of course! I'll update that soon.








Grats ? Gl <3:


Me?? :ohnoes:




Thanks Grade, was fun talking to you a couple weeks/months ago! <3:






Ohai sir. <3:




how does an experienced tifer bloger blah like you do what you did on front page under level ups how do you show just the level as oppose to the entire code showing








Anyway, on to a few updates of the past!


[hide=91 Crafting]91Crafting.png[/hide]


[hide=92 Crafting]92Crafting.png



[hide=62 Smithing]62Smithing.png




[hide=63 Smithing]63Smithing.png






Most sane people, after reading that last post must be wondering, "Pere! Why on earth would you be training smithing instead of keeping on with crafting?!"


Well, my response is that I'm actually doing both. Why would I move away from my sapphire necklace method?


The harsh truth is that merchanting clans have made sapphire necklaces no longer profitable and since they're already extremly slow,


I might aswell lose less profit doing a faster method, in which I an now proceeding to craft unstrung symbols.


I've taken a look at calculations and I need to make 120k symbols for 99 crafting. I figured that into the planning calculator and realized that I could get 80 smithing for free, along with 99 craft if I smelted ores into bars whilst crafting.




So thus, my new method will be:


1.) Silver ores will be made into


2.) Silver bars which will be made into


3.) Unstrung symbols which will get me


4.) 99 Crafting/80 Smithing and then


5.) ???


6.) Profit.




Actually, if prices are steady I'll lose around 2m getting 99 crafting/80 smithing instead of profitting.




Anyway, I'm back off to crafting, I'm 130k off of 93. :)

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